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Fernandes, Vítor H., and A. Vernitski. "Groups of permutations preserving orientation (parity) of subsets of a fixed size, and related monoids." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

We study permutations on n elements preserving orientation (parity) of every subset of size k. We describe all groups of these permutations. Unexpectedly, these groups (except for some special cases) are either trivial, cyclic or dihedral. In this context, we define and study monoids generalizing monoids of order-preserving mappings and monoids of orientation-preserving mappings.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "On monotone alternating inverse monoids." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the inverse submonoids AM_n of monotone transformations and AO_n of order-preserving transformations of the alternating inverse monoid AI_n on a chain with n elements. We compute the cardinalities, describe the Green's structures and the congruences, and calculate the ranks of these two submonoids of AI_n.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "On oriented alternating inverse monoids." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the inverse submonoids AOR_n of oriented transformations and AOP_n of orientation-preserving transformations of the alternating inverse monoid AI_n on a chain with n elements. We compute the cardinalities, describe the Green's structures and the congruences, and calculate the ranks of AOR_n and AOP_n.

Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "On semigroups of orientation-preserving partial permutations with restricted range." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

Let $\Omega_n$ be a finite chain with $n$ elements $(n\in\mathbb{N})$, and let $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}$ be the semigroup of all injective orientation-preserving partial transformations of $\Omega_n$. In this paper, for any nonempty subset $Y$ of $\Omega_n$, we consider the subsemigroup $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$ of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}$ of all transformations with range contained in $Y$. We describe the Green's relations and study the regularity of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$. Moreover, we calculate the rank of $\mathcal{POPI}_{n}(Y)$ and determine when two semigroups of this type are isomorphic.

Fernandes, Vítor H., J. Koppitz, and T. Musunthia. "Presentations for monoids of endomorphisms of a star graph." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the monoids of all endomorphisms, of all weak endomorphisms, of all strong endomorphisms and of all strong weak endomorphisms of a star graph with a finite number of vertices. Our main objective is to exhibit a presentation for each of them.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, and J. Koppitz. "Presentations for monoids of partial endomorphisms of a star graph." (Submitted). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the monoids of all partial endomorphisms, of all partial weak endomorphisms, of all injective partial endomorphisms, of all partial strong endomorphisms and of all partial strong weak endomorphisms of a star graph with a finite number of vertices. Our main objective is to exhibit a presentation for each of them.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "Corrigendum on "Oriented transformations on a finite chain: another description" [Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 38 (2023), No. 3, pp. 725-731]." Commun. Korean Math. Soc. (DOI 10.4134/CKMS.c240008; Online 12 July 2024) . 39.3 (2024): 643-645. AbstractWebsite

In this note, we aim to correct some of the results presented in [1]. Namely, the statements of Proposition 2.1, Corollary 2.2, Corollary 2.3, Theorem 2.4 and Theorem 2.6, concerning only the monoids OP_n and POP_n, have to exclude transformations of rank two. All other results of [1], as well as those mentioned above but for the monoids OR_n and POR_n, do not require correction.

[1] V.H. Fernandes, Oriented transformations on a finite chain: another description, Commun. Korean Math. Soc. 38 (2023), 725-731.

Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "Endomorphisms of semigroups of monotone transformations." Journal of Algebra and its Applications (DOI 10.1142/S0219498824502244; Online 5 July 2023). 23.13 (2024): 2450224 (17 pages). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we characterize the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all monotone full transformations of a finite chain, as well as the monoids of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all monotone partial transformations and of the semigroup of all monotone partial permutations of a finite chain.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "On monoids of endomorphisms of a cycle graph." Mathematica Slovaca (DOI 10.1515/ms-2024-0078; Online 15 October 2024). 74.5 (2024): 1071-1088. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider endomorphisms of an undirected cycle graph from Semigroup Theory perspective. Our main aim is to present a process to determine sets of generators with minimal cardinality for the monoids $wEnd(C_n)$ and $End(C_n)$ of all weak endomorphisms and all endomorphisms of an undirected cycle graph $C_n$ with $n$ vertices. We also describe Green's relations and regularity of these monoids and calculate their cardinalities.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, and J. Koppitz. "On partial endomorphisms of a star graph." Quaestiones Mathematicae (DOI 10.2989/16073606.2024.2374796; Online 31 July 2024). 47.12 (2024): 2485-2505. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the monoids of all partial endomorphisms, of all partial weak endomorphisms, of all injective partial endomorphisms, of all partial strong endomorphisms and of all partial strong weak endomorphisms of a star graph with a finite number of vertices. Our main objective is to determine their ranks. We also describe their Green's relations, calculate their cardinalities and study their regularity.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "On the cyclic inverse monoid on a finite set." Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.1142/S1793557124500177; Online 6 Mar 2024). 17.2 (2024): 2450017 (16 pages). AbstractWebsite

