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Journal Article
Fortunato, Elvira, Donatelo Brida, Luis Pereira, Hugo Águas, Vitor Silva, Isabel Ferreira, M. F. M. Costa, Vasco Teixeira, and Rodrigo Martins. "Dependence of the Strains and Residual Mechanical Stresses on the Performances Presented by a‐Si: H Thin Film Position Sensors." Advanced Engineering Materials. 4.8 (2002): 612-616. Abstract
Martins, R., D. Costa, H. Águas, F. Soares, A. Marques, I. Ferreira, P. Borges, and E. Fortunato. "Detection Limits of a nip a-Si: H Linear Array Position Sensitive Detector." MRS Proceedings. 808.1 (2004). Abstract
Martins, R., M. Vieira, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, F. Soares, and L. Guimarāes. "DETERMINATION OF a-Si: H FILMS QUALITY THROUGH FST AND SCLC TECHNIQUES." Amorphous Silicon Technology-1990. 192 (1990): 169. Abstract
Raniero, L., I. Ferreira, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Differences between Amorphous and Nanostructured Silicon Films and Their Application in Solar Cell." High Temperature Material Processes (An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes). 11.4 (2007). Abstract
Soares, P. I. P., S. J. R. Dias, C. M. M. Novo, I. M. M. Ferreira, and J. P. Borges. "Doxorubicin vs. ladirubicin: methods for improving osteosarcoma treatment." Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 12.12 (2012): 1239-1249. Abstract