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Cabral, I., Caeiro F., & Gomes M. I. (2022).  On the comparison of several classical estimators of the extreme value index. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods. 51, 179-196., Number 1 Abstract
Cabral, I., Caeiro F., & Gomes I. M. (2016).  Reduced bias Hill estimators. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2016, ICCMSE 2016. 1790, , 2016/12/6: American Institute of Physics Inc. Abstract

For heavy tails, classical extreme value index estimators, like the Hill estimator, are usually asymptotically biased. Consequently those estimators are quite sensitive to the number of top order statistics used in the estimation. The recent minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimators enable us to remove the dominant component of asymptotic bias and keep the asymptotic variance of the new estimators equal to the asymptotic variance of the Hill estimator. In this paper a new minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimator is introduced, and its non degenerate asymptotic behaviour is studied. A comparison with another important minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimator is also provided.For heavy tails, classical extreme value index estimators, like the Hill estimator, are usually asymptotically biased. Consequently those estimators are quite sensitive to the number of top order statistics used in the estimation. The recent minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimators enable us to remove the dominant component of asymptotic bias and keep the asymptotic variance of the new estimators equal to the asymptotic variance of the Hill estimator. In this paper a new minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimator is introduced, and its non degenerate asymptotic behaviour is studied. A comparison with another important minimum-variance reduced-bias extreme value index estimator is also provided.

Cabral, I., Caeiro F., & Gomes I. M. (2016).  Redução do viés do estimador de Hill: uma nova abordagem. Estatística: Progressos e Aplicações. 73 - 84., 2016/11 Abstract
Caeiro, F., & Gomes I. M. (2015).  Bias reduction in the estimation of a shape second-order parameter of a heavy-tailed model. Journal Of Statistical Computation And SimulationJournal Of Statistical Computation And Simulation. 85(17), 3405 - 3419., 2015 AbstractWebsite

In extreme value theory, the shape second-order parameter is a quite relevant parameter related to the speed of convergence of maximum values, linearly normalized, towards its limit law. The adequate estimation of this parameter is vital for improving the estimation of the extreme value index, the primary parameter in statistics of extremes. In this article, we consider a recent class of semi-parametric estimators of the shape second-order parameter for heavy right-tailed models. These estimators, based on the largest order statistics, depend on a real tuning parameter, which makes them highly flexible and possibly unbiased for several underlying models. In this article, we are interested in the adaptive choice of such tuning parameter and the number of top order statistics used in the estimation procedure. The performance of the methodology for the adaptive choice of parameters is evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation study.In extreme value theory, the shape second-order parameter is a quite relevant parameter related to the speed of convergence of maximum values, linearly normalized, towards its limit law. The adequate estimation of this parameter is vital for improving the estimation of the extreme value index, the primary parameter in statistics of extremes. In this article, we consider a recent class of semi-parametric estimators of the shape second-order parameter for heavy right-tailed models. These estimators, based on the largest order statistics, depend on a real tuning parameter, which makes them highly flexible and possibly unbiased for several underlying models. In this article, we are interested in the adaptive choice of such tuning parameter and the number of top order statistics used in the estimation procedure. The performance of the methodology for the adaptive choice of parameters is evaluated through a Monte Carlo simulation study.

Caeiro, F., Henriques-Rodrigues L. {\'ı}gia, & Gomes I. M. (2022).  The Use of Generalized Means in the Estimation of the Weibull Tail Coefficient. (Anil Kumar, Ed.).Computational and Mathematical Methods. 2022, 1–12., jun: Hindawi Limited AbstractWebsite
Caeiro, F., & Gomes I. M. (2002).  Bias reduction in the estimation of parameters of rare events.. Theory of Stochastic Processes. 8(24), 67-76. Abstract2002tsp_caeiro_gomes.pdf

