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Santin, Edinei, Luis B. Oliveira, and João Goes.
Built-in Self Test of High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter
IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine
.: Special Issue on IoT (2019): pp. 4-10.
João, Goes, João P. Oliveira, and Luis Oliveira.
IEEE-CAS4IIoT: 2nd Seasonal School in Circuits and Systems for the Industrial Internet of Things
IEEE Solid-State Circuits Magazine
. vol. 11.no. 3 (2019): pp. 91-92.
Ferreira, Bruno, Miguel Fernades, Luís Oliveira, and João Goes.
Impact of VCO non-linearities on VCO-based sigma-delta modulator
International Young Engineers Forum (YEF-ECE)
. Caparica, Portugal: IEEE, 2018.
Śniatała, Paweł, Marek Kropidłowski, João Goes, Nuno Paulino, and João Pedro Oliveira
Current mode ΣΔ modulators designed for amperometry based medical sensors
. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems, ICSES 2018. Kraków, Poland: IEEE, 2018.
Oliveira, João P., and João Goes.
Advanced Amplification Techniques for Nanoscale CMOS in the Context of IoT Node Sensors
22nd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits & Systems (MIXDES’16)
. Lodz, Poland: IEEE, 2016.
Fernandes, Miguel D., Luis B. Oliveira, João Goes, and João P. Oliveira
Design of a Low Phase Error Multiphase Clock Generator for Modern Wideband Receivers
. IEEE 12th Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics (PRIME 2016). Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE, 2016.
Śniatała, Paweł, Andrzej Handkiewicz, João Goes, Nuno Paulino, and João Pedro Oliveira
Fully differential sigma-delta modulator structure for current-mode sensors
. International Conference on Signals and Electronic Systems (ICSES’16). Krakow, Poland: IEEE, 2016.
Bastos, Ivan, Luis B. Oliveira, João Goes, João P. Oliveira, and Manuel M. Silva.
Noise cancelling LNA with gain enhancement by using double feedback
Integration, the VLSI Journal
. 52 (2016): 309-315.
Oliveira, Luis B., Nuno Paulino, João Oliveira, Rui Santos-Tavares, Nuno Pereira, and João Goes.
Undergraduate Electronics Projects Based on the Design of an Optical Wireless Audio Transmission System
IEEE Transactions on Education
. 60.2 (2016): 105-111.
Fernandes, Miguel, Luis Bica Oliveira, and João Goes
Wideband Noise Cancelling Balun LNA with Feedback Biasing
. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’16). Montreal, Canada: IEEE, 2016.
Abdollahvand, S., L. Oliveira, L. Gomes, and J. Goes
A low-voltage voltage-controlled ring-oscillator employing dynamic-threshold-MOS and body-biasing techniques
. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’15). Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE, 2015.
Bastos, I., L. B. Oliveira, J. Goes, and M. Silva.
A low power balun LNA with active loads for gain and noise figure optimization
. 81.3 (2014): 693-702.
I. Bastos, Oliveira L. B., JP Oliveira, and J. Goes
A 1.2 V Low-Noise-Amplifier with Double Feedback for High Gain and Low Noise Figure
. Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS’2013). Caparica, Portugal: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013.
Borrego, R., JP Oliveira, and J. Goes
A 2.3-dB NF CMOS Low Voltage LNA Optimized for Medical Applications at 600MHz
. 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'2013). Gdynia, Poland: IEEE, 2013.
J. R. Custódio, LB. Oliveira, JP. Oliveira, and J. Goes.
A 6.2 mW 0.024 mm2 fully-passive RF downconverter with 12 dB gain enhancement using MOS parametric amplification
Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
. vol. 75.no. 2 (2013): pp. 299-304.
Pereira, N., L. B. Oliveira, and J. Goes
Cascode Amplifiers with Low-Gain Variability Using Body-Biasing Temperature and Supply Compensation
. 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'2013). Gdynia, Poland: IEEE, 2013.
Pereira, N., L. B. Oliveira, and J. Goes
Design of Cascode-Based Transconductance Amplifiers with Low-Gain PVT Variability and Gain Enhancement Using a Body-Biasing Technique
. Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems (DoCEIS’2013). Caparica, Portugal: IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, 2013.
I. Bastos, LB. Oliveira, JP. Oliveira, and J. Goes
Double Feedforward 0.6 V LNA with High Gain and Low Noise Figure
. 20th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES'2013). Gdynia, Poland: IEEE, 2013.
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Recent Publications
Physical Training Device for Animals With Therapeutical and Entertaining Component
Improving Dual-Slope A/D Converter with Noise-Shaping and Digital Filtering Techniques
A Low Noise CMOS Inverter-Based OTA for and Healthcare Signal Receivers”, 16th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD)
Built-in Self Test of High Speed Analog-to-Digital Converter
A Systematic Design Methodology for Optimization of Sigma-Delta Modulators Based on an Evolutionary Algorithm
Sixth‐order differential Sallen‐and‐Key switched capacitor LPF using a‐IGZO TFTs