Technology Assessment

Moniz, António B. O Parlamento e as tecnologias emergentes: um tema em que a esquerda deve poder intervir., 2024. Abstracto_parlamento_e_as_tecnologias_emergentes__um_tema_em_que_a_esquerda_deve_poder_intervir___esquerda.pdf

Os partidos políticos deveriam ter a capacidade e a vontade de intervir neste tipo de decisão, trazendo para o debate parlamentar os temas relacionados com tecnologias emergentes. Para isso, há que ter uma posição própria sobre os riscos e as vantagens que essas tecnologias podem trazer

Lefint, Jérémy, and António Brandão Moniz. "Assessment of Exoskeletons for Work Activities: The Dilemma behind the Product." Applied Sciences 14 (2024): 7108. AbstractWebsite

The introduction of exoskeletons by many companies has often resulted in potential users not wanting to wear them. Evaluations of the exoskeleton reveal benefits of use, including ergonomic advantages and a reduction of work-related musculoskeletal disorders. How can this contradiction be explained? By searching the available literature, we can identify the methods used to develop these devices and the methods employed to evaluate their acceptance and benefit. By looking at the product from different viewpoints and involving different disciplines, we will get to the root of this discrepancy. Our findings indicate that the product definition, development focus, and evaluation methods do not sufficiently and adequately address the primary goal of exoskeletons. The development of such devices should be prioritized not only for the delivery of support but also for the motivation of the user. Finally, we put forward the proposal to discuss the establishment of a novel development method for the prospective elaboration of exoskeletons.

Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Csaba Makó, Bettina-Johanna Krings, and Pablo Sanz de Miguel. "Conclusion: Where is worker representation going? Diverse pathways for platform workers' collective strategies." In Digital labour platforms: Representing workers in Europe , edited by A. B. Moniz and et al, 231-244. Famalicão: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023.
Moniz, António B., Nuno Boavida, Bettina-Johanna Krings, Pablo Sanz de Miguel, and Csaba Makó. Digital labour platforms: Representing workers in Europe. Lisboa: Humus/CICS.NOVA, 2023. AbstractWebsite

"This book reflects the diversity of platform workers and their strategies to improve their work and organize collectively. It offers an insight on the cultural and institutional frameworks of the gig economy and the varieties of platform work in different sectors, locals, skills and complexity level. At the same time, it provides a range of policy options to ensure labour rights and social protections for these workers. Although a common European policy is still missing, critical debates have been raised to foster socially acceptable platform work. It presents new pathways for exploiting the potential positive effects of platform economy and platform-based work." (from the Introduction)

“It is therefore not surprising that new initiatives are arising both among traditional trade unions and in new types of organisation and, in the process, innovative new demands are being raised and placed on the negotiating agenda. These are documented in this timely publication, which adds indispensably to our knowledge about labour responses to platformisation in Europe.” (from the Preface by Ursula Huws)

Débora Campos Freire

PhD on TA / CICS.NOVA, Nokia

Rui Dias Ferreira

PhD student / CICS.NOVA

Moniz, António B. "The problem definition and the research design in Technology Assessment." In Congreso Internacional en Gestión Competitiva, Tecnología y Inovación (CIGECOM 2020). online: Universidad de Querátaro, 2020.
Boavida, Nuno, António B. Moniz, Torsten Fleischer, Sophie Kuppler, Andreas Lösch, Jens Schippl, and Judith Simon. "Perspectives on Technology, Society and Innovation." TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 21 (2012): 92-95. AbstractWebsite

To focus on processes of scientific and technological design and on how newly designed objects are used in different ways than initially intended (“displaced”), the organizers (the Society for Social Studies on Science-4S and the European Association of Studies on Science and Technology-EASST) chose the conference theme “Design and Displacement”. The concept of design here referred to innovative processes in forming new ideas and material objects. This general idea was reflected in a multitude of sub-topics.

Moniz, António B. "Cenários sobre o futuro do trabalho: avaliação das implicações tecnológicas [Scenarios on the Future of Work: Assessment of technological implications]." In Prospetiva Estratégica – Teoria, Métodos e Casos Reais [Strategic Foresight – Theory, Methods and Real cases], edited by José Saragoça, Carlos A. Silva and Joaquim Fialho, 173-197. Lisboa: Ed. Silabo, 2018.

SynErgie – Ausrichtung von Industrieprozessen auf fluktuierende Energieversorgung (BMBF)

The SynErgie projects aims to provide, within the next ten years and in line with all legal and social aspects, all the technical and market-related preconditions to synchronize the energy demand of the German industry to a significant extent with the volatile energy supply. In this way, SynErgie contributes to the socially accepted and cost-efficient realization of the energy transition based on renewable energies. The knowledge obtained also allows Germany to evolve into an international lead provider of flexible industry processes and technologies.