Edifício II - 2/16, Departamento de Informática, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2829-516 Caparica, Portugal (email)
PhD student: Crowdsourcing Mobile Devices to Provide Storage in Edge-Clouds
Co-supervised by: João Lourenço
Ongoing since: November 2013
Publications: MECC 2016, ISPA 2016, SAC 2015, ICDCN PhD Forum 2015, INForum 2014, DMTM 2014, INForum 2013,
MSc Thesis: Multi-GPU Support on the Marrow Algorithmic Skeleton Framework
Concluded: November 2013
Publications: Euro-par 2013, INForum 2013, SAC 2014, Heteropar 2014, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience
MSc Thesis: Structured Dynamic Reconfiguration of Web Service Workflows (in portuguese)
Main supervisor: Maria Cecília Gomes
Concluded: January 2012
Publications: INForum 2012, ISPA 2012, IJIMAI
MSc Thesis: Dynamic Adaptation of Interaction Models for Stateful Web Services
Publications: INForum 2011, IESS 2012, ISPA 2012, IJIMAI
MSc Thesis: Service-oriented Mobility of Java Code in Web Services-based Architectures
Concluded: November 2010
Publications: ICA3PP 2012
MSc Thesis: Orchestration of Heterogeneous Middleware Services and Its Application to a Command and Control Platform
Industry collaboration with Critical Software
Concluded: April 2009
Publications: DOA (OTM) 2009, PDCAT 2010
MSc Thesis: Video-Shot Extraction in a CPU-GPU Cluster (in Portuguese)
Co-supervised by: João Magalhães
Concluded: June 2016
MSc Thesis: A System’s Approach to Cache Hierarchy-Aware Decomposition of Data-Parallel Computations
Concluded: May 2014
Publications: INForum 2012 and 2013
MSc Thesis: Definição e Execução de Computações Dinâmicas numa Linguagem de Programação Orientada-a-Serviços
Concluded: June 2014
MSC Thesis: On the Cloud Deployment of a Session Abstraction for Service-Data Aggregation
Concluded: May 2013