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Pinheiro, A., A. Ruivo, J. Rocha, M. Ferro, JV Pinto, J. Deuermeier, T. Mateus, A. Santa, MJ Mendes, R. Martins, S. Gago, C. A. T. Laia, and H. Águas. "Parylene-Sealed Perovskite Nanocrystals Down-Shifting Layer for Luminescent Spectral Matching in Thin Film Photovoltaics." Nanomaterials. 13 (2023). AbstractWebsite
Menda, U. D., G. Ribeiro, J. Deuermeier, E. López, D. Nunes, S. Jana, I. Artacho, R. Martins, I. Mora-Seró, MJ Mendes, and I. Ramiro. "Thermal-Carrier-Escape Mitigation in a Quantum-Dot-In-Perovskite Intermediate Band Solar Cell via Bandgap Engineering." ACS Photonics. 10 (2023): 3647-3655. AbstractWebsite
Li, K., S. Haque, A. Martins, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, MJ Mendes, and C. S. Schuster. "Light trapping in solar cells: Simple design rules to maximize absorption." Optica. 7 (2020): 1377-1384. AbstractWebsite
Torrisi, Giacomo, João S. Luis, Olalla Sanchez-Sobrado, Rosario Raciti, Manuel J. Mendes, Hugo Águas, Elvira Fortunato, Rodrigo Martins, and Antonio Terrasi. "{Colloidal-structured metallic micro-grids: High performance transparent electrodes in the red and infrared range}." Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 197 (2019): 7-12. Abstract

One of the most promising approaches to produce industrial-compatible Transparent Conducting Materials (TCMs) with excellent characteristics is the fabrication of TCO/metal/TCO multilayers. In this article, we report on the electro-optical properties of a novel high-performing TCO/metal/TCO structure in which the intra-layer is a micro-structured metallic grid instead of a continuous thin film. The grid is obtained by evaporation of Ag through a mask of polystyrene colloidal micro-spheres deposited by the Langmuir-Blodgett method and partially dry-etched in plasma. IZO/Ag grid/IZO structures with different thicknesses and mesh dimensions have been fabricated, exhibiting excellent electrical characteristics (sheet resistance below 10 $Ømega$/□) and particularly high optical transmittance in the near-infrared spectral region as compared to planar (unstructured) TCM multilayers. Numerical simulations were also used to highlight the role of the Ag mesh parameters on the electrical properties.

Morawiec, S., J. Holovský, MJ Mendes, M. Müller, K. Ganzerová, A. Vetushka, M. Ledinský, F. Priolo, A. Fejfar, and I. Crupi. "{Experimental quantification of useful and parasitic absorption of light in plasmon-enhanced thin silicon films for solar cells application}." Scientific Reports (2016). AbstractWebsite
Lyubchyk, A., A. Vicente, P. U. Alves, B. Catela, B. Soule, T. Mateus, MJ Mendes, H. Águas, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "{Influence of post-deposition annealing on electrical and optical properties of ZnO-based TCOs deposited at room temperature}." Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science. 213 (2016). Abstract

© 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH {&} Co. KGaA, Weinheim The post-deposition modification of ZnO-based transparent conductive oxides (TCOs) can be the key to produce thin films with optoelectronic properties similar to indium tin oxide (ITO), but at a much lower cost. Here, we present electro-optical results achieved for post-deposition annealing of Al–Zn–O (AZO), AZO:H, Ga–Zn–O:H (GZO:H), and Zn–O:H (ZNO:H) thin films deposited by RF sputtering at room temperature. These studies comprise results of thermal annealing at atmospheric pressure, vacuum, forming gas, H2and Ar atmospheres, and H2and Ar plasmas, which lead to significant enhancement of their electro-optical properties, which are correlated to morphological and structural improvements. The post-deposition annealing leads to an enhancement in resistivity above 40{%} for AZO, AZO:H, and GZO:H, reaching $\rho$ ≈ 2.6–3.5 × 10−4$Ømega$cm, while ZnO:H showed a lower improvement of 13{%}. The averaged optical transmittance in the visible region is about 89{%} for the investigated TCOs. Such results match the properties of state-of-art ITO ($\rho$ ≈ 10−4$Ømega$cm and transmittance in VIS range of 90{%}) employing much more earth-abundant materials.

