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Gil, P., António Dourado, J. Henriques, and P. Carvalho. "Constrained Adaptive Nonlinear Neural Model Based Predictive Control of a Distributed Solar Collector Field." Proceedings of the Second IHP Workshop of PSA Users. n/a 2002. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, and António Dourado. "Unscented Kalman Filter in Adaptive Neural Model-Based Predictive Control." 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. n/a 2002. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Stability Analysis for a Class of Affine State-Space Neural Networks." 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. n/a 2004. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, Fábio Santos, Alberto Cardoso, and Luís Palma. "Parametric Fault Detection in Nonlinear Systems-A Recursive Subspace-based Approach." 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. 2013. Abstract


Gil, P., Alberto Cardoso, and L. Palma. "Estimating the Number of Hidden Neurons in Recurrent Neural Networks for Nonlinear System Identification." IEEE-ISIE 2009 - IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics. n/a 2009. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Constrained Neural Model Predictive Control with Guaranteed Free Offset." IEEE - IECON'2000. n/a 2000. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "State Space Neural Networks and the Unscented Kalman Filter in Online Nonlinear System Identification." IASTED, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, J. Henriques, and Alberto Cardoso. "Neural Networks in Scheduling Linear Controllers with Application to a Solar Power Plant." IASTED Control and Applications. n/a 2002. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, P. Carvalho, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Adaptive Model-Based Predictive Control With Steady State Offset Compensation for a Distributed Solar Collector Field." IEEE-ICNNSP 2003. n/a 2003. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, F Santos, Alberto Cardoso, and Lu Palma Lu. "Subspace Propagator-based Approach for Online State-space System Identification." 2nd IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics. 2013. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "On State-Space Neural Networks for Systems Identification: Stability and Complexity." IEEE CIS-RAM. n/a 2006. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, Jorge Henriques, Alberto Cardoso, and António Dourado. "On affine state-space neural networks for system identification: Global stability conditions and complexity management." Control Engineering Practice. 21 (2013): 518-529. Abstract


Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Non-linear predictive control based on a recurrent neural network." ESIT\'99. n/a 1999. Abstract
Gil, P., A. Paulo, L. Palma, A. Santos, and Alberto Cardoso. "Model Based Predictive Control over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks." The 37th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2011). n/a 2011. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "Recurrent Neural Networks and Feedback Linearization for a Solar Power Plant Control." EUNIT01, European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, J. Henriques, and P. Carvalho. "Adaptive Neural Model Based Predictive Control Of A Solar Power Plant." IJCNN, International Join Conference on Neural Networks. n/a 2002. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Order Estimation in Affine State-Space Neural Networks." 2005 IEEE Mid-Summer Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications. n/a 2005. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, Catarina Lucena, Alberto Cardoso, and Luís Palma. "Fuzzy controllers gains tuning: a constrained nonlinear optimization approach." Neural Computing & Applications. 22 (2013). Abstract


Gil, P., Alberto Cardoso, J. Nascimento, A. Medina, L. Palma, and P. Furtado. "Internet-Based Real-Time Control Laboratory." 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. n/a 2008. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, A. Emmen, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Application of a recurrent neural network in on-line modelling of real.time system." ESIT'99 3-4 June Crete. n/a 1999. Abstract
Gil, P., G. N. N. V. Nunes, L. Palma, A. Santos, and Alberto Cardoso. "Adaptive Model Based Predictive Networked Control over WSAN with Tolerance to Transmission Faults on the Forward Channel." 5th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2011). n/a 2011. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Extended Neural Model Predictive Control of Non-linear Systems." IASTED - ASC'2000. n/a 2000. Abstract
Gomes, J., Alberto Cardoso, and P. Gil. "Risk Management Integrated Systems; a methodological approach concerning the Tua river railway (NE Portugal)." VI Colóquio de Geografia de Coimbra â??Sociedade da Informação Geográficaâ?. n/a 2008. Abstract