
Associate Editor

Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, ISSN 2523-3920, eISSN 2523-3939, Springer Heidelberg (since March 2020) IF 2.333, Scimago quartil: II

Editorial Board

(3) Vibrations, ISSN 2571-631X, a peer-reviewed open access journal of vibration science and engineering published quarterly online by MDPI (since January 2020)

(2) Periodica Polytechnica: Civil Engineering, ISSN: 0553-6626, eISSN 1587-3773, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (since September 2014) IF 1.659, Scimago quartil: III

(1) The International Journal of Railway Technology (IJRT), Saxe-Coburg Publications, ISSN 2049-5358 (since November 2011)

Special Issues


more details


(11) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 8, issue 3, pp. 391–392, 2020, "Editorial for special issue dedicated to VETOMAC XIV—Part 2", ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(10) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 8, issue 2, pp. 267–268, 2020, "Editorial for special issue dedicated to VETOMAC XIV—Part 1", ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(9) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 4, issue 3, 2016, “SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO ICOVP-2013”, ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(8) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 3, issue 6, 2015, “SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO ICOVP-2013”, ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(7) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 3, issue 3, 2015, “SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO ICOVP-2013”, ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(6) Special issue of Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, vol. 3, issue 2, 2015, “SPECIAL ISSUE DEDICATED TO ICOVP-2013”, (previous journal title: Advances in Vibration Enginnering), ed: Z. Dimitrovová.

(5) Special issue of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit (JRRT), vol. 229, issue 4, pp. 343–344, 2015, “The 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems“, eds: Z. Dimitrovová, A. Bracciali.

(4) Special section of Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 338, p. 1, 3 March 2015, “SPECIAL SECTION DEDICATED TO ICOVP-2013: Part 2”, eds: Z. Dimitrovová, R. Gonçalves.

(3) Special section of Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 334 , p. 85, 6 January 2015, “Special Section dedicated to the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013)”, eds: Z. Dimitrovová, R. Gonçalves.

(2) Special Issue of Computers & Structures, vol. 89, issues 21-22, November 2011, eds: J.M. Adam, D. Camotim, Z. Dimitrovová, L. Dunai, K. Marti, F.J. Pallares, J. Pombo, M.P. Saka, G.I. Schuëller, T. Vietor, L.F. Costa Neves, R.C. Barros, B.H.V. Topping, pp. 1841-1843

(1) Special Issue of Computers & Structures, vol. 87, issues 19-20, October 2009, eds: B.H.V. Topping, V. Gattulli, Z. Dimitrovová, J. Pombo, pp. 1175-1176

Proceedings Editor

(4) Proceedings of the 64th Scientific Conference (KRYNICA 2018), 16-20 September 2018, Krynica Zdrój, Poland, eds: P. Koziol, A. Szarata, W. Drozd, K. Furtak, T. Tatara, W. Czyczula, K. Stypula, T. Krzyzynski, Z. Dimitrovová.

(3) Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XIV), 10-13 September 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, editors: N. Maia, Z. Dimitrovová, publisher: MATEC Web of Conferences (electronic version).
Preface to the Proceedings. MATEC Web of Conferences 211. N. Maia, Z. Dimitrovová (Eds).
link to open access

(2) Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Vibration Problems (ICOVP-2013), 9-12 September 2013, Lisboa, Portugal, editors: Z. Dimitrovová, J.R. de Almeida, R. Gonçalves, publisher: APMTAC.

(1) Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Engineering Optimization (EngOpt2010), 6-9 September 2010, Lisboa Portugal, editors: H.C. Rodrigues, J. Herskovits, C.M. Soares, J.M. Guedes, J. Folgado, A. Araújo, F. Moleiro, J.P. Kuzhichalil, J.A. Madeira, Z. Dimitrovová, publisher: APMTAC.


Invited Keynote Lecture

(2) Z. Dimitrovová, 2020, “Moving load problems”, 16th International Conference on Vibration Engineering and Technology of Machinery (VETOMAC XVI), 16-18 December 2021, B.M.S College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India.

(1) Z. Dimitrovová, 2011, “Dynamic Analysis of Beam Structures under Moving Loads: A Review of the Modal Expansion Method”, 13th International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Computing (CC2011), 6-9 September, 2011, Chania, Crete, Greece.