Lyubchyk, Andriy, António Vicente, Bertrand Soule, Pedro Urbano Alves, Tiago Mateus, Manuel J. Mendes, Hugo Águas, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "{Mapping the Electrical Properties of ZnO-Based Transparent Conductive Oxides Grown at Room Temperature and Improved by Controlled Postdeposition Annealing}." Advanced Electronic Materials. 2 (2016): 1500287. AbstractWebsite

Indium tin oxide (ITO) is the current standard state-of-the-art transparent conductive oxide (TCO), given its remarkable optical and electrical properties. However, the scarcity of indium carries an important drawback for the long-term application due to its intensive use in many optoelectronic devices such as displays, solar cells, and interactive systems. Zinc oxide-based TCOs can be a cost-effective and viable alternative, but the limitations imposed by their transmittance versus resistivity tradeoff still keep them behind ITO. In this work, an in-depth study of the structural and compositional material changes induced by specific postannealing treatments is presented, based on aluminum zinc oxide (AZO) and hydrogenated AZO (AZO:H) thin films grown by rf-magnetron sputtering at room temperature that allows an extensive understanding of the films' electrical/structural changes and the ability to tune their physical parameters to yield increasingly better performances, which put them in line with the best ITO quality standards. The present investigation comprises results of thermal annealing at atmospheric pressure, vacuum, forming gas, H2 and Ar atmospheres and plasmas. Overall the study being performed leads to a decrease in resistivity above 40{%}, reaching $\rho$ ≈ 3 × 10−4 $Ømega$ cm, with an average optical transmittance in the visible region around 88{%}. Such results are equivalent to the properties of state-of-the-art ITO.

Mendes, MJ, S. Morawiec, T. Mateus, A. Lyubchyk, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, F. Priolo, and I. Crupi. "{Broadband light trapping in thin film solar cells with self-organized plasmonic nanocolloids}." Nanotechnology. 26 (2015). Abstract

© 2015 IOP Publishing Ltd. The intense light scattered from metal nanoparticles sustaining surface plasmons makes them attractive for light trapping in photovoltaic applications. However, a strong resonant response from nanoparticle ensembles can only be obtained if the particles have monodisperse physical properties. Presently, the chemical synthesis of colloidal nanoparticles is the method that produces the highest monodispersion in geometry and material quality, with the added benefits of being low-temperature, low-cost, easily scalable and of allowing control of the surface coverage of the deposited particles. In this paper, novel plasmonic back-reflector structures were developed using spherical gold colloids with appropriate dimensions for pronounced far-field scattering. The plasmonic back reflectors are incorporated in the rear contact of thin film n-i-p nanocrystalline silicon solar cells to boost their photocurrent generation via optical path length enhancement inside the silicon layer. The quantum efficiency spectra of the devices revealed a remarkable broadband enhancement, resulting from both light scattering from the metal nanoparticles and improved light incoupling caused by the hemispherical corrugations at the cells' front surface formed from the deposition of material over the spherically shaped colloids.

Tobias, I., MJ Mendes, A. Boronat, E. Lopez, P. Garcia-Linares, I. Artacho, A. Marti, S. Silvestre, and A. Luque. "{HIT intermediate-band solar cells with self-assembled colloidal quantum dots and metal nanoparticles}." 2015 IEEE 42nd Photovoltaic Specialist Conference, PVSC 2015. 2015. Abstract
Lyubchyk, A., SA Filonovich, T. Mateus, MJ Mendes, A. Vicente, JP Leitão, BP Falcão, E. Fortunato, H. Águas, and R. Martins. "{Nanocrystalline thin film silicon solar cells: A deeper look into p/i interface formation}." Thin Solid Films (2015). AbstractWebsite
Schuster, Christian S., Seweryn Morawiec, Manuel J. Mendes, Maddalena Patrini, Emiliano R. Martins, Liam Lewis, Isodiana Crupi, and Thomas F. Krauss. "{Plasmonic and diffractive nanostructures for light trapping - an experimental comparison}." Optica. 2 (2015): 194-200. AbstractWebsite

Metal nanoparticles and diffractive nanostructures are widely studied for enhancing light trapping efficiency in thin-film solar cells. Both have achieved high performance enhancements, but there are very few direct comparisons between the two. Also, it is difficult to accurately determine the parasitic absorption of metal nanoparticles. Here, we assess the light trapping efficiencies of both approaches in an identical absorber configuration. We use a 240 nm thick amorphous silicon slab as the absorber layer and either a quasi-random supercell diffractive nanostructure or a layer of self-assembled metal nanoparticles for light trapping. Both the plasmonic and diffractive structures strongly enhance the absorption in the red/near-infrared regime. At longer wavelengths, however, parasitic absorption becomes evident in the metal nanoparticles, which reduces the overall performance of the plasmonic approach. We have formulated a simple analytical model to assess the parasitic absorption and effective reflectivity of a plasmonic reflector and to demonstrate good agreement with the experimental data.