{Consider the distribution function $EV_{\gamma}(x)=\exp(-(1+\gamma x)^{- 1/\gamma}),\ \gamma>0,\ 1+\gamma x>0$, to which $\max(X_{1},łdots, X_{n})$ is attracted after suitable linear normalization. The authors consider the underlying model $F$ in the max-domain of attraction of $EV_{\gamma}$, where $ X_{i:n},\ 1łeq Iłeq n$, denotes the i-th ascending order statistic associated to the random sample $(X_{1},łdots, X_{n})$ from the unknown distribution function $F$. This article is devoted to studying semi-parametric estimators of $\gamma$ in the form $$\gamma_{n}^{(þeta,\alpha)}(k)=(\Gamma(\alpha)/M_{n}^{(\alpha- 1)}(k))łeft(M_{n}^{(þeta\alpha)}(k)/\Gamma(þeta\alpha+1)\right) ^{1/þeta},\quad \alpha\geq 1,\quad þeta>0,$$ parametrized by the parameters $\alpha$ and $þeta$, which may be controlled, where $M_{n}^{(0)}=1$ and $ M_{n}^{(\alpha)}(k)=k^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^{k}(łn X_{n-i+1:n}-łn X_{n-k:n})^{\alpha}$, $\alpha>0$, is a consistent estimator of $\Gamma(\alpha+1)\gamma^{\alpha}$, as $k\toınfty$, and $k=o(n)$, as $n\toınfty$.\par The authors derive the asymptotic distributional properties of the considered class of estimators and obtain that for $þeta>1$ it is always possible to find a control parameter $\alpha$ which makes the dominant component of the asymptotic bias of the proposed estimator null and depends on the second order parameter $\rho$. An investigation of the $\rho$-estimator is presented.}

Caeiro, F., & Mateus A. (2022).  Exponential versus Generalized Exponential Distribution: a Computational Study. AIP Conference Proceedings. 2425, Abstract
Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2006).  A new class of estimators of a ``scale'' second order parameter.. Extremes. 9, 193-211., Number 3-4 Abstract

{Let $X_i$ be i.i.d. r.v.s with heavy-tailed CDF $F(x)$ such that $$1-F(x)=(x/C)^{-1/\gamma}((1+(\beta/\rho)(x/C)^{\rho/\gamma} +\beta'(x/C)^{2\rho/\gamma}(1+o(1))),$$ where $\gamma$ is the tail index ($\gamma>0$), and $\rho<0$ and $\beta$ are the ``second order parameters''. The authors construct an estimator for $\beta$ based on the ``tail moments'' $$M_n^{(\alpha)}=(k)^{-1}\sum_{i=1}^k [łog X_{n-i+1:n}-łog X_{n-k:n}]^\alpha. $$ Consistency and asymptotic normality of the estimator are demonstrated. The small sample properties of the estimator are investigated via simulations.}

Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2014).  On the bootstrap methodology for the estimation of the tail sample fraction. COMPSTAT 2014: 21th International Conference on Computational Statistics. 546-553., Genevecaeiro_gomes_compstat2014_reprint.pdf
Caeiro, F., Marques F. J., Mateus A., & Atal S. (2016).  A note on the Jackson exponentiality test. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2016, ICCMSE 2016. 1790, , 2016/12/6: American Institute of Physics Inc. Abstract

In this paper we revisit the Jackson exponentiality test. We study and provide functions in R language to compute theoretical moments, the distribution function and quantiles of the statistic test. Approximations to the exact distribution function and quantiles are also provided and their precision discussed. In addition, we provide an application of the Jackson test to real data.In this paper we revisit the Jackson exponentiality test. We study and provide functions in R language to compute theoretical moments, the distribution function and quantiles of the statistic test. Approximations to the exact distribution function and quantiles are also provided and their precision discussed. In addition, we provide an application of the Jackson test to real data.

Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2009).  Semi-parametric second-order reduced-bias high quantile estimation.. Test. 18, 392-413., Number 2 Abstract

{Summary: In many areas of application, like, for instance, climatology, hydrology, insurance, finance, and statistical quality control, a typical requirement is to estimate a high quantile of probability $1 - p$, a value high enough so that the chance of an exceedance of that value is equal to $p$, small. The semi-parametric estimation of high quantiles depends not only on the estimation of the tail index or extreme value index $\gamma $, the primary parameter of extreme events, but also on the adequate estimation of a scale first order parameter. Recently, apart from new classes of reduced-bias estimators for $\gamma >0$, new classes of the scale first order parameter have been introduced in the literature. Their use in quantile estimation enables us to introduce new classes of asymptotically unbiased high quantiles' estimators, with the same asymptotic variance as the (biased) ``classical'' estimator. The asymptotic distributional properties of the proposed classes of estimators are derived and the estimators are compared with alternative ones, not only asymptotically, but also for finite samples through Monte Carlo techniques. An application to the log-exchange rates of the Euro against the Sterling Pound is also provided.}

