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Duarte, Marlene, Aldino Viegas, Victor D. Alves, José A. M. Prates, Luís M. A. Ferreira, Shabir Najmudin, Eurico J. Cabrita, Ana Luísa Carvalho, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, and Pedro Bule. "A dual cohesin–dockerin complex binding mode in Bacteroides cellulosolvens contributes to the size and complexity of its cellulosome." Journal of Biological Chemistry. 296 (2021): 100552. AbstractWebsite

The Cellulosome is an intricate macromolecular protein complex that centralizes the cellulolytic efforts of many anaerobic microorganisms through the promotion of enzyme synergy and protein stability. The assembly of numerous carbohydrate processing enzymes into a macromolecular multiprotein structure results from the interaction of enzyme-borne dockerin modules with repeated cohesin modules present in noncatalytic scaffold proteins, termed scaffoldins. Cohesin–dockerin (Coh-Doc) modules are typically classified into different types, depending on structural conformation and cellulosome role. Thus, type I Coh-Doc complexes are usually responsible for enzyme integration into the cellulosome, while type II Coh-Doc complexes tether the cellulosome to the bacterial wall. In contrast to other known cellulosomes, cohesin types from Bacteroides cellulosolvens, a cellulosome-producing bacterium capable of utilizing cellulose and cellobiose as carbon sources, are reversed for all scaffoldins, i.e., the type II cohesins are located on the enzyme-integrating primary scaffoldin, whereas the type I cohesins are located on the anchoring scaffoldins. It has been previously shown that type I B. cellulosolvens interactions possess a dual-binding mode that adds flexibility to scaffoldin assembly. Herein, we report the structural mechanism of enzyme recruitment into B. cellulosolvens cellulosome and the identification of the molecular determinants of its type II cohesin–dockerin interactions. The results indicate that, unlike other type II complexes, these possess a dual-binding mode of interaction, akin to type I complexes. Therefore, the plasticity of dual-binding mode interactions seems to play a pivotal role in the assembly of B. cellulosolvens cellulosome, which is consistent with its unmatched complexity and size.

Ribeiro, Diana O., Aldino Viegas, Virgínia M. R. Pires, João Medeiros-Silva, Pedro Bule, Wengang Chai, Filipa Marcelo, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, Eurico J. Cabrita, Angelina S. Palma, and Ana Luísa Carvalho. "Molecular basis for the preferential recognition of β1,3-1,4-glucans by the family 11 carbohydrate-binding module from Clostridium thermocellum." The FEBS Journal. 287 (2020): 2723-2743. AbstractWebsite

Understanding the specific molecular interactions between proteins and β1,3-1,4-mixed-linked d-glucans is fundamental to harvest the full biological and biotechnological potential of these carbohydrates and of proteins that specifically recognize them. The family 11 carbohydrate-binding module from Clostridium thermocellum (CtCBM11) is known for its binding preference for β1,3-1,4-mixed-linked over β1,4-linked glucans. Despite the growing industrial interest of this protein for the biotransformation of lignocellulosic biomass, the molecular determinants of its ligand specificity are not well defined. In this report, a combined approach of methodologies was used to unravel, at a molecular level, the ligand recognition of CtCBM11. The analysis of the interaction by carbohydrate microarrays and NMR and the crystal structures of CtCBM11 bound to β1,3-1,4-linked glucose oligosaccharides showed that both the chain length and the position of the β1,3-linkage are important for recognition, and identified the tetrasaccharide Glcβ1,4Glcβ1,4Glcβ1,3Glc sequence as a minimum epitope required for binding. The structural data, along with site-directed mutagenesis and ITC studies, demonstrated the specificity of CtCBM11 for the twisted conformation of β1,3-1,4-mixed-linked glucans. This is mediated by a conformation–selection mechanism of the ligand in the binding cleft through CH-π stacking and a hydrogen bonding network, which is dependent not only on ligand chain length, but also on the presence of a β1,3-linkage at the reducing end and at specific positions along the β1,4-linked glucan chain. The understanding of the detailed mechanism by which CtCBM11 can distinguish between linear and mixed-linked β-glucans strengthens its exploitation for the design of new biomolecules with improved capabilities and applications in health and agriculture. Database Structural data are available in the Protein Data Bank under the accession codes 6R3M and 6R31.

