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Teixeira, P., C. Martins, and H. Rocha Abordagem STEAM: articulação disciplinar e práticas letivas de professores. Atas do Encontro de Investigação em Educação Matemática., 2022.
Teixeira, P., C. Martins, and H. Rocha STE(A)M approach: Distinguishing and discussing meanings. EduLearn. Spain: IATED, 2022. Abstract

The STE(A)M approach has been recognized by several authors for its potential in assisting teaching and learning, and several curriculum standards already value its application in the classroom. This approach is based on the articulation between different areas, the clarification, and the deepening of the concepts being studied. Although there are different approaches, according to the fields involved, STEM and STEAM are two among the most often mentioned in the literature. STEM is based on learning that integrates the following areas of knowledge: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. The conceptualization of the STE(A)M approach is not consensual and uniform. There are different models focusing on problem-solving based learning, project-based-learning, design-based learning, and engineering models. Still, different authors present different conceptualizations of this approach. In this paper, we relied on the existing literature to discuss the different understandings of the STE(A)M approach. We will also pay attention to mathematics and how different authors see the disciplines’ role within a STE(A)M approach and discuss the evolution of the mentioned authors’ positions throughout time. Thus, methodologically, we undertook the following steps: (i) literature search based on the selected keywords; (ii) selection of the texts, considering the authors and time gap, in order to analyze the evolution of the research and (iii) collection and organization of the relevant topics for the study. This study aims to present the meanings, conceptualizations, and possible influences present in different models and for understand the evolution of the STEM and STEAM approaches over time. The main findings suggest a focus on the interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary approach as opposed to the primeval years of investigations in STEM and STEAM when many authors advocated a multidisciplinary approach. This change in thinking is due to the need to train students in an integral and holistic manner, developing citizens with transversal knowledge and skills prepared for the current societal challenges.

Faggiano, E., H. Rocha, A. Sacristan, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez. "Towards pragmatic theories to underpin the design of teacher professional development concerning technology use in school mathematics." Mathematics Education in the Digital Age: Learning, Practice and Theory . Eds. A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, J. Trgalova, H. - G. Weigand, and A. Clark-Wilson. Routledge, 2021. 42-68. Abstract

This chapter aims to make more explicit the grounded or ‘pragmatic theories’ that inform the design of mathematics teachers’ professional development (PD) to exploit technological affordances. It uses aspects of some representative projects that took place in four countries (Colombia, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal) to illustrate lessons learned (e.g., similarities and differences, barriers and opportunities) and provide important insights to inform future PD implementations. To do this, we have identified a set of aspects (and sub-aspects) that emerged in relation to five major themes and reveal our ‘pragmatic theories’ alongside a consideration of the interconnections between these aspects. Our contribution offers a methodological frame to support future PD designs for teachers of mathematics concerning digital technology uses.

Morais, C., J. Terroso, and H. Rocha. "E de repente tudo mudou… - Editorial." Educação e Matemática. 155 (2020): 1.Website
Rocha, H., and P. Teixeira O professor e a aula de Matemática [The teacher and the Mathematics class]. EIEM. Coimbra: SPIEM, 2018. Abstract

A formação e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor são determinantes para as opções que este assume na sala de aula. É o seu conhecimento, aquilo que valoriza e o contexto onde se encontra inserido que determinam as experiências de aprendizagem que proporciona aos seus alunos. Mas esse conhecimento profissional envolve uma multiplicidade de dimensões que decorrem da sua formação inicial e contínua, mas também das experiências que teve ocasião de vivenciar e de processos de socialização, onde a interação com os pares e as oportunidades de desenvolver trabalho colaborativo são elementos importantes. A aula de matemática surge assim como o campo aglutinador do trabalho do professor numa dupla vertente que se une num ciclo único: por um lado a aula de Matemática é o foco do trabalho do professor, onde as opções previamente assumidas são implementadas; e, por outro lado, é um ponto de partida para a reflexão e o desenvolvimento profissional do professor.

Da planificação da aula, onde a escolha das tarefas e a forma de as implementar são aspetos centrais e onde a vertente histórica não deixará de estar presente; à sua implementação, operacionalizando diferentes recursos (nomeadamente os tecnológicos) e assumindo dinâmicas de aula diferenciadas; até à fase de reflexão entre pares, que termina e reinicia um novo ciclo – estas são as grandes etapas em torno das quais este texto se organiza e onde a formação inicial e contínua não deixarão de estar presentes.