In this paper we study the cyclic inverse monoid CI_n on a set Ω_n with n elements, i.e. the inverse submonoid of the symmetric inverse monoid on Ω_n consisting of all restrictions of the elements of a cyclic subgroup of order n acting cyclically on Ω_n. We show that CI_n has rank 2 (for n⩾2) and n⋅2^n−n+1 elements. Moreover, we give presentations of CI_n on n+1 generators and (n^2+3n+4)/2 relations and on 2 generators and (n^2−n+6)/2 relations. We also consider the remarkable inverse submonoid OCI_n of CI_n constituted by all its order-preserving transformations. We show that OCI_n has rank n and 3⋅2^n−2n−1 elements. Furthermore, we exhibit presentations of OCI_n on n+2 generators and (n^2+3n+8)/2 relations and on n generators and (n^2+3n)/2 relations.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "On the monoid of order-preserving transformations of a finite chain whose ranges are intervals." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-024-10466-2; Online 19 Aug 2024). 109.2 (2024): 336-346. AbstractWebsite

In this note we give a presentation for the monoid IO_n of all order-preserving transformations of a n-chain whose ranges are intervals. We also consider the submonoid IO_n^- of IO_n consisting of order-decreasing transformations, for which we determine the cardinality, the rank and a presentation.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "On the monoid of partial isometries of a wheel graph." Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.1142/S1793557123502388; Online 16 Dec 2023). 17.1 (2024): 2350238 (18 pages). AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we consider the monoid DPW_n of all partial isometries of a wheel graph W_n with n+1 vertices. Our main objective is to determine the rank of DPW_n. In the process, we also compute the ranks of three notable subsemigroups of DPW_n. We also describe Green's relations of DPW_n and of its three considered subsemigroups.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "On three submonoids of the dihedral inverse monoid on a finite set." Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (DOI 10.1007/s40840-023-01620-0; Online 11 Dec 2023). 47 (2024): 27. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider three submonoids of the dihedral inverse monoid DI_n, namely its submonoids OPDI_n, MDI_n and ODI_n of all orientation-preserving, monotone and order-preserving transformations, respectively. For each of these three monoids, we compute the cardinal, give descriptions of Green's relations and determine the rank.

Li, De Biao, and Vítor H. Fernandes. "Endomorphisms of semigroups of oriented transformations." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-022-10325-y; Online 2 Dec 2022). 106 (2023): 184-210. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we characterize the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented full transformations of a finite chain, as well as the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented partial transformations and the monoid of endomorphisms of the semigroup of all oriented partial permutations of a finite chain. Characterizations of the monoids of endomorphisms of the subsemigroups of all orientation-preserving transformations of the three semigroups aforementioned are also given. In addition, we compute the number of endomorphisms of each of these six semigroups.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Tânia Paulista. "On the monoid of partial isometries of a cycle graph." Turkish Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.55730/1300-0098.3460). 47 (2023): 1746-1760. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the monoid DPC_n of all partial isometries of a n-cycle graph C_n. We show that DPC_n is the submonoid of the monoid of all oriented partial permutations on a n-chain whose elements are precisely all restrictions of a dihedral group of order 2n. Our main aim is to exhibit a presentation of DPC_n. We also describe Green's relations of DPC_n and calculate its cardinality and rank.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Tânia Paulista. "On the monoid of partial isometries of a finite star graph." Communications in Algebra (DOI 10.1080/00927872.2022.2121404; Online 14 Sep 2022). 51.3 (2023): 1028-1048. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the monoid DPSn of all partial isometries of a star graph Sn with n vertices. Our main objectives are to determine the rank and to exhibit a presentation of DPSn. We also describe Green’s relations of DPSn and calculate its cardinal.

