Problem solving in linear programming: a study in a vocational course - Resolução de problemas de Programação Linear: um estudo no ensino profissional

Babo, A., and H. Rocha. "Problem solving in linear programming: a study in a vocational course - Resolução de problemas de Programação Linear: um estudo no ensino profissional." Revista de Estudios e Investigación en Psicología y Educación. E.1 (2017): 41-46.


The development of meaningful learning becomes possible when students are actively involved in solving real problems. Thus, this study intends to investigate how students of the 11th grade of a vocational course solve problems of Linear Programming, using the graphing calculator. The conclusions reached indicate that: the interpretation of the conditions of the problems is the most delicate point; the graphical approach using technology is dominant; and the difficulties raised by the problem as well as the need to discuss the results achieved are the basis for the interactions both among the students and between them and the teacher.