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Journal Article
Safari, L., P. Amaro, S. Fritzsche, J. P. Santos, S. Tashenov, and F. Fratini. "Relativistic polarization analysis of Rayleigh scattering by atomic hydrogen." Physical Review A 86 (2012): 043405. AbstractWebsite

A relativistic analysis of the polarization properties of light elastically scattered by atomic hydrogen is performed, based on the Dirac equation and second-order perturbation theory. The relativistic atomic states used for the calculations are obtained by making use of the finite basis set method and are expressed in terms of B splines and B polynomials. We introduce two experimental scenarios in which the light is circularly and linearly polarized, respectively. For each of these scenarios, the polarization-dependent angular distribution and the degrees of circular and linear polarization of the scattered light are investigated as a function of scattering angle and photon energy. Analytical expressions are derived for the polarization-dependent angular distribution which can be used for scattering by both hydrogenic as well as many-electron systems. Detailed computations are performed for Rayleigh scattering by atomic hydrogen within the incident photon energy range 0.5 to 5 keV. Particular attention is paid to the effects that arise from higher (nondipole) terms in the expansion of the electron-photon interaction.

Safari, L., P. Amaro, S. Fritzsche, J. P. Santos, and F. Fratini. "Relativistic total cross section and angular distribution for Rayleigh scattering by atomic hydrogen." Phys. Rev. A 85 (2012): 043406. AbstractWebsite

We study the total cross section and angular distribution in Rayleigh scattering by hydrogen atom in the ground state, within the framework of Dirac relativistic equation and second-order perturbation theory. The relativistic states used for the calculations are obtained by making use of the finite basis-set method and expressed in terms of B splines and B polynomials. We pay particular attention to the effects that arise from higher (nondipole) terms in the expansion of the electron-photon interaction. It is shown that the angular distribution of scattered photons, while symmetric with respect to the scattering angle θ=90∘ within the electric dipole approximation, becomes asymmetric when higher multipoles are taken into account. The analytical expression of the angular distribution is parametrized in terms of Legendre polynomials. Detailed calculations are performed for photons in the energy range 0.5 to 10 keV. When possible, results are compared with previous calculations.

Safari, L., P. Amaro, S. Fritzsche, J. P. Santos, and F. Fratini. "Relativistic total cross section and angular distribution for Rayleigh scattering by atomic hydrogen." Physical Review A 85 (2012): 043406. AbstractWebsite

We study the total cross section and angular distribution in Rayleigh scattering by hydrogen atom in the ground state, within the framework of Dirac relativistic equation and second-order perturbation theory. The relativistic states used for the calculations are obtained by making use of the finite basis-set method and expressed in terms of B splines and B polynomials. We pay particular attention to the effects that arise from higher (nondipole) terms in the expansion of the electron-photon interaction. It is shown that the angular distribution of scattered photons, while symmetric with respect to the scattering angle θ=90∘ within the electric dipole approximation, becomes asymmetric when higher multipoles are taken into account. The analytical expression of the angular distribution is parametrized in terms of Legendre polynomials. Detailed calculations are performed for photons in the energy range 0.5 to 10 keV. When possible, results are compared with previous calculations.

"Relativistic transition probabilities for F-like ions with 10." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B 235 (2005): 171. AbstractWebsite
In the present work we have calculated several relativistic transition probabilities for the F-like ions with 10 less-than-or-equals, slant Z less-than-or-equals, slant 49, in the framework of the Multi-Configuration Dirac–Fock method, for applications on laserphysics and astrophysics. The lines considered correspond to transitions between levels of 2p43s, 2p43p and 2p43d configurations. The spectral fine structure is taken into consideration and the results for individual lines are given.
Santos, J. P., C. Madruga, F. Parente, and P. Indelicato. "Relativistic transition probabilities for F-like ions with 10⩽Z⩽49." Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 235 (2005): 171-173. AbstractWebsite

In the present work we have calculated several relativistic transition probabilities for the F-like ions with 10 less-than-or-equals, slant Z less-than-or-equals, slant 49, in the framework of the Multi-Configuration Dirac–Fock method, for applications on laserphysics and astrophysics. The lines considered correspond to transitions between levels of 2p43s, 2p43p and 2p43d configurations. The spectral fine structure is taken into consideration and the results for individual lines are given.

