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Peres, R. S., X. Jia, J. Lee, K. Sun, A. W. Colombo, and J. Barata. "Industrial Artificial Intelligence in Industry 4.0 - Systematic Review, Challenges and Outlook." IEEE Access. 8 (2020): 220121-220139. Abstract
Peres, Ricardo Silva, Andre Dionisio Rocha, Paulo Leitao, and Jose Barata. "IDARTS – Towards intelligent data analysis and real-time supervision for industry 4.0." Computers in Industry. 101 (2018): 138-146. AbstractWebsite
Peres, Ricardo Silva IFEVS Use Case. Digitalized and Harmonized Industrial Production Systems., 2019. AbstractWebsite
Peres, Ricardo Silva An Industrial Data Analysis and Supervision Framework for Predictive Manufacturing Systems. Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2019. Abstract
Peres, Ricardo Silva. "Improvement of Multistage Quality Control through the Integration of Decision Modeling and Cyber-Physical Production Systems." 2018 International Conference on Intelligent Systems (IS). 2018. Abstract
Angione, Giacomo, José Barbosa, Frederik Gosewehr, Paulo Leitão, Daniele Massa, João Matos, Ricardo Silva Peres, André Dionisio Rocha, and Jeffrey Wermann. "Integration and Deployment of a Distributed and Pluggable Industrial Architecture for the PERFoRM Project." 27th International Conference on Flexible Automation and Intelligent Manufacturing, FAIM2017. Vol. 11. 2017. 896-904. Abstract