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Neagu, E. R., and C. J. Dias. "Charge Injection/extraction at a Metal-dielectric Interface: Experimental Validation." Ieee Electrical Insulation Magazine. 25 (2009): 15-22. AbstractWebsite
Neagu, E. R., R. M. Neagu, J. N. Marat-Mendes, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, and C. Dias. "Electrical charge injection/ejection and transport at moderate fields in low-density polyethylene." Advanced Materials Forum Ii. Vol. 455-456. 2004. 442-445. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., J. N. Marat-Mendes, and C. J. Dias. "Dielectric relaxation at ultra low frequency." Ferroelectrics. 294 (2003): 3-11. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., R. M. Neagu, C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, P. Inacio, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "Electrical Method to Study the Weak Molecular Movements at Nanometric Scale in Low Mobility Materials." Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. Eds. L. G. Rosa, and F. Margarido. Vol. 636-637. Materials Science Forum, 636-637. 2010. 430-+. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, P. Inacio, J. N. Marat-Mendes, and Ieee. "The Study of the Molecular Movements in the Range of Glass Transition by the Final Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current Technique." Proceedings of the 2010 Ieee International Conference on Solid Dielectrics. IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics-ICSD. 2010. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, P. Inacio, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "Charge Carriers Injection/Extraction at the Metal-Polymer Interface and Its Influence in the Capacitive Microelectromechanical Systems-Switches Actuation Voltage." Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. 10 (2010): 2503-2511. AbstractWebsite
Neagu, B., R. Chen, E. R. Neagu, and C. Dias. "Voltage, electric field and current density distributions around a commonly used deep brain stimulation electrode." Movement Disorders. 27 (2012): S209-S210. AbstractWebsite
Neagu, R., E. R. Neagu, J. N. Marat-Mendes, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, and C. Dias. "Observations concerning relaxation parameters for polarisation decay and their distributions in the range of glass transition." Advanced Materials Forum Ii. Vol. 455-456. 2004. 703-706. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., J. N. Marat-Mendes, C. J. Dias, R. Neagu, and T. Vieira. "The study of dipolar and space charges in semicrystalline polymers." Advanced Materials Forum I. Vol. 230-2. 2002. 575-578. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., R. M. Neagu, C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "The analysis of isothermal current in terms of charge injection or extraction at the metal-dielectric contact." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 356 (2010): 833-837. AbstractWebsite
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, P. Inacio, J. N. Marat-Mendes, and Ieee. "Discrimination between Space Charge and Dipolar Contributions in Ferroelectric Polymers." 2011 14th International Symposium on Electrets (Ise) (2011): 145-146. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, P. Inacio, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "The use of the final thermally stimulated discharge current technique to study the molecular movements around glass transition." Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 357 (2011): 385-390. Abstract
Neagu, B., E. R. Neagu, R. Igreja, and C. Dias. "Electric Field Distribution Around the Deep Brain Stimulation Electrode Inferred from Dielectric Measurements." Advanced Materials Forum Vi, Pts 1 and 2. Eds. AMP Pinto, and AS Pouzada. Vol. 730-732. Materials Science Forum, 730-732. 2013. 26-31. Abstract
Neagu, R. M., E. R. Neagu, C. J. Dias, J. N. Marat-Mendes, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, I. Ferreira, and C. Dias. "Isothermal and non-isothermal DC measurements to analyze space charge behavior in polyamide 11." Advanced Materials Forum Ii. Vol. 455-456. 2004. 450-454. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., J. N. Marat-Mendes, C. J. Dias, R. Neagu, and T. Vieira. "Very low frequency dielectric relaxation deduced from time domain measurements." Advanced Materials Forum I. Vol. 230-2. 2002. 579-582. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., R. M. Neagu, C. J. Dias, Carmo M. Lanca, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "The determination of the metal-dielectric interface barrier height from the open-circuit isothermal charging current." Journal of Applied Physics. 104 (2008). Abstract
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, and J. N. Marat-Mendes. "Medium Electric Field Electron Injection/Extraction at Metal-Dielectric Interface." Advanced Materials Forum V, Pt 1 and 2. Eds. L. G. Rosa, and F. Margarido. Vol. 636-637. Materials Science Forum, 636-637. 2010. 437-443. Abstract
Neagu, E. R., C. J. Dias, M. C. Lanca, R. Igreja, P. Inacio, J. N. Marat-Mendes, and Ieee. "On the Width of the Thermally Stimulated Discharge Current Peak." Proceedings of the 2010 Ieee International Conference on Solid Dielectrics. IEEE International Conference on Solid Dielectrics-ICSD. 2010. Abstract