Vicente, Antonio, Hugo Aguas, Tiago Mateus, Andreia Araujo, Andriy Lyubchyk, Simo Siitonen, Elvira Fortunato, and Rodrigo Martins. "{Solar cells for self-sustainable intelligent packaging}." Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 3 (2015): 13226-13236. AbstractWebsite

Nowadays there is a strong demand for intelligent packaging to provide comfort, welfare and security to owners, vendors and consumers by allowing them to know the contents and interact with the goods. This is of particular relevance for low cost, fully disposable and recyclable products, such as identification tags and medical diagnostic tests, and devices for analysis and/or quality control in food and pharmaceutical industries. However, the increase of complexity and processing capacity requires continuous power and can be addressed by the combined use of a small disposable battery, charged by a disposable solar cell, which is able to work under indoor lighting. Herein, we show a proof-of-concept of the pioneering production of thin-film amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) solar cells with an efficiency of 4{%} by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) on liquid packaging cardboard (LPC), which is commonly used in the food and beverage industries. Such accomplishment put us one step closer to this revolution by providing a flexible, renewable and extremely cheap autonomous energy packaging system. Moreover, such Si thin films take advantage of their good performance at low-light levels, which also makes them highly desirable for cheap mobile indoor applications.

Gaspar, D., AC Pimentel, MJ Mendes, T. Mateus, BP Falcão, JP Leitão, J. Soares, A. Araújo, A. Vicente, SA Filonovich, H. Águas, R. Martins, and I. Ferreira. "{Ag and Sn Nanoparticles to Enhance the Near-Infrared Absorbance of a-Si:H Thin Films}." Plasmonics. 9 (2014): 1015-1023. AbstractWebsite
Mendes, Manuel J., Estela Hernández, Esther López, Pablo García-Linares, Iñigo Ramiro, Irene Artacho, Elisa Antolín, Ignacio Tobías, Antonio Martí, and Antonio Luque. "{Self-organized colloidal quantum dots and metal nanoparticles for plasmon-enhanced intermediate-band solar cells}." Nanotechnology. 24 (2013): 345402. AbstractWebsite

A colloidal deposition technique is presented to construct long-range ordered hybrid arrays of self-assembled quantum dots and metal nanoparticles. Quantum dots are promising for novel opto-electronic devices but, in most cases, their optical transitions of interest lack sufficient light absorption to provide a significant impact in their implementation. A potential solution is to couple the dots with localized plasmons in metal nanoparticles. The extreme confinement of light in the near-field produced by the nanoparticles can potentially boost the absorption in the quantum dots by up to two orders of magnitude. In this work, light extinction measurements are employed to probe the plasmon resonance of spherical gold nanoparticles in lead sulfide colloidal quantum dots and amorphous silicon thin-films. Mie theory computations are used to analyze the experimental results and determine the absorption enhancement that can be generated by the highly intense near-field produced in the vicinity of the gold nanoparticles at their surface plasmon resonance. The results presented here are of interest for the development of plasmon-enhanced colloidal nanostructured photovoltaic materials, such as colloidal quantum dot intermediate-band solar cells.

Martí, Antonio, Elisa Antolín, Pablo {García Linares}, Iñigo Ramiro, Irene Artacho, Esther López, Estela Hernández, Manuel J. Mendes, Alex Mellor, Ignacio Tobías, David {Fuertes Marrón}, Cesar Tablero, Ana B. Cristóbal, Christopher G. Bailey, Maria Gonzalez, Michael Yakes, Mathew P. Lumb, Robert Walters, and Antonio Luque. "{Six not-so-easy pieces in intermediate band solar cell research}." Journal of Photonics for Energy. 3 (2013): 31299. AbstractWebsite

Abstract.  The concept of intermediate band solar cell (IBSC) is, apparently, simple to grasp. However, since the idea was proposed, our understanding has improved and some concepts can now be explained more clearly than when the concept was initially introduced. Clarifying these concepts is important, even if they are well known for the advanced researcher, so that research efforts can be driven in the right direction from the start. The six pieces of this work are: Does a miniband need to be formed when the IBSC is implemented with quantum dots? What are the problems for each of the main practical approaches that exist today? What are the simplest experimental techniques to demonstrate whether an IBSC is working as such or not? What is the issue with the absorption coefficient overlap and the Mott's transition? What would the best system be, if any?

