O uso de exemplos na demonstração: um estudo com alunos do 11.º ano

Caneco, R., and H. Rocha O uso de exemplos na demonstração: um estudo com alunos do 11.º ano. SIEM. Castelo Branco, Portugal: APM, 2019.


This article focuses the choice and use of examples by two students of the 11th grade to prove or refute a set of statements. The use of representations of sequences and functions is also considered. The study adopts a qualitative approach and data were collected by interviews and documental gathering. The conclusions suggest most of the examples used were well-known sequences or functions. However, the students sought different purposes for the use of examples, such as understanding the conjecture, demonstrate the falsity or truthfulness of the statement and conveying a general argument. The students made a satisfactory articulation between the various types of representations but relied mostly in the cartesian graph.