Caeiro, F. A. G. G., Gomes I. M., & Henriques-Rodrigues L. (2016).  A location-invariant probability weighted moment estimation of the Extreme Value Index. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. 93(4), 676 - 695., 2016/4/2 AbstractWebsite

The peaks over random threshold (PORT) methodology and the Pareto probability weighted moments (PPWM) of the largest observations are used to build a class of location-invariant estimators of the Extreme Value Index (EVI), the primary parameter in statistics of extremes. The asymptotic behaviour of such a class of EVI-estimators, the so-called PORT-PPWM EVI-estimators, is derived, and an alternative class of location-invariant EVI-estimators, the generalized Pareto probability weighted moments (GPPWM) EVI-estimators is considered as an alternative. These two classes of estimators, the PORT-PPWM and the GPPWM, jointly with the classical Hill EVI-estimator and a recent class of minimum-variance reduced-bias estimators are compared for finite samples, through a large-scale Monte-Carlo simulation study. An adaptive choice of the tuning parameters under play is put forward and applied to simulated and real data sets.The peaks over random threshold (PORT) methodology and the Pareto probability weighted moments (PPWM) of the largest observations are used to build a class of location-invariant estimators of the Extreme Value Index (EVI), the primary parameter in statistics of extremes. The asymptotic behaviour of such a class of EVI-estimators, the so-called PORT-PPWM EVI-estimators, is derived, and an alternative class of location-invariant EVI-estimators, the generalized Pareto probability weighted moments (GPPWM) EVI-estimators is considered as an alternative. These two classes of estimators, the PORT-PPWM and the GPPWM, jointly with the classical Hill EVI-estimator and a recent class of minimum-variance reduced-bias estimators are compared for finite samples, through a large-scale Monte-Carlo simulation study. An adaptive choice of the tuning parameters under play is put forward and applied to simulated and real data sets.

Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2006).  Estimação de quantis elevados em estatística de extremos. Actas do XIII Congresso Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Estatística - "Ciência Estatística". 217-228.2006spe217-228.pdf
Caeiro, F., & Gomes D. S. R. P. (2015).  Adaptive estimation of a tail shape second order parameter. International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2015 (ICCMSE 2015). , 2015/12/31: American Institute of Physics Inc. Abstract

In Statistics of Extremes, the tail shape second order parameter is a relevant parameter whenever we want to improve the estimation of first order parameters. We shall consider two semi-parametric estimators of the shape second order parameter, parameterized with a tuning parameter. We provide a Monte Carlo comparative simulation study of several algorithms for the choice of such tuning parameter and for an adaptive estimation of the shape second order parameter.In Statistics of Extremes, the tail shape second order parameter is a relevant parameter whenever we want to improve the estimation of first order parameters. We shall consider two semi-parametric estimators of the shape second order parameter, parameterized with a tuning parameter. We provide a Monte Carlo comparative simulation study of several algorithms for the choice of such tuning parameter and for an adaptive estimation of the shape second order parameter.

Caeiro, F., Henriques-Rodrigues L. {\'ı}gia, & Gomes D. P. (2019).  A simple class of reduced bias kernel estimators of extreme value parameters. Computational and Mathematical Methods. e1025., apr: Wiley AbstractWebsite
Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2011).  Probability weighted moments bootstrap estimation: a case study in the field of insurance. Risk and Extreme Values in Insurance and Finance: Book of Abstracts. 27-30., Lisbon: CEAULrev2011_caeiro_gomes.pdf
Caeiro, F. A. G. G., Mateus A. M. X. F., & Ramos L. P. C. (2015).  Extreme value analysis of the sea levels in Venice. PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF NUMERICAL ANALYSIS AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS 2014. , 2015: American Institute of Physics Inc. Abstract

The number of floods in the city of Venice has increased substantially in the last decades and can be explained bythe sea level rise and land subsidence. Using Statistics of Extremes we shall model the extreme behaviour of the sea level inVenice and quantify risk through the estimation of important parameters such as return periods of high levels.The number of floods in the city of Venice has increased substantially in the last decades and can be explained bythe sea level rise and land subsidence. Using Statistics of Extremes we shall model the extreme behaviour of the sea level inVenice and quantify risk through the estimation of important parameters such as return periods of high levels.