Fernandes, Vítor H., and Tânia Paulista. "On the Rank of Monoids of Endomorphisms of a Finite Directed Path." Asian-European Journal of Mathematics (DOI 10.1142/S1793557123500699; Online 28 Oct 2022). 16.04 (2023): 2350069 (13 pages). AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider endomorphisms of a finite directed path from monoid generators perspective. Our main aim is to determine the rank of the monoid wEndP_n of all weak endomorphisms of a directed path with n vertices, which is a submonoid of the widely studied monoid O_n of all order-preserving transformations of a n-chain. Also, we describe the regular elements of wEndP_n and calculate its size and number of idempotents.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "Oriented transformations on a finite chain: another description." Commun. Korean Math. Soc. (DOI 10.4134/CKMS.c220272; Online 12 July 2023). 38.3 (2023): 725-731. AbstractWebsite

Following the new description of an oriented full transformation on a finite chain given recently by Higgins and Vernitsk,
in this short note we present a refinement of this description which is extendable to partial transformations and to injective partial transformations.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Presentations for three remarkable submonoids of the dihedral inverse monoid on a finite set." Semigroup Forum (DOI 10.1007/s00233-023-10396-5; Online 31 Oct 2023). 107 (2023): 315-338. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we consider the submonoids OPDI_n, MDI_n and ODI_n of the dihedral inverse monoid DI_n of all orientation-preserving, monotone and order-preserving transformations, respectively. Our goal is to exhibit presentations for each of these three monoids.

Caneco, Rita, Vítor H. Fernandes, and Teresa M. Quinteiro. "Ranks and presentations of some normally ordered inverse semigroups." Periodica Mathematica Hungarica (DOI 10.1007/s10998-022-00448-8). 85 (2022): 435-447. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we compute the rank and exhibit a presentation for the monoids
of all $P$-stable and $P$-order preserving partial permutations on a finite set
$\Omega$, with $P$ an ordered uniform partition of $\Omega$. These (inverse)
semigroups constitute a natural class of generators of the pseudovariety of
inverse semigroups ${\sf NO}$ of all normally ordered (finite) inverse

Fernandes, Vítor H., M. M. Jesus, and B. Singha. "On orientation-preserving transformations of a chain." Communications in Algebra (DOI 10.1080/00927872.2020.1870996). 49.6 (2021): 2300-2325. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we introduce the notion of an orientation-preserving transformation on an arbitrary chain, as
a natural extension for infinite chains of the well known concept for finite chains introduced in 1998 by McAlister and, independently, in 1999 by Catarino and Higgins.
We consider the monoid POP(X) of all orientation-preserving partial transformations on a finite or infinite chain X and its submonoids OP(X) and POPI(X) of all orientation-preserving full transformations and of all orientation-preserving partial permutations on X, respectively.
The monoid PO(X) of all order-preserving partial transformations on X and its injective counterpart POI(X) are also considered.
We study the regularity and give descriptions of the Green's relations of the monoids POP(X), PO(X), OP(X), POPI(X) and POI(X).

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Partial Automorphisms and Injective Partial Endomorphisms of a Finite Undirected Path." Semigroup Forum. 103 (2021): 87-105. AbstractWebsite

In this paper, we study partial automorphisms and, more generally, injective partial endomorphisms of a finite undirected path from Semigroup Theory perspective. Our main objective is to give formulas for the ranks of the monoids IEnd(P_n) and PAut(P_n) of all injective partial endomorphisms and of all partial automorphisms of the undirected path P_n with n vertices. We also describe Green's relations of PAut(P_n) and IEnd(P_n) and calculate their cardinals.

Fernandes, Vítor H. "The Vagner-Preston representation of a block-group." Southeast Asian Bull. Math.. 45.6 (2021): 805-812. AbstractWebsite

In this short note we construct an extension of the Vagner-Preston representation for block-groups and show that its kernel is the largest congruence that separates regular elements.

Dimitrova, I., Vítor H. Fernandes, J. Koppitz, and T. M. Quinteiro. "Ranks of monoids of endomorphisms of a finite undirected path (DOI: 10.1007/s40840-019-00762-4)." Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. 43 (2020): 1623-1645. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we study the widely considered endomorphisms and weak endomorphisms of a finite undirected path from monoid generators perspective. Our main aim is to determine the ranks of the monoids $wEnd P_n$ and $End P_n$ of all weak endomorphisms and all endomorphisms of the undirected path $P_n$ with $n$ vertices. We also consider strong and strong weak endomorphisms of $P_n$.