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Almeida, Bernardo F., Isabel Correia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "A biased random-key genetic algorithm for the project scheduling problem with flexible resources." TOP. 26 (2018): 283-308.
Almeida, Bernardo F., Isabel Correia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Priority-based heuristics for the multi-skill resource constrained project scheduling problem." Expert Systems with Applications. 57 (2016): 91-103. AbstractWebsite
Almeida, Bernardo F., Isabel Correia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Modeling frameworks for the multi-skill resource-constrained project scheduling problem: A theoretical and empirical comparison." International Transactions in Operations Research. 26 (2019): 946-967.
Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Hub and spoke network design with single-assignment, capacity decisions and balancing requirements." Applied Mathematical Modelling. 35 (2011): 4841-4851. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Luís Gouveia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama Discretized reformulations for a capacitated network loading problem arising in a facility location context. INOC 2009 – International Network Optimization Conference. Pisa, Italy, 2009.
Correia, Isabel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "The impact of fixed and variable costs in a multi-skill project scheduling problem: An empirical study." Computers and Industrial Engineering. 72 (2014): 230-238. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Teresa Melo, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Comparing classical performance measures for a multi-period, two-echelon supply chain network design problem with sizing decisions." Computers and Industrial Engineering. 64 (2013): 366-380. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, and Teresa Melo. "Multi-period capacitated facility location under delayed demand satisfaction." European Journal of Operational Research. 255 (2016): 729-746. AbstractWebsite
Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "A Modeling Framework for Stochastic Multi-Period Capacitated Multiple Allocation Hub Location." ILS 2016 Conference - Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain. 2016. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, and Maria Eugénia Captivo. "Bounds for the single source modular capacitated plant location problem." Computers and Operations Research. 33 (2006): 2991-3003. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Facility Location under Uncertainty." Location Science. In Press.
Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "The capacitated single-allocation hub location problem revisited: A note on a classical formulation." European Journal of Operational Research. 207 (2010): 92-96. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Luís Gouveia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Discretized formulations for capacitated location problems with modular distribution costs." European Journal of Operational Research. 204 (2010): 237-244. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, and Teresa Melo. "A multi-period facility location problem with modular capacity adjustments and flexible demand fulfillment." Computers & Industrial Engineering.. 100 (2017): 307-321.
Correia, Isabel, Teresa Melo, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "A two-echelon facility location problem with layout selection." Mathematics and Computers in Science and Engineering 3. 2012. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "A stochastic multi-period capacitated multiple allocation hub location problem: formulation and inequalities." Omega. 74 (2018): 122-134.
Correia, Isabel, and Francisco Saldanha da Gama. "Facility Location Under Uncertainty." Location Science. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 177-203. Abstract
Correia, Isabel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "A Modeling Framework for Project Staffing and Scheduling Problems." Handbook on Project Management and Scheduling Vol.1. Springer International Publishing, 2015. 547-564. Abstract
Correia, Isabel, and Maria Eugénia Captivo. "A Lagrangean Heuristic for a Modular Capacitated Location Problem." Annals of Operations Research. 122 (2003): 141-161. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Luís Gouveia, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Solving the variable size bin packing problem with discretized formulations." Computers and Operations Research. 35 (2008): 2103-2113. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Single-allocation hub location problems with capacity decisions and balancing requirements." International Conference on Mathematical and Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - Proceedings (2010): 51-56. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, Lídia Lampreia Lourenço, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Project scheduling with flexible resources: Formulation and inequalities." OR Spectrum. 34 (2012): 635-663. Abstract


Correia, Isabel, and Maria Eugénia Captivo Different approaches for a capacitated plant location problem with several possible sizes. XXXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Pesquisa Operacional., 1999.
Correia, Isabel, Stefan Nickel, and Francisco Saldanha-da-Gama. "Multi-product Capacitated Single-Allocation Hub Location Problems: Formulations and Inequalities." Networks and Spatial Economics. 14 (2014): 1-25. Abstract
