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Faggiano, E., A. Sacristán, H. Rocha, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez Addressing the congruence and similarity of figures with technology: A cross-national comparison. ICTMT., 2023.
Viseu, F., A. Silva, H. Rocha, and P. Martins. "The graphical representation in the learning of functions by 10th grade students." Educación Matemática. 34.1 (2022): 186-213. AbstractWebsite

A exploração de diferentes representações promove a compreensão dos tópicos de funções. Partindo deste pressuposto, com este estudo pretende-se analisar o contributo da representação gráfica na aprendizagem da noção de função inversa e da paridade de uma função por alunos do 10.º ano de escolaridade e identificar dificuldades na exploração dessa representação. Na procura de responder a este objetivo, adotou-se uma abordagem qualitativa e interpretativa para compreender as ações dos alunos na resolução das tarefas
propostas. A análise das resoluções mostra que a representação gráfica serviu de suporte para a instituição das definições dos tópicos em estudo. E isto apesar de alguns alunos revelarem dificuldades ao interpretar e ao construir gráficos; ao identificar imagens e imagens inversas em gráficos de funções; ao representar determinadas características gráficas associadas a alguns conceitos, como é o caso da relação entre a paridade de uma função e a simetria na sua representação gráfica (confundindo eixo de simetria e de reflexão). Globalmente, este estudo mostra como a abordagem de conceitos a partir da representação gráfica pode contribuir para a sua compreensão.

Sacristán, A., E. Faggiano, M. Santacruz-Rodríguez, and H. Rocha. "Policies and implementations for technology use in mathematics education: perspectives from around the world." Handbook of digital resources in mathematics education. Springer, 2024. 1-35. Abstract

In this chapter, we examine the role of policies and other factors affecting digital technology (DT) integration in mathematics education. In particular, we develop a cross-national analysis of the impact on DT implementation in four countries: two countries in Europe (Italy and Portugal) and two countries in Latin America (Colombia and Mexico). We analyze the role that policies, political changes, reforms, curricula, educational organization and systems, sociocultural aspects, and teachers’ training, knowledge, and beliefs play toward possible DT implementations. We observe that there is a discourse in policies to promote digital technologies’ use, but in practice the availability and integration of such resources in mathematics classrooms is still scarce. We also note that the efforts done during the pandemic did not change this, promoting general ICT use, rather than DT resources that might enhance mathematics teaching and learning.

Rocha, H., E. Faggiano, A. Sacristan, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez Professional development for the integration of technology in the teaching of Mathematics: in search of pragmatic theories - Desenvolvimento profissional para a integração da tecnologia no ensino da Matemática: em busca de teorias pragmáticas. XXXI Seminário de Investigação em Educação Matemática. Santarém: APM, 2021. Abstractsiem_2021.pdf

This paper presents part of a study that aimed to make more explicit the pragmatic theories that inform the design of professional development programs with an emphasis on the integration of digital technologies in the practices of mathematics teachers. The analysis carried out was based on a set of projects considered representative and implemented in four countries – Colombia, Italy, Mexico and Portugal. Based on this analysis, we identify relevant elements (e.g., similarities and differences, barriers and opportunities) and develop recommendations to be taken into account in the design of future professional development programs. In this process, we identified a set of aspects and sub-aspects, as well as several interconnections between them, which emerged in relation to five main themes and allowed us to reveal our pragmatic theories. Thus, this work provides a framework to support the design of future projects for the professional development of mathematics teachers regarding the use of digital technology.

Faggiano, E., H. Rocha, A. Sacristan, and M. Santacruz-Rodríguez. "Towards pragmatic theories to underpin the design of teacher professional development concerning technology use in school mathematics." Mathematics Education in the Digital Age: Learning, Practice and Theory . Eds. A. Donevska-Todorova, E. Faggiano, J. Trgalova, H. - G. Weigand, and A. Clark-Wilson. Routledge, 2021. 42-68. Abstract

This chapter aims to make more explicit the grounded or ‘pragmatic theories’ that inform the design of mathematics teachers’ professional development (PD) to exploit technological affordances. It uses aspects of some representative projects that took place in four countries (Colombia, Italy, Mexico, and Portugal) to illustrate lessons learned (e.g., similarities and differences, barriers and opportunities) and provide important insights to inform future PD implementations. To do this, we have identified a set of aspects (and sub-aspects) that emerged in relation to five major themes and reveal our ‘pragmatic theories’ alongside a consideration of the interconnections between these aspects. Our contribution offers a methodological frame to support future PD designs for teachers of mathematics concerning digital technology uses.