Outis, Mani, Vitor Rosa, César AT Laia, João Carlos Lima, Sónia Barroso, Ana Luísa Carvalho, Maria José Calhorda, and Teresa Avilés. "Synthesis, Crystal Structure, and DFT Study of Two New Dinuclear Copper(I) Complexes Bearing Ar-BIAN Ligands Functionalized with NO2 Groups." European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2020 (2020): 2900-2911. AbstractWebsite

{Two new bis(aryl-imino)-acenaphthene, Ar-BIAN (Ar = 2

Pires, Virgínia M. R., Pedro M. M. Pereira, Joana L. A. Brás, Márcia Correia, Vânia Cardoso, Pedro Bule, Victor D. Alves, Shabir Najmudin, Immacolata Venditto, Luís M. A. Ferreira, Maria João Romão, Ana Luísa Carvalho, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, and Duarte Miguel Prazeres. "Stability and ligand promiscuity of type A carbohydrate-binding modules are illustrated by the structure of Spirochaeta thermophila StCBM64C." Journal of Biological Chemistry. 292 (2017): 4847-4860. AbstractWebsite

Deconstruction of cellulose, the most abundant plant cell wall polysaccharide, requires the cooperative activity of a large repertoire of microbial enzymes. Modular cellulases contain non-catalytic type A Carbohydrate-Binding Modules (CBMs) that specifically bind to the crystalline regions of cellulose, thus promoting enzyme efficacy through proximity and targeting effects. Although type A CBMs play a critical role in cellulose recycling, their mechanism of action remains poorly understood. Here we produced a library of recombinant CBMs representative of the known diversity of type A modules. The binding properties of 40 CBMs, in fusion with an N-terminal green fluorescence protein (GFP) domain, revealed that type A CBMs possess the ability to recognize different crystalline forms of cellulose and chitin over a wide range of temperatures, pHs and ionic strengths. A Spirochaeta thermophila CBM64, in particular, displayed plasticity in its capacity to bind both crystalline and soluble carbohydrates under a wide range of extreme conditions. The structure of S. thermophila StCBM64C revealed an untwisted, flat, carbohydrate-binding interface comprising the side chains of four tryptophan residues in a coplanar linear arrangement. Significantly, two highly conserved asparagine side chains, each one located between two tryptophan residues, are critical to insoluble and soluble glucan recognition but not to bind xyloglucan. Thus, CBM64 compact structure and its extended and versatile ligand interacting platform illustrates how type A CBMs target their appended plant cell wall degrading enzymes to a diversity of recalcitrant carbohydrates under a wide range of environmental conditions.

Brás, Joana L. A., Benedita A. Pinheiro, Kate Cameron, Fiona Cuskin, Aldino Viegas, Shabir Najmudin, Pedro Bule, Virginia M. R. Pires, Maria João Romão, Edward A. Bayer, Holly L. Spencer, Steven Smith, Harry J. Gilbert, Victor D. Alves, Ana Luísa Carvalho, and Carlos M. G. A. Fontes. "Diverse specificity of cellulosome attachment to the bacterial cell surface." Scientific Reports. 6 (2016): 38292. AbstractWebsite

During the course of evolution, the cellulosome, one of Nature's most intricate multi-enzyme complexes, has been continuously fine-tuned to efficiently deconstruct recalcitrant carbohydrates. To facilitate the uptake of released sugars, anaerobic bacteria use highly ordered protein-protein interactions to recruit these nanomachines to the cell surface. Dockerin modules located within a non-catalytic macromolecular scaffold, whose primary role is to assemble cellulosomal enzymatic subunits, bind cohesin modules of cell envelope proteins, thereby anchoring the cellulosome onto the bacterial cell. Here we have elucidated the unique molecular mechanisms used by anaerobic bacteria for cellulosome cellular attachment. The structure and biochemical analysis of five cohesin-dockerin complexes revealed that cell surface dockerins contain two cohesin-binding interfaces, which can present different or identical specificities. In contrast to the current static model, we propose that dockerins utilize multivalent modes of cohesin recognition to recruit cellulosomes to the cell surface, a mechanism that maximises substrate access while facilitating complex assembly.

Viegas, Aldino, Joao Sardinha, Filipe Freire, Daniel F. Duarte, Ana L. Carvalho, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, Maria J. Romao, Anjos L. Macedo, and Eurico J. Cabrita. "Solution structure, dynamics and binding studies of a family 11 carbohydrate-binding module from Clostridium thermocellum (CtCBM11)." The Biochemical journal. 451 (2013): 289-300.Website
Bras, Joana L. A., Ana Luisa Carvalho, Aldino Viegas, Shabir Najmudin, Victor D. Alves, Jose A. M. Prates, Luis M. A. Ferreira, Maria J. Romao, Harry J. Gilbert, and Carlos M. G. A. Fontes. "Escherichia coli expression, purification, crystallization, and structure determination of bacterial cohesin-dockerin complexes." Methods in enzymology. Vol. 510. 2012. 395-415. Abstract

