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Henriques, J., António Dourado, and P. Gil. "Combining a recurrent neural network and the Output regulation theory for nonlinear adaptive control." IASTED International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "Recurrent Neural Networks and Feedback Linearization for a Solar Power Plant Control." EUNIT01, European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., António Dourado, and J. Henriques. "State Space Neural Networks and the Unscented Kalman Filter in Online Nonlinear System Identification." IASTED, International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Control. n/a 2001. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, and P. Gil. "State Space Neural Networks in Nonlinear Adaptive System Identification and Control." IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control 2001. n/a 2001. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Constrained Neural Model Predictive Control with Guaranteed Free Offset." IEEE - IECON'2000. n/a 2000. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Extended Neural Model Predictive Control of Non-linear Systems." IASTED - ASC'2000. n/a 2000. Abstract
Henriques, J., António Dourado, and P. Gil. "Learning and Output Regulation with Recurrent Neural Networks." CONTROLO 2000 â?? 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control. n/a 2000. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, A. Emmen, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Application of a recurrent neural network in on-line modelling of real.time system." ESIT'99 3-4 June Crete. n/a 1999. Abstract
Gil, P., J. Henriques, António Dourado, and H. Duarte-Ramos. "Non-linear predictive control based on a recurrent neural network." ESIT\'99. n/a 1999. Abstract