Santos, J., A. Costa, C. Madruga, F. Parente, and P. Indelicato. "Relativistic transition wavelenghts and probabilities for spectral lines of Ne II." The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 63 (2011): 89-96. AbstractWebsite

Transition wavelengths and probabilities for several 2 p 4 3 p -2 p 4 3 s and 2 p 4 3 d -2 p 4 3 p lines in fluorine-like neon ion (NeII) have been calculated within the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method with quantum electrodynamics (QED) corrections. The results are compared with all existing experimental and theoretical data.

Santos, J. P., A. Costa, C. Madruga, F. Parente, and P. Indelicato. "Relativistic transition wavelenghts and probabilities for spectral lines of Ne II." The European Physical Journal D 63 (2011): 89-96. AbstractWebsite

Transition wavelengths and probabilities for several 2 p 4 3 p -2 p 4 3 s and 2 p 4 3 d -2 p 4 3 p lines in fluorine-like neon ion (NeII) have been calculated within the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock (MCDF) method with quantum electrodynamics (QED) corrections. The results are compared with all existing experimental and theoretical data.

Amaro, P., J. P. Santos, F. Parente, A. Surzhykov, and P. Indelicato. "Resonance effects on the two-photon emission from hydrogenic ions." Physical Review A (Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics) 79 (2009): 062504. AbstractWebsite
A theoretical study of the all two-photon transitions from initial bound states with ni=2,3 in hydrogenic ions is presented. High-precision values of relativistic decay rates for ions with nuclear charge in the range 1<=Z<=92 are obtained through the use of finite basis sets for the Dirac equation constructed from B splines. We also report the spectral (energy) distributions of several resonant transitions, which exhibit interesting structures, such as zeros in the emission spectrum, indicating that two-photon emission is strongly suppressed at certain frequencies. We compare two different approaches (the line profile approach and the QED approach based on the analysis of the relativistic two-loop self-energy) to regularize the resonant contribution to the decay rate. Predictions for the pure two-photon contributions obtained in these approaches are found to be in good numerical agreement.
Amaro, P., J. P. Santos, F. Parente, A. Surzhykov, and P. Indelicato. "Resonance effects on the two-photon emission from hydrogenic ions." Physical Review A 79 (2009): 062504. AbstractWebsite

A theoretical study of the all two-photon transitions from initial bound states with ni=2,3 in hydrogenic ions is presented. High-precision values of relativistic decay rates for ions with nuclear charge in the range 1<=Z<=92 are obtained through the use of finite basis sets for the Dirac equation constructed from B splines. We also report the spectral (energy) distributions of several resonant transitions, which exhibit interesting structures, such as zeros in the emission spectrum, indicating that two-photon emission is strongly suppressed at certain frequencies. We compare two different approaches (the line profile approach and the QED approach based on the analysis of the relativistic two-loop self-energy) to regularize the resonant contribution to the decay rate. Predictions for the pure two-photon contributions obtained in these approaches are found to be in good numerical agreement.

Santos, J. P., Chintan Shah, José Crespo R. López-Urrutia, Ming Feng Gu, Thomas Pfeifer, José Marques, Filipe Grilo, José Paulo Santos, and Pedro Amaro. "Revisiting the Fe xvii Line Emission Problem: Laboratory Measurements of the 3s–2p and 3d–2p Line-formation Channels." The Astrophysical Journal (2019). AbstractWebsite
Santos, J. P., F. Mota-Furtado, M. F. Laranjeira, and F. Parente. "Rydberg states of atoms in parallel electric and magnetic fields." Physical Review A 59 (1999): 1703-1706. AbstractWebsite

We present theoretical results for the photoabsorption spectrum of an atom in parallel electric and magnetic fields, using the R-matrix method combined with quantum-defect theory. We introduce a radial basis set which is complete and orthonormal over a semi-infinite interval [r0,(infinity)), to allow calculations to be performed for high Rydberg states in nonhydrogenic atoms without encountering problems due to linear dependence of the basis set. The nonhydrogenic character of the spectra is analyzed for Li and Rb, and a comparison is made with previous high-precision experiments which shows that the theoretical results agree very well with experiment.

Moser, I., F. Mota-Furtado, P. F. O&apos;Mahony, and J. P. Santos. "Rydberg wave packets in parallel electric and magnetic fields." Physical Review A 55 (1997): 3724-3729. Abstract

The magnitude of the time autocorrelation function M between states excited by two Gaussian laser pulses is calculated for both hydrogen and rubidium atoms inparallel electric and magnetic fields. M is determined by a full quantum-mechanical calculation but the peaks are identified with the periods of the shortest periodicorbits of the corresponding classical system. Qualitative agreement is obtained with experimental results, however, discrepancies are found in the relative heights ofthe peaks.