Caeiro, F., Mateus A., & Soltane L. (2021).  A class of weighted Hill estimators. Computational and Mathematical Methods. , may: Wiley AbstractWebsite
Caeiro, F. (2003).  Redução de viés em estimadores do índice de cauda. Actas do X Congresso Anual da SPE - “Literacia e Estatística”. 187-199., Porto, Portugalspe2002_187-199.pdf
Caeiro, F., Gomes M. I., & Pestana D. (2005).  Direct reduction of bias of the classical Hill estimator.. REVSTAT. 3, 113-136., Number 2 Abstract

{Summary: We are interested in an adequate estimation of the dominant component of the bias of ıt B. M. Hill}\,'s estimator [Ann. Stat. 3, 1163–1174 (1975; Zbl 0323.62033)] of a positive tail index $\gamma$, in order to remove it from the classical Hill estimator in different asymptotically equivalent ways. If the second order parameters in the bias are computed at an adequate level $k_1$ of a larger order than that of the level $k$ at which the Hill estimator is computed, there may be no change in the asymptotic variances of these reduced bias tail index estimators, which are kept equal to the asymptotic variance of the Hill estimator, i.e., equal to $\gamma^2$. The asymptotic distributional properties of the proposed estimators of $\gamma$ are derived and the estimators are compared not only asymptotically, but also for finite samples through Monte Carlo techniques.}

Caeiro, F. A. G. G., & Mateus A. M. X. F. (2014).  An R implementation of several randomness tests. AIP Conference Proceedings. 531 - 534., 2014/1/1 Abstract

In many statistic methods, including distribution-free methods, we assume to work with random samples. In this note, we present randtests: an R package implementation of several nonparametric randomness tests. After a brief description of the tests included in the package, we present an application to real data sets in the field of Agricultural.In many statistic methods, including distribution-free methods, we assume to work with random samples. In this note, we present randtests: an R package implementation of several nonparametric randomness tests. After a brief description of the tests included in the package, we present an application to real data sets in the field of Agricultural.

Caeiro, F., Gomes M. I., & Rodrigues L. H. (2009).  Reduced-bias tail index estimators under a third-order framework.. Commun. Stat., Theory Methods. 38, 1019-1040., Number 7 Abstract

{Summary: We are interested in the comparison, under a third-order framework, of classes of second-order, reduced-bias tail index estimators, giving particular emphasis to minimum-variance reduced-bias estimators of the tail index $\gamma$. The full asymptotic distributional properties of the proposed classes are derived under a third-order framework and the estimators are compared with other alternatives, not only asymptotically, but also for finite samples through Monte Carlo techniques. An application to the log-exchange rates of the Euro against the USA Dollar is also provided.}

Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I.: (2014).  A semi-parametric estimator of a shape second order parameter.. (Pacheco, A.,, Santos, R.,, Rosário Oliveira, M., Paulino, C.D., Ed.).New Advances in Statistical Modeling and Applications. 137-144., Jan: Springer Abstract


Caeiro, F., & Gomes M. I. (2011).  Semi-parametric tail inference through probability-weighted moments.. J. Stat. Plann. Inference. 141, 937-950., Number 2 Abstract

{Summary: For heavy-tailed models, and working with the sample of the $k$ largest observations, we present probability weighted moments (PWM) estimators for the first order tail parameters. Under regular variation conditions on the right-tail of the underlying distribution function $F$ we prove the consistency and asymptotic normality of these estimators. Their performance, for finite sample sizes, is illustrated through a small-scale Monte Carlo simulation.}