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Gavinho, Sílvia Rodrigues, Ana Sofia Pádua, Laura Isabel Vilas Holz, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João Paulo Borges, Manuel Almeida Valente, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Bioactive glasses containing strontium or magnesium ions to enhance the biological response in bone regeneration." 13.19 (2023): 2717. Abstract
Gavinho, Sílvia Rodrigues, Imen Hammami, Suresh Kumar Jakka, Sílvia Soreto Teixeira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João Paulo Borges, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Influence of the Addition of Zinc, Strontium, or Magnesium Oxides to the Bioglass 45S5 Network on Electrical Behavior." 17.2 (2024): 499. Abstract
Gavinho, Sílvia R., Ana Sofia Pádua, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Jorge C. Silva, João P. Borges, Luis C. Costa, and Manuel Pedro F. Graça. "Fabrication, structural and biological characterization of zinc-containing bioactive glasses and their use in membranes for guided bone regeneration." 16.3 (2023): 956. Abstract
Gavinho, Silvia, Manuel Graca, Pedro Prezas, João Borges, Jorge Silva, Eduardo Pires, Henrique Armes, and Jose Coucelo. "Antibacterial bioglass in dental implants: a canine clinical study." 31.Supplement_2 (2021): ckab120-006. Abstract
Gavinho, Sílvia Rodrigues, Mariana Castro Soares, João Paulo Borges, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Isabel Sá Nogueira, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Preparation and Characterization of Zinc and Magnesium Doped Bioglasses." Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in Security and Protection against CBRN Threats. Springer, Dordrecht, 2020. 465-475. Abstract
Gavinho, Sílvia Rodrigues, Bruno Miguel Gonçalves Melo, João Paulo Borges, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Thermal, Structural, Morphological and Electrical Characterization of Cerium-Containing 45S5 for Metal Implant Coatings." 13.2 (2023): 294. Abstract
Gavinho, Sílvia R., Pedro R. Prezas, Diogo J. Ramos, Isabel Sá‐Nogueira, Joao P. Borges, Carmo M. Lança, Jorge C. Silva, Célia MR Henriques, Eduardo Pires, and Jakka Suresh Kumar. "Nontoxic glasses: Preparation, structural, electrical and biological properties." 16.5 (2019): 1885-1894. Abstract
Gomes, Susana, Diana Querido, José Luís Ferreira, João Paulo Borges, Célia Henriques, and Jorge Carvalho Silva. "Using water to control electrospun Polycaprolactone fibre morphology for soft tissue engineering." 26.9 (2019): 222. Abstract
Gonçalves, Adriana, Beatriz T. Simões, Filipe V. Almeida, Susete N. Fernandes, Manuel Valente, Tânia Vieira, Célia Henriques, João Paulo Borges, and Paula I. P. Soares. "Engineering dual-stimuli responsive poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofibrous membranes for cancer treatment by magnetic hyperthermia." 145 (2023): 213275. Abstract
Gonçalves, Adriana, Raquel Cabrita, Joana Matos, Inês Rodrigues, Tânia Vieira, João Paulo Borges, and Paula I. P. Soares. "Dual-stimuli-responsive poly (vinyl alcohol) nanofibers for localized cancer treatment: Magnetic hyperthermia and drug release studies." (2024): 105492. Abstract
Gonçalves, Adriana, Joana Matos, Raquel Cabrita, Inês Rodrigues, João Paulo Borges, and Paula I. P. Soares. "Development of Magnetic Nanofibrous Membranes for Localized Solid Cancer Treatment." 8.1 (2022): 119. Abstract
Gonçalves, Adriana, Filipe V. Almeida, João Paulo Borges, and Paula I. P. Soares. "Incorporation of Dual-Stimuli Responsive Microgels in Nanofibrous Membranes for Cancer Treatment by Magnetic Hyperthermia." 7.1 (2021): 28. Abstract
Graça, Manuel Pedro, Silvia Soreto, Silvia Gavinho, Manuel Valente, Cristiane Salgueiro, José Nunes, Paula Soares, Maria Lança, Tania Vieira, and Jorge Silva. "Nanomaterials for magnetic hyperthermia." 31.Supplement_2 (2021): ckab120-066. Abstract
GSL, Gaspar, Silva SJC, and Borges BJP Production and characterization of chitosan/calcium phosphate composite microspheres for bone tissue engineering therapeutics. Vol. 6. JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, 6., 2012. Abstract