There have been many and very significant advances in the Wireless Power Transfer, resulting up to now in flexible and safe battery charging eliminating the necessity of power cables. The relatively low frequencies (tens of kilohertz) applied for those {"}classical{"} chargers are already well developed. A {"}new{"} technology appeared now that makes possible to apply a strong magnetic resonant coupling. Similar experiments were applied by N. Tesla more than a hundred years ago but now the researchers are capable to reach much higher frequencies. To achieve the necessary high level of magnetic field coupling it is essential to allow high levels of electric current intensity inside the resonant loops. In this article the achievement of highest magnetic field is analysed and experimented. Some results are discussed based on the choice of the resonant loop type and construction. The applications in the on-line energy supply for the EV are one of the aimed goals. The other goal may be the future more efficient induction machine.
Conference EV Warsaw