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Śniatała, Paweł, Dawid Makowski, João Goes, Witold Machowski, and Sergio Salas Arriarán. "Improving Dual-Slope A/D Converter with Noise-Shaping and Digital Filtering Techniques." 26th IEEE International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems. IEEE, 2019.
Póvoa, Ricardo, António Canelas, Ricardo Martins, Nuno Horta, Nuno Lourenço, and João Goes. "A Low Noise CMOS Inverter-Based OTA for and Healthcare Signal Receivers”, 16th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD)." 16th International Conference on Synthesis, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Methods and Applications to Circuit Design (SMACD). IEEE, 2019.
Póvoa, Ricardo, Nuno Lourenço, Ricardo Martins, António Canelas, Nuno Horta, and João Goes. "A Folded Voltage-Combiners Biased Amplifier for Low Voltage and High Energy-Efficiency Applications." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs (2019).
Bhawna, Tiwari, Pydi Ganga Bahubalindruni, Ana Santa, Jorge Martins, Priyanka Mittal, João Goes, and et al. "Oxide TFT Rectifiers on Flexible Substrates Operating at NFC Frequency Range." IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society. no. 7 (2019): pp. 329-334.
de Melo, João. L. A., Nuno Pereira, Pedro V. Leitão, Nuno Paulino, and João Goes. "A Systematic Design Methodology for Optimization of Sigma-Delta Modulators Based on an Evolutionary Algorithm." IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS–I: REGULAR 9 (2019): pp. 3544-3556.
Correia, Ana, Pedro Barquinha, João Marques, and João Goes. "A High-resolution ∆-Modulator ADC with Oversampling and Noise-shaping for IoT." 14th Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, PRIME 2018. Prague, Czech Republic: IEEE, 2018.
de Melo, João, Nuno Paulino, and João Goes. "Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulators Based on Passive RC Integrators." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.IEEE (2018).
Póvoa, Ricardo, N. Lourenço, R. Martins, A. Canelas, N. Horta, and J. Goes. "Single-Stage OTA biased by Voltage-Combiners with Enhanced Performance using Current Starving." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – II – Express Briefs (2018).
Povoa, R., A. Canelas, R. Martins, N. Lourenco, N. Horta, and J. Goes A Dynamic Voltage-Combiners Biased OTA for Low-Power and High-Speed SC Circuits. 13th Conference on PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, PRIME 2017. Taormina, Italy: IEEE, 2017.
Póvoa, Ricardo, Nuno Lourenco, Ricardo Martins, Antonio Canelas, Nuno Horta, and João Goes. "Single-Stage Amplifier biased by Voltage-Combiners with Gain and Energy-Efficiency Enhancement." IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs. 65.3 (2017): 266-270.
Martins, Jorge, Pedro Barquinha, and João Goes TCAD Simulation of Amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide Thin-Film Transistors. 7th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS 2016. Lisbon, Portugal: IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET, 2016.
de Melo, J. L. A., F. Querido, N. Paulino, and J. Goes A 0.4-V 410-nW opamp-less continuous-time ΣΔ modulator for biomedical applications. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’15),. Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE, 2015.
de Melo, João, Nuno Paulino, and João Goes A 0.7 V 256 μW ΔΣ modulator with passive RC integrators achieving 76 dB DR in 2 MHz BW. IEEE International Symposium on VLSI Circuits (VLSI'15). Kyoto, Japan: IEEE, 2015.
Śniatala, P., M. Naumowicz, A. Handkiewicz, S. Szczesny, J. L. A. de Melo, N. Paulino, and J. Goes. "Current mode sigma-delta modulator designed with the help of transistor’s size optimization tool." Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Technical Sciences. 63.4 (2015).
Correia, Ana, Rodrigo Martins, Elvira Fortunato, Pedro Barquinha, and João Goes Design of a robust general-purpose low-offset comparator based on IGZO thin-film transistors. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’15). Lisbon, Portugal: IEEE, 2015.
de Melo, J. L. A., P. V. Leitão, J. Goes, and N. Paulino A simple class-D audio power amplifier using a passive CT ΣΔ modulator for medium quality sound systems. 22nd International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits & Systems (MIXDES’15). Torun, Poland: IEEE, 2015.
Martins, J., L. Camarinha-Matos, J. Goes, and L. Gomes Towards Cloud-Based Engineering Systems. 6th IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET Doctoral Conference on Computing, Electrical and Industrial Systems, DoCEIS’2015. Caparica, Portugal: IFIP WG 5.5/SOCOLNET, 2015.
N., Pereira, Goes J., Rodrigues M., and Faria P. "A New Mismatch-Insensitive 1.5-Bit MDAC with Unity Feedback-Factor and Enhanced Performance." 21st IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems. Marseille, France: IEEE, 2014.
de Melo, J. L. A., Querido F., Paulino N., and Goes J. A 0.4-V 410-nW opamp-less continuous-time ΣΔ modulator for biomedical applications. IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). Melbourne, Australia: IEEE, 2014.
Sniatala, P., M. Naumowicz, J. L. A. de Melo, and Goes J. "A hybrid current-mode passive second-order continuous-time ΣΔ modulator." 21st. International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (MIXDES). Poland: IEEE, 2014.
Camarinha-Matos, L., J. Goes, L. Gomes, and J. Martins Towards Collective Awareness Systems. DoCEIS'2014. Caparica, Portugal, 2014.
M. Figueiredo, Evans G., and J. Goes. "A Reference-Free 7-bit 500 MS/s Pipeline ADC Using Current-Mode Reference Shifting and Built-in Threshold Quantizers." Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing Journal (Springer). vol. 1 (2013): pp. 53-65.
M. Figueiredo, G. Evans, Goes J. "Reference-Free High-Speed CMOS Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converters". Springer (ISBN 978-1-4614-3466-5), 2012.