Cellulosomes are highly efficient nanomachines that play a fundamental role during the anaerobic deconstruction of complex plant cell wall carbohydrates. The assembly of these complex nanomachines results from the very tight binding of repetitive cohesin modules, located in a noncatalytic molecular scaffold, and dockerin domains located at the C-terminus of the enzyme components of the cellulosome. The number of enzymes found in a cellulosome varies but may reach more than 100 catalytic subunits if cellulosomes are further organized in polycellulosomes, through a second type of cohesin-dockerin interaction. Structural studies have revealed how the cohesin-dockerin interaction mediates cellulosome assembly and cell-surface attachment, while retaining the flexibility required to potentiate catalytic synergy within the complex. Methods that might be applied for the production, purification, and structure determination of cohesin-dockerin complexes are described here. Copyright 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Bras, Joana L. A., Alan Cartmell, Ana Lusia M. Carvalho, Genny Verze, Edward A. Bayer, Yael Vazana, Marcia A. S. Correia, Jose A. M. Prates, Supriya Ratnaparkhe, Alisdair B. Boraston, Maria J. Romao, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, and Harry J. Gilbert. "Structural insights into a unique cellulase fold and mechanism of cellulose hydrolysis (vol 108, pg 5237, 2011)." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 (2011): 8525. Abstract
Viciosa, M. T., N. T. Correia, M. Salmeron Sanchez, AL Carvalho, MJ Romao, J. L. Gomez Ribelles, and M. Dionisio. "Real-Time Monitoring of Molecular Dynamics of Ethylene Glycol Dimethacrylate Glass Former." Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 113 (2009): 14209-14217. Abstract
Viegas, Aldino, Natercia F. Bras, Nuno M. F. S. A. Cerqueira, Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes, Jose A. M. Prates, Carlos M. G. A. Fontes, Marta Bruix, Maria Joao Romao, Ana Luisa Carvalho, Maria Joao Ramos, Anjos L. Macedo, and Eurico J. Cabrita. "Molecular determinants of ligand specificity in family 11 carbohydrate binding modules - an NMR, X-ray crystallography and computational chemistry approach." Febs Journal. 275 (2008): 2524-2535. Abstract
Romao, MJ, I. Kolln, JM Dias, AL Carvalho, A. Romero, P. F. Varela, L. Sanz, E. Topfer-Petersen, and JJ Calvete. "Crystal structure of acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) at 1.9 angstrom resolution: a bovine polypeptide of the spermadhesin family." Journal of Molecular Biology. 274 (1997): 650-660. Abstract

We report the three-dimensional crystal structure of acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP), a 12.9 kDa poly-peptide of the spermadhesin family isolated from bovine seminal plasma, solved by the multiple isomorphous replacement method and refined with data to 1.9 Angstrom resolution with a final R-factor of 17.3%. aSFP is built by a single CUB domain architecture, a 100 to 110 amino-acid-residue extracellular module found in 16 functionally diverse proteins. The structure of aSFP reveals that the CUB domain displays a beta-sandwich topology organised into two 5-stranded beta-sheets, each of which contain two parallel and four antiparallel strands. The structure of aSFP is almost identical to that of porcine spermadhesins PSP-I and PSP-II, which in turn show limited structural similarity with jellyroll topologies of certain virus capsid proteins. Essentially, topologically conserved residues in these proteins are those internal amino acids forming the hydrophobic core of the CUB and the jellyroll domains, suggesting their importance in maintaining the integrity of these protein folds, On the other hand, the structure of aSFP shows structural features that are unique to this protein and which may provide a structural ground for understanding the distinct biological properties of different members of the spermadhesin protein family. (C) 1997 Academic Press Limited.

Romero, A., MJ Romao, P. F. Varela, I. Kolln, JM Dias, AL Carvalho, L. Sanz, E. TopferPetersen, and JJ Calvete. "The crystal structures of two spermadhesins reveal the CUB domain fold." Nature Structural Biology. 4 (1997): 783-788. Abstract

Spermadhesins, 12,000-14,000 M-r mammalian proteins, include lectins involved in sperm-egg binding and display a single CUB domain architecture. We report the crystal structures of porcine seminal plasma PSP-I/PSP-II, a heterodimer of two glycosylated spermadhesins. and bovine aSFP at 2.4 Angstrom and 1.9 Angstrom resolution respectively.

Dias, JM, AL Carvalho, I. Kolln, JJ Calvete, E. TopferPetersen, P. F. Varela, A. Romero, C. Urbanke, and MJ Romao. "Crystallization and preliminary x-ray diffraction studies of aSFP, a bovine seminal plasma protein with a single CUB domain architecture." Protein Science. 6 (1997): 725-727. Abstract

{Bovine acidic seminal fluid protein (aSFP) is a 12.9 kDa polypeptide of the spermadhesin family built by a single CUB domain architecture. The CUB domain is an extracellular module present in 16 functionally diverse proteins. To determine the three-dimensional structure of aSFP, the protein was crystallized at 21 degrees C by vapor diffusion in hanging drops, using ammonium sulfate, pH 4.7, and polyethyleneglycol 4000 as precipitants, containing 10% dioxane to avoid the formation of clustered crystals. Elongated prismatic crystals with maximal size of 0.6 x 0.3 x 0.2 mm(3) diffract to beyond 1.9 Angstrom resolution and belong to space group P2(1)2(1)2, with cell parameters a = 52.4 Angstrom