Sodium-Zinc molten salt batteries for low-cost stationary storage
European Project H2020-LC-BAT-2019-2020 - 963599
Coord. Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden (DE)
Outras instituições: UNINOVA (PT), SINTEF (NO), EMF (CH), CIEMAT (ES), DLR (DE), NTNU (NO), Politecnico Torino (IT), Quantis (CH), SensiChips (IT), FZSonick (CH), Imperial College (UK)

Deep View - DEcEnt and Productive VIrtual Work

Deep View - DEcEnt and Productive VIrtual Work: Exploring the contribution of social dialogue and collective bargaining in the promotion of decent and productive virtual work (2018-2020),
outras instituições: NOTUS (ESP); Forschungs- und Beratungsstelle Arbeitswelt FORBA (AT); FAOS – Employment Relations Research Centre (DK); Praxis Centre for Policy Studies PRAXIS (EE)
Call: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

CrowdWork21: Finding new strategies to organise in Europe

CrowdWork21: Finding new strategies to organise in Europe
Coordenador (2019-2021),
outras instituições: NOTUS (ESP); ITAS-KIT (DE)
equipa do CICS.NOVA: Nuno Boavida e Reinhard Neumann
Call: DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion

Nova página do IET/CICS.NOVA

A nova página do pólo da FCT-UNL do CICS.NOVA encontra-se disponível em http://sites.fct.unl.pt/iet/

CV (English)

Bio (in English)

Associate Professor (since 1999) of the Industrial Sociology in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL), with habilitation for Full Professorship since 2001.  Is coordinator of the PhD Programme on "Technology Assessment" (UNL) from 2009.

Biografia (resumo)

Professor Associado (desde 1999) de Sociologia Industrial na Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL) desde 1999 (com Agregação para Professor Catedrático desde 2001). Coordenador do Programa Doutoral em "Avaliação de Tecnologia" da UNL (desde 2009).