Professor Associado (desde 1999) de Sociologia Industrial na Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL) desde 1999 (com Agregação para Professor Catedrático desde 2001). Coordenador do Programa Doutoral em "Avaliação de Tecnologia" da UNL (desde 2009). De 2011 a 2019 foi também Investigador do Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis no Karlsruhe Institute of Technology. Em 2020 foi eleito membro do Conselho Científico da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da UNL. É ainda coordenador do IET/CICS.NOVA - Pólo Inovação Empresarial e do Trabalho, da FCT-UNL, e diretor do Observatório de Avaliação de Tecnologia (OAT) do CICS.NOVA.

Sociólogo, especializado em Sociologia do Trabalho e das Organizações (ISCTE, 1980), Assistente na Universidade dos Açores (1980-83) e na FCT-UNL de 1983 a 1992. Mais tarde foi aqui também Professor Auxiliar (de 1992 a 1999). Foi "Gastwissenschaftler" do ITAS-Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis do Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe durante o ano lectivo 2007-08. Foi também "Gastwissenschaftler" do Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI-FhG, de 2002 a 2004), e "Visiting Researcher" no Departamento de Estudos Luso-Brasileiros of Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (1999), e na School of Labour Studies of McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) no Canada, 2017. É investigador colaborador da NOTUS asr (Barcelona) desde 2023.

É membro do Topic Group Natural Interaction with Social Robots da plataforma europeia euRobotics, e do Topics Group "Ethical, Legal and Socio-Economic Issues" também da plataforma euRobotics. Atualmente é coordenador da Agenda nacional de Investigação & inovação em "Trabalho, robotização e qualificação do emprego em Portugal" (Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia). Membro do Steering Committe da rede internacional GERPISA (Groupe d’études et de Recherche Permanent sur L’industrie et les Salariés de l’Automobile) de investigação sobre a indústria automóvel.

Apresentou a sua dissertação para pós-graduação académica (PAPCC, equivalente ao Mestrado) sobre "O Poder e o Discurso: a imprensa regional nos Açores" (Universidade dos Açores, 1983), tese de Doutoramento sobre os "Processos de Mudança Tecnológica e Organizacional na Indústria Portuguesa" (FCT-UNL), orientada pelo Prof. Juan J. Castillo da Universidade Complutense de Madrid (1991).

Em 2001 teve aprovação por unânimidade nas Provas de Agregação no Grupo de Disciplinas de Sociologia na FCT-UNL. Estas provas foram baseadas na proposta da nova disciplina de "Sociologia das Novas Tecnologias de Informação" e o tema da lição foi "A contribuição da Sociologia para a formação em Engenharia". Foi Presidente (eleito) do Departmento de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas da Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL), de 2001 a Outubro 2007, e responsável da Secção de Sociologia Industrial neste Departamento.

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Associate Professor (since 1999) of Sociology at Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL), with habilitation for Full Professorship since 2001. Is coordinator of the PhD Programme on "Technology Assessment" (UNL) from 2009. He was also Senior Researcher at the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis at the  Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (2011-19). Is Director of the Observatory of Technology Assessment (OAT) of CICS.NOVA centre (since 2015). He is also a member of the Scientific Board of CICS.NOVA centre.

Sociologist, specialized in the Labour and Organizations domain (ISCTE, 1980), was Assistant Lecturer at Universidade dos Açores (1980-83) and from 1983 at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL). Was  "Gastwissenschaftler" at the ITAS-Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis from Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe during 2007-08, and at the Fraunhofer Institut für Systemtechnik und Innovationsforschung (ISI-FhG, 2002-04), and "Visiting Researcher" at the Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island (1999), and at the School of Labour Studies of McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario) in Canada, 2017.

He is member of the Topic Group Natural Interaction with Social Robots, and of the Topics Group "Ethical, Legal and Socio-Economic Issues" also from the European euRobotics platform. He coordenates the national Agenda of Research & Innovation on "Work, robotization and employment qualification in Portugal" (Ministry of Science and Technology)

Presented his dissertation for post-graduate studies (PAPCC, equivalent to M.A.) about "O Poder e o Discurso: a imprensa regional nos Açores" [Power and Discourse: the regional daily press in Azores] (Universidade dos Açores, 1983), and presented the Ph.D. thesis about the "Processos de Mudança Tecnológica e Organizacional na Indústria Portuguesa" [Processes of Technological and Organisational Changes in Portuguese Manufacturing Industry] (FCT-UNL), advised by Prof. Juan J. Castillo from Universidade Complutense de Madrid (1991).

