
Paulo Madeira

PhD student / ANI

Boavida, Nuno, António B. Moniz, Torsten Fleischer, Sophie Kuppler, Andreas Lösch, Jens Schippl, and Judith Simon. "Perspectives on Technology, Society and Innovation." TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 21 (2012): 92-95. AbstractWebsite

To focus on processes of scientific and technological design and on how newly designed objects are used in different ways than initially intended (“displaced”), the organizers (the Society for Social Studies on Science-4S and the European Association of Studies on Science and Technology-EASST) chose the conference theme “Design and Displacement”. The concept of design here referred to innovative processes in forming new ideas and material objects. This general idea was reflected in a multitude of sub-topics.

Nuno Boavida


Bio (in English) cont.

Was an executive elected member of the  RC30 Research Committee on Sociology of Work (1998-2002) and is now of the RC23 Research Committee on Sociology of Science and Technology (2014-2018) of ISA-International Sociological Association, and Portuguese representative in the Steering Committee of "European Social Survey" organized by European Science Foundation (Strasbourg, França), from

Biografia (resumo)

Professor Associado (desde 1999) de Sociologia Industrial na Nova School of Sciences and Technology (UNL) desde 1999 (com Agregação para Professor Catedrático desde 2001). Coordenador do Programa Doutoral em "Avaliação de Tecnologia" da UNL (desde 2009).