
Lefint, Jérémy, and António Brandão Moniz. "Assessment of Exoskeletons for Work Activities: The Dilemma behind the Product." Applied Sciences 14 (2024): 7108. AbstractWebsite

The introduction of exoskeletons by many companies has often resulted in potential users not wanting to wear them. Evaluations of the exoskeleton reveal benefits of use, including ergonomic advantages and a reduction of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. How can this contradiction be explained? By searching the available literature, we can identify the methods used to develop these devices and the methods employed to evaluate their acceptance and benefit. By looking at the product from different viewpoints and involving different disciplines, we will get to the root of this discrepancy. Our findings indicate that the product definition, development focus, and evaluation methods do not sufficiently and adequately address the primary goal of exoskeletons. The development of such devices should be prioritized not only for the delivery of support but also for the motivation of the user. Finally, we put forward the proposal to discuss the establishment of a novel development method for the prospective elaboration of exoskeletons.

Moniz, António B. National analyses of literature review about posted workers in Europe: a summary report. Warsaw: federation of Polish Metal Workers, 2024.
Moniz, António B. Scenarios report on posting of workers in Europe. Warsaw: Federation of Polish Metal Workers, 2024.
Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Csaba Makó, Bettina Krings, and Pablo Sanz de Miguel. "Introduction." In Digital labours platforms: Representing workers in Europe, edited by A. B. Moniz and et al, 1-6. Famalicão: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023.
Moniz, António B., Marta Candeias, and Nuno Boavida. "Artificial Generative Intelligence and Work – Portugal." In Generative Artificial Intelligence – Opportunities, Risks, and Policy Challenges, edited by Bjørn Bedsted, Nicklas Bang Bådum, Reinhard Grünwald, Steffen Albrecht, Tore Tennøe, Ferran Domínguez and Clara Marsan, 70-77. Barcelona: EPTA, 2023.report_en_2.pdf
Boavida, Nuno, Isabel Roque, and António B. Moniz. "Collective Voice and Organizing in Digital Labour Platforms in Portugal." Journal of Labor and Society (2023): 1-25.Website

Marta Candeias