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Palma, Luís, J. Cruz, Fernando Coito, and Paulo Gil. "Java-Based Simulator of Dynamical Systems and PID Control." 2nd Experiment@ International Conference. Exp@2013. 2013. Abstract


Palma, L., F. Coito, P. Gil, and R. N. d Silva. "Design of Adaptive PCA Controllers for SISO Systems." 18th IFAC World Congress. n/a 2011. Abstract
Palma, Luís, J. Cruz, Fernando Coito, and Paulo Gil. "Interactive Demonstration of a Java-Based Simulator of Dynamical Systems." 2nd Experiment@ International Conference. Exp@2013. 2013. Abstract


Palma, L., F. Coito, R. N. d Silva, and P. Gil. "Process Control Based on PCA Models." 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. n/a 2010. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Real-Time Detection of Oscillations in Control Loops." IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. n/a 2011. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Low Order Models for Human Controller - Mouse Interface." IEEE 16th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, June 13-15. n/a 2012. Abstract
Palma, Luís, J. Moreira, Paulo Gil, and Fernando Coito. "Hybrid Approach for Control Loop Performance Assessment." KES - IDT - 5th International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies. KES IDT 2013 - IOS Press - Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA). 2013. 235-244. Abstract


Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Combination of Fault Detection Approaches for Networked Control Systems." 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. n/a 2010. Abstract
Palma, L., and P. Gil. "Adaptive and Robust Monitoring Approach for WSAN Environments." IEEE 9th International Conference on Industrial Informatics. n/a 2011. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Design of Adaptive Sliding Window PI-PCA Controller." 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation. n/a 2012. Abstract
Pereira, Vasco, Jorge Sá Silva, Alberto Cardoso, P. Gil, P. Furtado, R. M. Silva, J. Cecílio, A. Santos, A. Gomes, Edmundo Monteiro, J. d O, and R. Eiras. "Redes de Sensores sem Fios com Desempenho Controlado – Projecto FP7 GINSENG." Ingenium (Revista da Ordem dos Engenheiros) (2011): n/a. Abstract
Poettner, W., L. Wolf, J. Cecílio, P. Furtado, R. M. Silva, Jorge Sá Silva, Alberto Cardoso, J. Brown, C. Sreenan, A. Klein, U. Roedig, V. Vassiliou, T. Voigt, T. O. Donovan, Z. He, Z. Zinonos, and P. Gil. "WSN Evaluation in Industrial Environments First results and lessons learned." DCOSS. n/a 2011. Abstract