Invited Lecture

(6) Z. Dimitrovová, “Semi-Analytical Approaches to Vibrations Induced by Moving Loads: with the focus on the critical velocity and instability of the moving system”, 27 June 2019, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic

(5) Z. Dimitrovová, M. Barroso, “Railway Track Maintenance: Evaluation of Geogrid Benefits by Finite Element Analysis, 12 April 2019, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.

(4) Z. Dimitrovová, “Q_TRACK: Quick reply for rehabilitation of ballasted track”, Workshop on Railway Dynamics for High-Speed Rails, 29 July, 2017, School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China.

(3) J.N. Varandas, A. Jesus, C. Cismasiu, Z. Dimitrovová, “Structural assessment of a railway bridge using output-only modal identification”, (presented by Varandas), International Seminar on Management & Maintenance of Bridges, FCT/UNL, 29 November 2013, 1º Seminário Conjunto entre a Universidade Nova de Lisboa e a Yamaguchi University, Incluído nas Comemoração dos 470 Anos de Amizade Japão-Portugal

(2) Z. Dimitrovová, “Transition Radiation in High-Speed Lines Applications”, 16 September, 2008, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.

(1) MA Gonçalves da Silva, JR. de Almeida, A. Antão, Z. Dimitrovová, JN. Varandas, “Influência da Rigidez da Fundação das Vias Férreas nas Vibrações Causadas pela Passagem de Comboios”, in Aterros para Comboios de Alta Velocidade, 26 May, 2006, Lisbon, Portugal. (presented by Silva, M.A.G.)


(13) Z. Dimitrovová, “Semi-Analytical Approaches to Vibrations Induced by Moving Loads: with the focus on the critical velocity and instability of the moving system”, 25 de junho, 2019, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(12) Z. Dimitrovová, “Semi-Analytical Approaches to Vibrations Induced by Moving Loads: with the focus on the critical velocity and instability of the moving system”, 18 de junho, 2019, European Centre of Excellence, NTIS - New Technologies for Information Society, Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(11) Z. Dimitrovová, “Rail Track Rehabilitation and Maintenance with Focus on Geosynthetics Applications”, 26 de junho, 2019, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová, colaboração na apresentação: S. Fontul, M. Barroso, P. Couto, M.J. Falcão).

(10) Z. Dimitrovová, “Rail Track Rehabilitation and Maintenance with Focus on Geosynthetics Applications”, 30 May 2019, Faculdade de Engenharia Civil, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Polónia (presented by Z. Dimitrovová, colaboração na apresentação: S. Fontul, M. Barroso, P. Couto, M.J. Falcão).

(9) Z. Dimitrovová, “Semi-Analytical Approaches to Vibrations Induced by Moving Loads: with the focus on the critical velocity and instability of the moving system”, 23 May 2019, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Cracow University of Technology, Krakow, Poland (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(8) Lanca, A., Dimitrovová, Z., Barroso, M., Fontul, S., “Numerical analysis of geogrid contribution to railway track reinforcement”, Workshop on Reabilitação de Infraestruturas Ferroviárias, 7 December 2018, Department of Civil Engineering, Nova University of Lisbon (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(7) Dimitrovová, Z., “Some aspects related to semi-analytical solutions”, Workshop on Railway track dynamics, 5 April 2017, Department of Civil Engineering, Nova University of Lisbon (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(6) Rodrigues, A.F.S., Dimitrovová, Z., “Viability and applicability of simplified models”, Workshop on Railway track dynamics, 5 April 2017, Department of Civil Engineering, Nova University of Lisbon (presented by A.F.S. Rodrigues).

(5) Dimitrovová, Z., Heczko, J., Rodrigues, H.C., “New materials for passive vibration control: Optimization of passive vibration isolators”, 6 May 2010, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(4) Dimitrovová, Z., Rodrigues, A.F.S., “Dynamic response of structures subjected to moving loads: Applications to high-speed railway lines”, 5 May 2010, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(3) Dimitrovová Z., “Homogenization of Cellular Solids”, 17 May, 2007, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(2) Dimitrovová Z., “RTM process of composites fabrication”, 1998, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).

(1) Dimitrovová Z., “Mechanical Properties of Cellular Materials”, 1993, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Technical University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (presented by Z. Dimitrovová).