The research on the solar concentrating equipment is intensified in the recent years in many scientific and industry groups and institutions. This growing interest is based mainly on the higher efficiency and lower investment in material that is typical for this solar technology. This work started not to answer a market problem but with the idea of development a new application for an domestic size collector of line-focussing Fresnel collector. Which is will be a important step for the renewable energy. If successful, in a few years a common person will be ready to produce solar thermoelectricity at home with the double benefit of producing electricity and hot steam. The paper presents a design methodology and heat transfer calculation for an concentrating system based on the Linear Fresnel Reflector (LFR) concept. The basic absorber design is an trapezoidal inverted air cavity without glass cover. The absorber is covered with a selective surface and is oriented north- south. This arrangement has shown good optical and thermal performance results validated by measurements during outdoor tests.