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Walker, R., D. Durão, D. Dias, I. Catarino, J. Pina, and R. Oliveira. "Preliminary Assessment of an Ultrasonic Level Sensor for the Calorimetric Measurement of AC Losses in Superconducting Devices." International Young Engineers Forum in Electrical and Computer Engineering. IEEE, 2022.
de Sousa, Borges P., D. Martins, I. Catarino, G. Bonfait, and et al 15 K liquid hydrogen thermal energy storage unit for future ESA science missions. Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the Cryogenic Materials Conference . Tucson, AZ, USA, 2015.
Raimundo, R., A. Coelho, R. Martins, and I. Catarino. "Power generation by unhealthy photovoltaic modules." CIGRE Science and Engineering . 28 (2023).
Onofre, Ana, Radu Godina, Helena Carvalho, and Isabel Catarino. "Eco-innovation in the Cleaning Process: An Application of Dry Ice Blasting in Automotive Industry." Journal of Cleaner Production . 272 (2020).
Martins, D., Borges P. de Sousa, I. Catarino, and G. Bonfait. "40 K Liquid Neon Energy Storage Unit." Physics Procedia. 67 (2015): 1193-1198. Abstract


Martins, D., L. Ribeiro, D. Lopes, I. Catarino, IAAC Esteves, J. P. B. Mota, and G. Bonfait. "Sorption characterization and actuation of a gas-gap heat switch." Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 171 (2011): 324-331. Abstract


Martins, D., I. Catarino, J. Franco, L. Ribeiro, and G. Bonfait. "Controlled actuation of a Gas-Gap Heat Switch." ICEC 24. Fukuoka, Japan 2012. Abstract


Martins, D., I. Catarino, U. Schroder, J. Ricardo, R. Patricio, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "CUSTOMIZABLE GAS-GAP HEAT SWITCH." CEC 20. Tucson, AZ, USA: Advances in Cryogenic Engineering, 55, pp. 1652-7 (2010), 2009. Abstract


José P. B. Mota, Daniel Martins, Diogo Lopes Isabel Catarino Grégoire Bonfait. "Structural transitions in the MIL-53(Al) metal-organic framework upon cryogenic hydrogen adsorption ." J. Phys. Chem. C. (accepted) (2017).
J. Afonso, D. Martins, Catarino Patrício Rocaboy Tirolien Bonfait I. R. A. T. "Liquid-gas cryogenic energy storage units operating at constant temperature." Applied Thermal Engineering. 95.25 (2016): 178-185.
I. Catarino*, V. Soni, Barreto Martins Kar J. D. S. "Feasibility study of parallel conduction cooling of NbTi magnet and sample probe in a cryogen-free magnet system." IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 171.012127 (2017).
Franco, J., B. Galinhas, Borges P. de Sousa, D. Martins, I. Catarino, and G. Bonfait. "Building a Thinner Gap in a Gas-Gap Heat Switch." Physics Procedia. 67 (2015): 1117-1122. Abstract


Franco, J., D. Martins, I. Catarino, and G. Bonfait. "Narrow gas gap in cryogenic heat switch." Applied Thermal Engineering. 70 (2014): 115-121. Abstract


Catarino, I., J. Afonso, D. Martins, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Gas gap thermal switches using neon or hydrogen and sorption pump." Vacuum. 83 (2009): 1270-1273. Abstract


Catarino, I., J. Afonso, D. Martins, M. Linder, L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "6 K solid state Energy Storage Unit." Cryogenics. 50.— Cryogenics (Elsevier) best paper award — (2010): 102-110. Abstract


Catarino, I., G. Bonfait, and L. Duband. "Neon Gas-Gap Heat Switch." Cryogenics. 48 (2008): 17-25. Abstract


Catarino, I., D. Martins, and R. Sudiwala Materials for damping the PTC-induced thermal fluctuations of the cold-head. Cryogenic Engineering Conference and the Cryogenic Materials Conference . Tucson, AZ, USA, 2015.
Catarino, I., L. Duband, and G. Bonfait. "Hydrogen and Neon Gas-Gap Heat Switch." Cryocoolers. 15 (2009): 553-559. Abstract


Catarino, I., and C. Paine. "3He gas gap heat switch." Cryogenics. 51 (2011): 45-48. Abstract


Bonfait, G., I. Catarino, J. Afonso, D. Martins, M. Linder, and L. Duband. "20 K Energy Storage Unit." Cryogenics. 49 (2009): 326-333. Abstract


Barreto, J., D. Martins, Borges P. de Sousa, S. Kar, G. Bonfait, and I. Catarino Gas gap heat switch for a Cryogen-free magnet system., 2015.
Arsénio, Pedro, João Murta-Pina, Anabela Pronto, Alfredo Álvarez, and Isabel Catarino. "Numerical and Experimental Analysis of an Inductive Type Fault Current Limiter Using Short-Circuited 2G Tape." IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity . 28.5 (2018).
Afonso, J., I. Catarino, R. Patrício, A. Rocaboy, M. Linder, and G. Bonfait. "Liquid nitrogen energy storage unit." Cryogenics. 51 (2011): 621-29 .
Afonso, J., D. Martins, I. Catarino, R. Patrício, A. Rocaboy, M. Linder, T. Tirolien, and G. Bonfait "Energy storage unit using cryogenic liquids for integration in cryocoolers". ICEC 24. Fukuoka, Japan, 2012.