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Journal Article
Cavaco, E. S., A. Bastos, and F. Santos. "Effects of corrosion on the behaviour of precast concrete floor systems." Construction and Building Materials. 145 (2017): 411-418. AbstractWebsite
Cismaşiu, C., A. Narciso, and F. Amarante dos Santos. "Experimental Dynamic Characterization and Finite Element Updating of a Footbridge Structure." Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0000615 (2014). AbstractWebsite

Nowadays, modern analysis of Civil Engineering structures implies the use of increasingly sophisticated computer models, designed not only to predict the response of actual structures to different loadings, but also to simulate the effects of eventual modifications in their structural configuration. Nevertheless, it is often discovered that, when the numerical simulations are compared with experimental data, the degree of correlation is weak preventing the use of the FE models with confidence in further analyses. In such cases, FE updating techniques are available to correct the FE models, based on dynamic response records of the real structures. These updating processes usually consist of four phases: a preliminary FE modeling, an experimental modal identification, a manual sensitivity analysis and, finally, an updating of the FE model. The present paper presents all four phases of a successful updating process for the FE model of a footbridge structure. It is shown how the last phase of the process can be performed fully automatically, by coupling an optimization routine with a commercial FE analysis program.

Cismasiu, C., A. C. Narciso, and F. P. Amarante dos Santos. "Experimental Dynamic Characterization and Finite-Element Updating of a Footbridge Structure." Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities. 29 (2015). AbstractWebsite
Amarante dos Santos, F., C. Bedon, and A. Micheletti. "Explorative study on adaptive facades with superelastic antagonistic actuation." Structural Control and Health Monitoring. 27 (2020). AbstractWebsite
Rebelo, H. B., F. Amarante dos Santos, C. Cismaşiu, and D. Santos. "Exploratory study on geodesic domes under blast loads." International Journal of Protective Structures. 10 (2019): 439-456. AbstractWebsite
Bento Rebelo, H., B. Assunção, C. Bedon, and F. Amarante dos Santos. "Exploratory study on the use of bi-stable supports for the impact protection of point-fixed glazing systems." International Journal of Protective Structures (2023). AbstractWebsite
Conference Paper
Joaquim, Ana Rita, Corneliu Cismasiu, Filipe Amarante dos Santos, and Elsa De Sa Caetano. "Estimation of the tensile force in the stay-cables of Salgueiro Maia bridge using ambient vibration tests." International Symposium on the Dynamics and Aerodynamics of Cables. Porto, PT 2017.
Cismasiu, Corneliu, Filipe Amarante dos Santos, and Ana Rodrigues. "Experimental and FE updating techniques for the unseating vulnerability assessment of a footbridge structure." The 4th International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control. Shanghai, China: Shanghai Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2014.