Research on Work and Technology at ITAS-KIT

Current works on work and technology focus on the functional character of technology from at least three analytical perspectives: (a) technology as a substitution for work, (b) technology as an objectification of work, and (c) technology as a socialization of work. Singular aspects of technologies in the work process which bring about new developments (e.g. to new technologies in health care) can be examined in the framework of technology assessment.

Maria João Maia


Manuel Baumann


CV (English)

Bio (in English)

Associate Professor (since 1999) of the Industrial Sociology in Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia (UNL), with habilitation for Full Professorship since 2001.  Is coordinator of the PhD Programme on "Technology Assessment" (UNL) from 2009.

S.NET 6th Annual Meeting: Better Technologies With No Regret?

The Society for the Study of Nanoscience and Emerging Technologies (S.NET) invites contributions to its sixth annual meeting to be held at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology in Germany, from September 21st to 24th 2014.

Biografia (resumo)

Professor Associado (desde 1999) de Sociologia Industrial na Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL) desde 1999 (com Agregação para Professor Catedrático desde 2001). Coordenador do Programa Doutoral em "Avaliação de Tecnologia" da UNL (desde 2009).