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JDS, Martins, Henriques CMR, Borges JPMR, Prata SGM, Almeida M, and Silva JAMC Biodegradable occlusive membranes for oral and periodontal surgery. Vol. 6. JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6., 2012. Abstract
João, Carlos FC, Ana T. Kullberg, Jorge C. Silva, and João P. Borges. "Chitosan Inverted Colloidal Crystal scaffolds: Influence of molecular weight on structural stability." Materials Letters. 193 (2017): 50-53. Abstract
João, Carlos FC, Ana C. Baptista, Isabel M. M. Ferreira, Jorge C. Silva, and João P. Borges. "Natural Nanofibres for Composite Applications." Fibrous and Textile Materials for Composite Applications. Springer Singapore, 2016. 261-299. Abstract
João, Carlos FC, Coro Echeverria, Alexandre Velhinho, Jorge C. Silva, Maria H. Godinho, and João P. Borges. "Bio-inspired production of chitosan/chitin films from liquid crystalline suspensions." Carbohydrate Polymers. 155 (2017): 372-381. Abstract
João, Carlos, Rute Almeida, Jorge Silva, and João Borges. "A simple sol-gel route to the construction of hydroxyapatite inverted colloidal crystals for bone tissue engineering." Materials Letters. 185 (2016): 407-410. Abstract
João, Carlos Filipe Cidre, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and João Paulo Borges. "Chitin-Based Nanocomposites: Biomedical Applications." Eco-friendly Polymer Nanocomposites. Springer India, 2015. 439-457. Abstract
José Luís Ferreira, Susana Gomes, Célia Henriques João Paulo Borges Jorge Carvalho Silva. "Electrospinning polycaprolactone dissolved in glacial acetic acid: fiber production, non-woven characterization and in vitro evaluation." Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 131.22 (2014): 41068. Abstract


JP, Borges, Canejo JP, Fernandes SN, Brogueira P, and GODINHO MH. "Cellulose‐Based Liquid Crystalline Composite Systems." Nanocellulose Polymer Nanocomposites: Fundamentals and Applications. Ed. Vijay Kumar Thakur. Scrivener Publishing - Wiley. Scrivener Publishing - Wiley, 2014. 215-235. Abstract
JP, Borges, and GODINHO MH. "Cellulose-Based Anisotropic Composites." Advanced Materials Forum Iv. Ed. Baptista APM Sa Alves Malheiros LF Vieira C. F. M. Marques AT, Silva AF. Vol. 587-588. ADVANCED MATERIALS FORUM IV - Materials Science Forum, 587-588. 2008. 604-607. Abstract
JP, Canejo, Borges JP, GODINHO MH, Brogueira P, Teixeira PIC, and Terentjev EM. "Helical Twisting of Electrospun Liquid Crystalline Cellulose Micro- and Nanofibers." Advanced Materials. 20 (2008): 4821-+. AbstractWebsite
JP, Borges, GODINHO MH, Belgacem MN, and MARTINS AF. "New bio-composites based on short fibre reinforced hydroxypropylcellulose films." Composite Interfaces. 8 (2001): 233-241. Abstract
JP, Borges, GODINHO MH, MARTINS AF, Stamatialis DF, D. PMN, and Belgacem MN. "Tensile properties of cellulose fiber reinforced hydroxypropylcellulose films." Polymer Composites. 25 (2004): 102-110. Abstract
JP, Borges, GODINHO MH, MARTINS AF, Trindade AC, and Belgacem MN. "Cellulose-based composite films." Mechanics of Composite Materials. 37 (2001): 257-264. Abstract