Mendes, Manuel J., Ignacio Tobías, Antonio Martí, and Antonio Luque. "{Light concentration in the near-field of dielectric spheroidal particles with mesoscopic sizes}." Optics Express. 19 (2011): 16207-16222. AbstractWebsite
Mendes, MJ, I. Tobías, A. Martí, and A. Luque. "{Near-field light focusing by wavelenght-sized dielectric spheroids for photovoltaic applications}." Optical Nanostructures and Advanced Materials for Photovoltaics - Concepts of Light Trapping and Photon Transport. Ed. Technical O. S. A. Digest. Vol. Renewable. Austin, Texas (USA): Optical Society of America, 2011. JThC. Abstract
Mellor, A., I. Tobías, A. Martí, MJ Mendes, and A. Luque. "{Upper limits to absorption enhancement in thick solar cells using diffraction gratings}." Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications. 19 (2011): 676-687. AbstractWebsite

The application of diffraction gratings to solar cells is a promising approach to superseding the light trapping limits of conventional Lambertian structures. In this paper a mathematical formalism is derived for calculating the absorption that can be expected in a solar cell equipped with a diffraction grating, which can be applied to any lattice geometry and grating profile. Furthermore, the formalism is used to calculate the upper limit of total absorption that can theoretically be achieved using a diffraction grating. The derived formalism and limits are valid when the solar cell thickness is greater than the coherence length of the illuminating solar spectrum. Comparison is made to the upper limit achievable using an angularly selective Rugate filter, which is also calculated. Both limits are found to be considerably higher than the Lambertian limit within the range of sunlight concentration factors practically employed in photovoltaic systems (1–1000×). The upper limit of absorption using the diffraction grating is shown to be equal to the thermodynamic limit for all absorbances and concentration factors. The limit for the Rugate filter is generally lower, but tends to the thermodynamic limit for lower cell absorbances. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley {&} Sons, Ltd.

Mendes, MJ, E. Hernández, I. Tobías, A. Martí, and A. Luque. "{Embedment of metal nanoparticles in GaAs and Si for plasmonic absorption enhancement in intermediate band solar cells}." 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition - 5th World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion. Valencia, Spain 2010. 218-222. Abstract
Mendes, Manuel J., Ignacio Tobías, Antonio Martí, and Antonio Luque. "{Near-field scattering by dielectric spheroidal particles with sizes on the order of the illuminating wavelength}." J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 27 (2010): 1221-1231. AbstractWebsite
Martí, A., E. Antolín, P. G. Linares, E. Cánovas, D. {Fuertes Marrón}, C. Tablero, M. Mendes, A. Mellor, I. Tobías, M. Y. Levy, E. Hernández, A. Luque, C. D. Farmer, C. R. Stanley, R. P. Campion, J. L. Hall, S. V. Novikov, C. T. Foxon, R. Scheer, B. Marsen, H. W. Schock, M. Picault, and C. Chaix. "{IBPOWER: Intermediate band materials and solar cells for photovoltaics with high efficiency and reduced cost}." Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 2009. Abstract
Mendes, MJ, A. Luque, I. Tobias, and A. Marti. "{Plasmonic light enhancement in the near-field of metallic nanospheroids for application in intermediate band solar cells}." Applied Physics Letters. 95 (2009): 71105. Abstract

In order to enhance infrared light absorption in sub-bandgap transitions in an intermediate band solar cell, the scattered near-field potential from uncoated and coated metallic nanoparticles with a spheroidal shape is calculated with the electrostatic model. The absorption enhancement produced at the surface plasmon frequency of the nanoparticles can be of several orders of magnitude in some cases.

Luque, A., A. Marti, MJ Mendes, and I. Tobias. "{Light absorption in the near field around surface plasmon polaritons}." Journal of Applied Physics. 104 (2008): 8. Abstract

A semiclassical method is developed to calculate the energy absorption of an electronic system located in the near field of a metal nanoparticle sustaining surface plasmons. The results are found to be similar to those of photon absorption from ordinary transversal radiation. However, they are affected by a geometrical factor that can increase the absorption by several orders of magnitude. As example, we investigate ellipsoidal-shaped metal nanoparticles which, under favorable conditions, may provide near field aborption enhancements almost as large as 10(4), and in many cases above 10. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.3014035]