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Moreira, Inês P., Carina Esteves, Susana I. C. J. Palma, Efthymia Ramou, Ana L. M. Carvalho, and Ana C. A. Roque. "Synergy between silk fibroin and ionic liquids for active gas-sensing materials." Materials Today Bio (2022): 100290. AbstractWebsite

Silk fibroin is a biobased material with excellent biocompatibility and mechanical properties, but its use in bioelectronics is hampered by the difficult dissolution and low intrinsic conductivity. Some ionic liquids are known to dissolve fibroin but removed after fibroin processing. However, ionic liquids and fibroin can cooperatively give rise to functional materials, and there are untapped opportunities in this combination. The dissolution of fibroin, followed by gelation, in designer ionic liquids from the imidazolium chloride family with varied alkyl chain lengths (2–10 carbons) is shown here. The alkyl chain length of the anion has a large impact on fibroin secondary structure which adopts unconventional arrangements, yielding robust gels with distinct hierarchical organization. Furthermore, and due to their remarkable air-stability and ionic conductivity, fibroin ionogels are exploited as active electrical gas sensors in an electronic nose revealing the unravelled possibilities of fibroin in soft and flexible electronics.

Esteves, Carina, Susana I. C. J. Palma, Henrique M. A. Costa, Cláudia Alves, Gonçalo M. C. Santos, Efthymia Ramou, Ana Luísa Carvalho, Vitor Alves, and Ana C. A. Roque. "{Tackling Humidity with Designer Ionic Liquid-Based Gas Sensing Soft Materials}." Advanced Materials (2022). Abstract

Relative humidity is simultaneously a sensing target and a contaminant in gas and volatile organic compound (VOC) sensing systems, where strategies to control humidity interference are required. An unmet challenge is the creation of gas-sensitive materials where the response to humidity is controlled by the material itself. Here, humidity effects are controlled through the design of gelatin formulations in ionic liquids without and with liquid crystals as electrical and optical sensors, respectively. In this design, the anions [DCA]− and [Cl]− of room temperature ionic liquids from the 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium family tailor the response to humidity and, subsequently, sensing of VOCs in dry and humid conditions. Due to the combined effect of the materials formulations and sensing mechanisms, changing the anion from [DCA]− to the much more hygroscopic [Cl]−, leads to stronger electrical responses and much weaker optical responses to humidity. Thus, either humidity sensors or humidity-tolerant VOC sensors that do not require sample preconditioning or signal processing to correct humidity impact are obtained. With the wide spread of 3D- and 4D-printing and intelligent devices, the monitoring and tuning of humidity in sustainable biobased materials offers excellent opportunities in e-nose sensing arrays and wearable devices compatible with operation at room conditions.

Carvalho, Ana Luísa, Teresa Santos-Silva, Maria João Romão, J. Eurico, and Filipa Marcelo. "{CHAPTER 2 Structural Elucidation of Macromolecules}." Essential Techniques for Medical and Life Scientists: A Guide to Contemporary Methods and Current Applications with the Protocols. BENTHAM SCIENCE PUBLISHERS, 2018. 30-91. Abstract


Kowacz, Magdalena, Mateusz Marchel, Lina Juknaité, José M. S. S. Esperança, Maria João Romão, Ana Luísa Carvalho, and Luís Paulo N. Rebelo. "Infrared light-induced protein crystallization. Structuring of protein interfacial water and periodic self-assembly." Journal of Crystal Growth. 457 (2017): 362-368. AbstractWebsite

We show that a physical trigger, a non-ionizing infrared (IR) radiation at wavelengths strongly absorbed by liquid water, can be used to induce and kinetically control protein (periodic) self-assembly in solution. This phenomenon is explained by considering the effect of IR light on the structuring of protein interfacial water. Our results indicate that the IR radiation can promote enhanced mutual correlations of water molecules in the protein hydration shell. We report on the radiation-induced increase in both the strength and cooperativeness of H-bonds. The presence of a structured dipolar hydration layer can lead to attractive interactions between like-charged biomacromolecules in solution (and crystal nucleation events). Furthermore, our study suggests that enveloping the protein within a layer of structured solvent (an effect enhanced by IR light) can prevent the protein non-specific aggregation favoring periodic self-assembly. Recognizing the ability to affect protein-water interactions by means of IR radiation may have important implications for biological and bio-inspired systems.

Kowacz, M., M. Marchel, L. Juknaite, Jmss Esperanca, MJ Romao, AL Carvalho, and L. P. N. Rebelo. "Ionic-Liquid-Functionalized Mineral Particles for Protein Crystallization." Crystal Growth & Design. 15 (2015): 2994-3003. AbstractWebsite

Nucleation is a critical step determining the outcome of the entire crystallization process. Finding an effective nucleant for protein crystallization is of utmost importance for structural biology. The latter relies on good-quality crystals to solve the three-dimensional structures of macromolecules. In this study we show that crystalline barium sulfate (BaSO4) with an etched and/or ionic liquid (IL)-functionalized surface (1) can induce protein nucleation at concentrations well below the concentration needed to promote crystal growth under control conditions, (2) can shorten the nucleation time, (3) can increase the growth rate, and finally (4) may help to improve the protein crystal morphology. These effects were shown for lysozyme, RNase A, trypsin, proteinase K, myoglobin, and hemoglobin. Therefore, the use of BaSO4 particles enables us to reduce the amount of protein in crystallization trials and increases the chance of obtaining protein crystals of the desired quality. In the context of the underlying mechanism, it is shown that the protein-solid contact formation is governed by the interaction of the polar compartments of the biomacromolecule with the support. The tendency of a protein to concentrate near the solid surface is enhanced by both the hydrophobicity of the protein and that of the surface (tuned by the functionalizing IL). These mechanisms of interaction of biomacromolecules with inorganic hydrophilic solids correspond to the principles of amphiphilic IL-mineral interactions.

Kowacz, Magdalena, Abhik Mukhopadhyay, Ana Luisa Carvalho, Jose M. S. S. Esperanca, Maria J. Romao, and Luis Paulo N. Rebelo. "Hofmeister effects of ionic liquids in protein crystallization: Direct and water-mediated interactions." Crystengcomm. 14 (2012): 4912-4921. AbstractWebsite