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Journal Article
Azevedo, S. A., K. Govindan, H. Carvalho, and V. Cruz-Machado. "An integrated model to assess the leanness and agility of the automotive industry." Resources, Conservation and Recycling 66 (2012): 85-94. AbstractWebsite

The main objective of this paper is to propose an index to assess the agility and leanness of individual companies and the corresponding supply chain. The index is named Agilean and is obtained from a set of Agile and Lean supply chain practices integrated in an assessment model. The Delphi technique is used to develop a series of weighted Agile and Lean {SCM} practices and also the importance of paradigms through experts in automotive research topics. As a way to illustrate the application of the index and find out if it returns return meaningful values, a case study is presented. The case study results confirm the quite easy applicability of the suggested Agilean index in a supply chain real-world setting. This index makes it possible to assess the companies and corresponding supply chain Agile and Lean behaviour, which is translated into an index score to compare competing companies and supply chains.

G., Azevedo S., Carvalho H., and Cruz-Machado V. "LARG index: a benchmarking tool for improving the leanness, agility, resilience and greenness of the automotive supply chain." Benchmarking: an International Journal (In Press).
Carvalho, Helena, Susana Duarte, and Cruz V. Machado. "Lean, agile, resilient and green: divergencies and synergies." International Journal of Lean Six Sigma 2 (2011): 151-179. AbstractWebsite

Purpose – This paper aims to explore the divergences and commitments between the lean, agile, resilient and green paradigms while investigating the effect of paradigms' practices within supply chain attributes.
Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model with lean, agile, resilient and green practices and supply chain management attributes is proposed. Causal diagrams were used to represent the relationships between paradigm practices and supply chain attributes. The four diagrams were aggregated to build the conceptual model.
Findings – The conceptual model allows for the identification of synergies and divergences resulting from the paradigms practices implementation. The synergies between paradigms are related to “information frequency” and “integration level” increasing as well as reduction of “production lead time” and “transportation lead time”. However, other supply chain attributes such as “capacity surplus”, “inventory level” and “replenishment frequency” are affected in opposite directions by some paradigms creating divergences.
Research limitations/implications – The model relationships were established using an anecdotal approach derived from the literature review, reflecting only a partial view of supply chain dynamics. More research related to other supply chain attributes and/or paradigm practices, and validation of the proposed relationships is suggested.
Practical implications – The proposed model can be the basis for further research in lean, agile, resilient and green paradigms, contributing to a more sustainable and competitive lean supply chain with the necessary agility toward a quick response, resiliency to disruptions, and harmonization with the ecologic and environmental aspects. Originality/value – To the authors' knowledge this paper is the first to provide an understanding about the tradeoffs among lean, agile, resilient and green supply chain paradigms.

Govindan, K., Azevedo, S. G., Carvalho, H., and V. and Cruz Machado. "Lean, green and resilient practices influence on supply chain performance: interpretive structural modeling approach." International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 12 (2015): 15-34.
Carvalho, H., M. Maleki, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Links between supply chain disturbances and resilience strategies." International Journal of Agile Systems and Management 5 (2012): 203-234. AbstractWebsite

The purpose of this paper is to establish links between supply chain disturbances and corresponding strategies of resilience to counter them. To this end, an inductive research approach is used, examining a sample of 38 cases. Secondary data from the cases is used to identify disturbances which affected the corresponding supply chains and the resilience strategies used by managers. The empirical evidences shows that the negative effects of supply chain disturbances can be categorised into a number of supply chain failure modes. In addition, a set of resilience strategies was identified that could be used to overcome those failure modes. A conceptual model, with links between supply chain disturbances, failures and resilience strategies, is proposed. The limitations of this research result from the use of secondary data sources. The findings are only valid for the selected case studies and, consequently, may not be applicable in other scenarios. Future research should focus on detailed case studies that investigate cross-functional applications across the organisation and the supply chain.

Carvalho, H., J. G. Tavares, and V. Cruz-Machado. "A Mapping Framework for Supply Chain Resilience Assessment." International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management 12 (2012): 354-373. AbstractWebsite

Supply chains (SCs) may experience instability induced by disturbances such as extreme climate conditions or accidents. These events can cause severe negative effects on SCs, jeopardising the on-time delivery of products and services to customers. This paper proposes a mapping framework to improve SC resilience to such events, avoiding possible failure modes. The proposed mapping framework allows identification of the current SC operation and possible transition states, together with points of vulnerability. An illustrative example of the framework applied to a real-life wine SC is presented.

