{IBPOWER: Intermediate band materials and solar cells for photovoltaics with high efficiency and reduced cost}

Martí, A., E. Antolín, P. G. Linares, E. Cánovas, D. {Fuertes Marrón}, C. Tablero, M. Mendes, A. Mellor, I. Tobías, M. Y. Levy, E. Hernández, A. Luque, C. D. Farmer, C. R. Stanley, R. P. Campion, J. L. Hall, S. V. Novikov, C. T. Foxon, R. Scheer, B. Marsen, H. W. Schock, M. Picault, and C. Chaix. "{IBPOWER: Intermediate band materials and solar cells for photovoltaics with high efficiency and reduced cost}." Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 2009.





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