In 2001 was unanimously approved in the aggregation/habilitation exams for the Sociology disciplines group. These exams were made on the newly proposed discipline of "Sociologia das Novas Tecnologias de Informação" and the lesson had the theme "A contribuição da Sociologia para a formação em Engenharia" (Contribution of Sociology to the Engineering education).

Was President (elected) of the Department of Social Applied Sciences of Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL), from 2001 until October 2007. Now is member of Scientific Board of the Nova School of Sciences and Technology.

Was an executive elected member of the  RC30 Research Committee on Sociology of Work (1998-2002) and of the RC23 Research Committee on Sociology of Science and Technology (2014-2018) of ISA-International Sociological Association, and Portuguese representative in the Steering Committee of "European Social Survey" organized by European Science Foundation (Strasbourg, France), from 1997 to 2001. From 2006 is the Portuguese representant at TC9 of IFIP-International Federation of Information Processing.

Was National deputy for the TSER-Targeted Social Economical Research program comittee (DG XII, european commission), from 1994 to 1999, and member of the Information Society Mission (Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia) representing the qualifications and employment Minister (1996-97), and of the Labour and Solidarity Minister (1997-2000).Coordinated several scientific research projects, like MARHE-Emprego and "Recursos Humanos no Sistema Socio-Económico das Pescas" (ADEPE, MQE) from 1996 to 1999, the Portuguese team in the project SOWING-Information Society, Employment and Social Exclusion (FCT-UNL, 4th FP/EC Program TSER) from 1998 to 2001, and the project WorTIS-Work Systems, Time and Space in the Automobile Industry (FCT-MCT), from 2000 to 2004, and was co-ordinator of the Portuguese team in the  project WORKS-Work Organisation Re-Structuring in the Knowledge Society (IET/FFCT-UNL, 6th FP/EC Program Citizens) from 2005 until 2009, Social implications of robotics in manufacturing industry - IR@MI (KIT) and Intuitive interaction between humans and industrial robot systems – a contribution to a conceptual approach - I3RS (KIT), both from 2012 to 2014. Participated also in several other projects as research team member, namely on the COST Action IS1202 Dynamics of Virtual Work (ESF) from 2012 until 2016, on the project "Additive Bio-Manufacturing: 3D Printing for Medical Recovery and Human Enhancement" (STOA-European Parliament) from 2016 until 2018, SynErgie project on adapting industrial processes to the new energy supply system (KIT, BMBF) from 2016 until 2020, and Sustainable Human Resource Management in the Context of Emerging Technologies, (ISM Lithuania) from 2018 until 2021.

Was a member of the Scientific observatory of the Program CompeteMinho, Associação Industrial do Minho (1999-01), and of the Steering Committe of the project LISTART / RITTS - Inovação Tecnológica na Região de Lisboa e Vale do Tejo (CCRLV, Agência da Inovação, Ministério da Economia) from 1998 to 2000. Had an evaluation role of the european programs TSER, "Improving Human Potential" and  "Transport" (DG Research, CE), “EUROCORES Programme for European Collaborative Research Projects” and "“Research Networking Programmes” both at the European Science Foundation and at the Community Initiative ADAPT/EQUAL.

Director of the journal "Organizações e Trabalho" (APSIOT) since 1997, member of the editorial board of the journals "Sociedade e Trabalho" (MTS) since 1997, "Sociologia - Problemas e Práticas" (ISCTE) since 2002, "Revista Portuguesa de Saúde Pública" (ENSP-UNL) since 2000, and International Journal of Applied Management Sciences and Engineering (IJAMSE) since 2014. Is evaluator at the "Research Policy",  International Sociology and Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation (JASSS), SocietiesRobotics and Autonomous Systems, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, and Sustainability journals. From 2005 is also the Editor of IET/CICS.NOVA journal "Enterprise and Work Innovation Studies". Is a member of APSIOT - Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia Industrial, das Organizações e do Trabalho (having been President of the executive board, the GA and the inspector board), of APS - Associação Portuguesa de Sociologia, do SOCIUS-Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações (ISEG-UTL), and of the CIES - Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (ISCTE). Coordinates the ResearchGate group in the field of "Technology Assessment" since 2008. Is responsible for the reading lists at RePEc (Research Papers in Economics) in the following fields:

  1. Socio-Economics of Innovation
  2. Socio-economics of Fisheries and Aquaculture
  3. Technology Assessment
  4. Industrial Sociology (FCT-UNL)
  5. Studies on the automobile industry


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