Azevedo, S. G., H. Carvalho, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Proposal of a conceptual model to analyse the influence of LARG practices on manufacturing." Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing 8 (2012): 174-184. AbstractWebsite

The main objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual model about the influence of lean, agile, resilient, and green ({LARG)} practices on supply chain operational, economic and environmental performance. This model is based on the literature review about the four supply chain management paradigms and also performance measurement systems. This paper contributes to the literature by introducing a new model to improve the leanness, agility, resilience, and greenness of manufacturing supply chains. Among the suggested {LARG} practices, the ones influencing more the supply chain performance are the just in time and also the supplier relationships. Also the supply chain performance measures with more {LARG} practices influencing them are the inventory levels and the time, that is, the supply chain’s operational performance is the most affected by the simultaneous paradigms deployment in the supply chain.

Azevedo, S. G., H. Carvalho, and V. Cruz-Machado. "A proposal of LARG Supply Chain Management Practices and a Performance Measurement System." International Journal of e-Education, e-Business, e-Management and e-Learning 1 (2011): 7-14. AbstractWebsite

Supply chains ({SC)} in an attempt to be more competitive, are adopting new management paradigm. Among these paradigms there are four that deserve particular mention because of their importance to better {SC} performance: lean, agile, resilient and green. The main objective of this paper is to propose a conceptual model for a lean, agile, resilience and green {SC}, with the purpose of improving their operational, economic and environmental performance. In this attempt a set of {SC} management practices, which were named {LARG} practices, and several performance measures are suggested. This model is based in the literature review about the four {SC} management paradigms and also {SC} performance measurement. Among the suggested {LARG} practices the ones influencing more the {SC} performance are the just in time and also the supplier relationships. Also the {SC} performance measures with more {LARG} practices influencing them are the inventory levels and the time, that is, the {SC's} operational performance is the most affected.

H., Carvalho, Azevedo S. G., and Cruz-Machado and V. "Supply chain management resilience: a theory building approach." 1 (2014): 3-37. Abstract
Carvalho, H., S. G. Azevedo, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Supply chain performance management: lean and green paradigms." International Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling 2 (2010): 304-333. AbstractWebsite

Supply chain management ({SCM)} is crucial for increasing organisational effectiveness, enhancing competitiveness, customer service and profitability. Actually, the lean and green philosophies have been adopted in the {SCM} context, but nearly always separately and with little understanding of their influence on supply chain performance. Accordingly, this paper intends to propose a conceptual model that explores the relationships between lean and green practices and supply chain performance. A set of lean and green {SCM} practices and a performance measurement system are suggested. The proposed performance measures intend to evaluate the practices influence on operational, economic and environmental supply chain's performance.

Carvalho, H., A. P. Barroso, V. H. Machado, S. G. Azevedo, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Supply chain redesign for resilience using simulation." Computers & Industrial Engineering 62 (2012): 329-341. AbstractWebsite

Supply chains are facing numerous changes that are contributing to increasing their complexity and vulnerability to disturbances, therefore, to survive, supply chains must be resilient. The paper presents a supply chain simulation study for a real case concerned with the Portuguese automotive supply chain. The subset automotive supply chain involved in the case study is a three-echelon supply chain, composed by one automaker, two 1st-tier suppliers, two 2nd-tier suppliers, and one outsource entity. The purpose of the study is to evaluate alternative supply chain scenarios for improving supply chain resilience to a disturbance and understanding how mitigation strategies affect each supply chain entity performance. Two strategies widely used to mitigate disturbance negative effects on supply chains were considered and six scenarios were designed. The scenarios differ in terms of presence or absence of a disturbance in one hand and presence or absence of a mitigation strategy in other hand. To evaluate the scenarios designed, two performance measures were defined per supply chain entity, Lead Time Ratio and Total Cost.

Azevedo, S. G., H. Carvalho, and V. Cruz-Machado. "Using interpretive structural modeling to identify and ranking performance measures: an application in the automotive supply." Baltic Journal of Management in press (2013). Abstract

Purpose - The main objective of this paper is to identify and rank a set of performance measures using the Interpretive Structural Modeling (ISM) approach to support the automotive supply chain performance evaluation.
Design/methodology/approach - The paper develops a framework to analyze the interactions among a suggested set of performance measures using the {ISM} approach. To identify the contextual relationships among the suggested measures, five experts from the automotive industry were consulted.
Findings - Using the {ISM} approach the performance measures were clustered attending to their driving and dependence power. Inventory level and lead time are the two performance measures at the bottom level of the hierarchy, implying higher driving power. Also, operational costs, business wastage, environmental costs, delivery time and customer satisfaction are identified as autonomous measures. This means that they are relatively disconnected from the other suggested performance measures. It is also observed that the cash-to-cash cycle is a weak driver but strongly dependent on the other performance measures.
Practical implications - The proposed approach gives managers a better understanding on mutual influences of performance measures (driving performance measures) and also those measures which are most influenced by others (dependent performance measures). Using {ISM} managers can get insight on the order and direction of complex relations among the suggested performance measures. This kind of information is strategic for managers could identify which performance measures they should concentrate on, and how they can manage the tradeoffs between them.
Originality/value - This paper highlights the deployment of {ISM} as a manager' decision support tool in the identification and ranking of a set of performance measures to make part of a supply chain performance measurement system.

