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Conference Paper
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Order Estimation in Affine State-Space Neural Networks." 2005 IEEE Mid-Summer Workshop on Soft Computing in Industrial Applications. n/a 2005. Abstract
Januário, Fábio, Amâncio Santos, Catarina Lucena, Luis Palma, Alberto Cardoso, and Paulo Gil. "Outliers Accommodation in Fuzzy Control Systems over WSAN." 5th KES International Conference on Intelligent Decision Technologies. Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA). 2013. 334-343. Abstract


Gil, Paulo, Fábio Santos, Alberto Cardoso, and Luís Palma. "Parametric Fault Detection in Nonlinear Systems-A Recursive Subspace-based Approach." 10th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. 2013. Abstract


Brito, M., J. Henriques, P. Gil, and M. Antunes. "A Predictive Adaptive Approach to Generic ECG Data Compression." EMBEC05. European Medical and Biomedical Conference. n/a 2005. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, R. N. d Silva, and P. Gil. "Process Control Based on PCA Models." 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation. n/a 2010. Abstract
Palma, L., F. Coito, and P. Gil. "Real-Time Detection of Oscillations in Control Loops." IEEE International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives. n/a 2011. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "Recurrent Neural Networks and Feedback Linearization for a Solar Power Plant Control." EUNIT01, European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems. n/a 2001. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, M. & S. Vieira, P. Catré, and P. Gil. "Remote and Virtual Control Lab at DEI-FCTUC: Systems and Control Experiments for Engineering Courses." 1st World Engineering Flash Week. n/a 2011. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, M. & S. Vieira, and P. Gil. "A Remote and Virtual Lab with Experiments for Secondary Education, Engineering and Lifelong Learning Courses."'11 - 1st Experiment@ International Conference. n/a 2011. Abstract
Gomes, J., Alberto Cardoso, and P. Gil. "Risk Management Integrated Systems; a methodological approach concerning the Tua river railway (NE Portugal)." VI Colóquio de Geografia de Coimbra â??Sociedade da Informação Geográficaâ?. n/a 2008. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, and P. Gil. "Robust Fault Monitoring of Networked Control Systems." 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. n/a 2008. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, P. Gil, J. Henriques, P. Carvalho, H. Duarte-Ramos, and António Dourado. "A Robust Fault Tolerant Control Framework: Application to a Solar Power Plant." IASTED International Conference Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2003. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, P. Gil, and Alberto Cardoso. "Scheduling of PID controllers by means of a Neural Network With Application to a Solar Power Plant." IJCNN, International Join Conference on Neural Networks. n/a 2002. Abstract
Henriques, J., M. Brito, P. Gil, P. Carvalho, and M. Antunes. "Searching for Similarities in Nearly Periodic Signals With Application to ECG Data Compression." International Conference on Pattern Recognition - ICPR2006. n/a 2006. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, S. Santos, A. Santos, and P. Gil. "Simulation Platform for Wireless Sensor Networks based on the TrueTime Toolbox." IECON 2009 - 35th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society. n/a 2009. Abstract
Gomes, J., Alberto Cardoso, and P. Gil. "Slope instability and landslides in Tua river basin and its relations with recent train disasters." Geomorphology 2009 - 7th International Conference on Geomorphology (ANZIAG). n/a 2009. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Stability Analysis for a Class of Affine State-Space Neural Networks." 12th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. n/a 2004. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "State Space Neural Networks and the Unscented Kalman Filter in Online Nonlinear System Identification." IASTED, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2001. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, and P. Gil. "State Space Neural Networks in Nonlinear Adaptive System Identification and Control." IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control 2001. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, Paulo, F Santos, Alberto Cardoso, and Lu Palma Lu. "Subspace Propagator-based Approach for Online State-space System Identification." 2nd IEEE Conference on Control, Systems & Industrial Informatics. 2013. Abstract
Cardoso, Alberto, and P. Gil. "Teaching and Online Learning Activities in Engineering Courses using Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks." ICL/IGIP2012 - International Conference on Engineering Pedagogy. n/a 2012. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, and António Dourado. "Unscented Kalman Filter in Adaptive Neural Model-Based Predictive Control." 10th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. n/a 2002. Abstract
Henriques, J., P. Carvalho, P. Gil, A. Marques, T. Rocha, B. Ribeiro, M. Antunes, R. Sal, and J. Habetha. "Ventricular Arrhythmias Assessment." n/a. n/a 2007. Abstract
Poettner, W., L. Wolf, J. Cecílio, P. Furtado, R. M. Silva, Jorge Sá Silva, Alberto Cardoso, J. Brown, C. Sreenan, A. Klein, U. Roedig, V. Vassiliou, T. Voigt, T. O. Donovan, Z. He, Z. Zinonos, and P. Gil. "WSN Evaluation in Industrial Environments First results and lessons learned." DCOSS. n/a 2011. Abstract
Book Chapter