Carvalho, H., V. H. Machado, A. P. Barroso, and V. Cruz-Machado. Um Modelo Conceptual Para Caracterização De Distúrbios. Vila Real, Portugal, 2008. Abstract

As organizações são concebidas com o enfoque principal na eficiência. As práticas de gestão que adoptam pressupõem, regra geral, a estabilidade do ambiente onde estão inseridas. Por isso, as organizações ficam vulneráveis aos distúrbios a que são sujeitas, e cuja frequência é cada vez maior, o que condiciona a sua eficiência, o seu nível de produtividade e, consequentemente, a sua competitividade. Porque existe uma relação de interdependência mais ou menos definida entre as organizações, a ocorrência de um distúrbio numa delas pode afectar todas as que dela dependem. É, por isso, fundamental que as organizações sejam mais resilientes, isto é, sejam capazes de reagir a um distúrbio inesperado, regressando rapidamente ao estado original ou a um melhor, após a cessação do distúrbio. Neste sentido, uma das acções que pode ser tomada é a definição de planos de mitigação e/ou de contingência. A adequação de planos, de mitigação e/ou de contingência, a implementar quando uma organização está perante um distúrbio, sendo por natureza uma actividade pró-activa, pressupõe a identificação dos distúrbios a que a organização pode ficar sujeita. Atendendo a que os distúrbios podem ter características muito diferentes, no que concerne à frequência de ocorrência, efeito crítico, nível de previsibilidade, área afectada na organização e duração, e podem, ainda, ter origem em fontes diversas, internas ou externas à organização produzidas pelo Homem ou pela Natureza, é fundamental que existam modelos que permitam a sua caracterização e a quantificação do grau de severidade das suas consequências para a organização onde incidem. É possível identificar na bibliografia modelos cujo desenvolvimento está associado aos distúrbios. Contudo, o âmbito em que são desenvolvidos é muito diverso. Nenhum deles, porém, permite caracterizar os distúrbios. O principal objectivo deste artigo é apresentar um modelo conceptual que permita caracterizar os distúrbios e avaliar a severidade dos seus efeitos para a organização onde incidem.

Carvalho, Helena. Modelling resilience in supply chain In Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Lisbon: Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2012.phd_hmlc.pdf
Azevedo, S. G., K. Govindan, H. Carvalho, and V. Cruz-Machado. GResilient index to assess the greenness and resilience of the automotive supply chain., 2011. Abstract

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to suggest an Index entitled {GResilient} Index to assess the greenness and resilience of the automotive companies and corresponding supply chain. Design/methodology/approach: An integrated assessment model is proposed based on Green and Resilient practices. These practices are weighted according to their importance to the automotive supply chain competitiveness. The Delphi technique is used to obtain the weights for the focused supply chain paradigms and corresponding practices. The model is then tested using a case study approach in the automotive supply chain. Findings: The case study results confirmed the applicability of this Index in a real-world supply chain. The results show that the Resilient supply chain management paradigm is the one considered as the one that more contributes for the automotive supply chain competitiveness. Research limitations/implications: The proposed Index was developed in the automotive sector context therefore it could not be adjusted to a different one. Future research could consider other aggregation methods for the Index construction. Practical implications: Supply chain participants will be able to evaluate the performance of their companies or supply chain in terms of Green and Resilient paradigms. Also, the Index can be effectively employed for functional benchmarking among competing companies and supply chains.

Carvalho, H. Resilience Index: Proposal and Application in the Automotive Supply Chain. Cambridge, {UK}, 2011. Abstract

Purpose –This paper aims to propose a resilience index to assess the company ability to avoid and minimize the negative effects of supply chain disturbances.
Design/methodology/approach – An inductive research approach was used to develop a resilience assessment model. In a first stage, to collect empirical data, an exploratory case study was performed in seven companies’ belong to different positions in the Portuguese automotive supply chain. Next, a resilience index was derived from the case study main findings. In a final stage, the index was then tested using a case study approach in the automotive supply chain.
Findings – It was found that managers do not associate supply chain disturbances to a particular type of events, but with the negative effects that events provoke. The results also suggest that the resilience strategies they used are dependent on the type of supply chain disturbances negative effects. These empirical findings were used to develop a supply chain resilience assessment model and two resilience indexes: resilience index of “on time delivery” to “capacity shortage” and resilience index of “on time delivery” to “materials shortage”.
Research limitations/implications – This paper has the limitations common to all case studies, such as the subjectivity of the analysis and results generalization. Since only the automotive sector was studied, the findings are not universally applicable across different industry sectors in various countries.
Originality/value – The study contributes to the existing literature by empirically investigating the main effects of supply chain disturbances and how companies can increase supply chain resilience. It also suggests a way to evaluate companies’ resilience after a disturbance occurrence and identifies a set of supply chain state variables to improve supply chain resilience.