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Moniz, António B. "«Indústria 5.0» como conceito de um novo tipo de interação humano-máquina?" In Indústria 5.0 - Pessoas, Tecnologia e Sustentabilidade, 15-34. Lisbon: Almedina/Actual, 2023.
Moniz, António. Work organisation in industry: Practices of use of IT in Portugal. University Library of Munich, Germany, 2000. Abstract

The innovation in the employment behaviour is particularly clear in what concerns the sector composition of the employment changes: the persistent decrease of the industrial employment (even if within a framework of some recovery of the industrial product), a slight expansion in the employment on the tertiary sector, and an important growth of the employment in the construction and public works activities. We can identify then a considerable sector mutation concerning the industrial and the services sectors but also a growth of the atypical forms of employment. Portugal continues not being able to respond to the labour market needs (improvement in the education sector is critical to the catch-up process). The Portuguese cases studied point out to organisational changes supported by ICT, but not determined/induced by it. For most of the changes that were recently developed, ICT had an important role. We didn’t found explicit technological determinism in the relation between ICT and social exclusion.

Boavida, Nuno, António Moniz, Juan Aransanz, Pablo Sanz de Miguel, Maria Caprile, Julia Frias, Linda Nierling, Bettina-Johanna Krings, Leon Küstermann, Csaba Makó, Miklós Illéssy, and Katalin Bácsi. Work in digital platforms: Literature review from Germany, Hungary, Portugal and Spain. Lisbon: CICS.NOVA, 2019. Abstract

This 1st Report of the project CrowdWork21 presents a summary of the information collected about workers in digital platforms by country (German, Hungary, Portugal and Spain). Each national report describes first the scientific debates about workers of digital platforms. After, the reports present the information collected about the national public debates and identifies the angles normally covered by the media in relation to the organisation of digital workers. Lastly, the reports present initial conclusions about the information collected in each country.

Boavida, Nuno, and António Brandão Moniz. "Virtual work in Portugal: a literature review." International Journal on Working Conditions (2020): 1-15.Website
Boavida, Nuno, António Brandão Moniz, and Manuel Laranja. The use of indicators and other evidence in two investment decisions of Technology Innovation In 21st International Conference on Science and Technology indicators. STI Conference. Peripheries, frontiers and beyond. Valencia: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2017. Abstract

Despite increasing calls for evidence-based policies, knowledge about the practical use of evidences remains limited. This paper studies the process of construction of evidences in decisions of innovation policy to understand how evidences were used. It analysis the use of indicators and other evidences through interviews conducted to inquire about the two decisions: an electric mobility policy and a nanotechnology laboratory. Results show indicators and other evidences were brought to decision processes according to their availability and capacity to support the different interests of the actors and
the stakeholders. Their role was influenced by the particular situation of the decision makers. More importantly, the use of persuasive analytical evidences appears to be related with the adversity of the policy context. In addition, research suggests that indicators are one tool among others to foster innovation decisions. In fact, the relatively minor instrumental role of indicators suggests that indicators are mostly a complementary instrument of decision. When used relevantly, indicators can offer support to a decision. But there are other significant influences that need to be taken into account to understand the specific role indicators and other evidences play, such as the social relations of the decision makers and their emotional-intuitive decisions.

Kovács, Ilona, and António Moniz. Trends for the development of anthropocentric production systems in small less industrialised countries: The case of Portugal. University Library of Munich, Germany, 1994. Abstract

This paper analyses the problems and trends of the introduction of anthropocentric production systems (APS) in small less industrialized member states of the European Union, specifically the case of Portugal, based on the report for the FAST-Anthropocentric Technology Assessment Project (Monitor Programme) on “Prospects and conditions for APS in Europe by the 21st century”. Research teams from all countries of the European Community, as well as researchers from USA, Japan and Australia were participating in this project. The aim of this paper is to characterize APS and to present some special considerations related to the socioeconomic factors affecting the prospects and conditions for APS in Portugal. APS is defined as a system based on the utilization of skilled human resources and flexible technology adapted to the needs of flexible and participative organization. Among socioeconomic factors, some critical aspects for the development of APS will be focused, namely technological infrastructure, management strategies, perceived impact of introduction of automated systems on the division of labor and organizational structure, educational and vocational training and social actors strategies towards industrial automation. This analysis is based on a sample of industrial firms, built up for qualitative analysis, and on case studies analysis that can be reference examples for further development of APS, and not just for economic policy purposes alone. We have also analyzed the type of existing industrial relations, the union and employer strategies and some aspects of public policies towards the introduction of new technologies in the order to understand the extent to which there exist obstacles to and favorable conditions for the diffusion of anthropocentric systems. Finally some recommendations are presented to stress the trends for the implementation and development of anthropocentric production systems in Portugal.

Moniz, António B. The transformation of work? A quantitative evaluation of changes in work in Portugal. Universidade Nova de Lisboa, IET-Research on Enterprise and Work Innovation, Faculty of Science and Technology, 2008. Abstract

This report is made for the Work Package 15 of WORKS project and tries to develop more information on the Portuguese situation in the work structures changes in the recent years. It starts with an analysis of socio- economical indicators (Macro economical indicators, Employment indicators, Consumption, Technology at the workplace, Productivity), and then approaches the situation in terms of work flexibility in its dimensions of time use and New forms of work organisation. It traces employment in business functions with a sectoral and occupational approach, and analyses the occupational change in South Europe with particular relevance to Portugal (skill utilisation and job satisfaction, occupational and industrial mobility, quantitative evaluation of the shape of employment in Europe. Finaly are analysed the globalisation indicators.

Boavida, Nuno, and António B. Moniz. "Transformações tecnológicas em Portugal: O papel dos parceiros laborais na prevenção dos seus riscos." In Populações, desigualdades e ação pública, 119-129. Lisboa: Humus/CICS Nova, 2023. Abstracttransform_tecnol_portugal_nb_abm.pdf

Este capítulo pretende contribuir para a análise das principais fontes de ansiedade social causada pela crescente automação em Portugal. O capítulo foi baseado na revisão de literatura internacional e nacional, bem como na análise secundária de dados. Para além disso, durante o projeto DEEP VIEW foram realizadas duas entrevistas não estruturadas a especialistas em relações laborais e 13 entrevistas semiestruturadas a representantes do mundo sindical e de entidades patronais (federações e confederações), em setores particularmente relevantes para as questões associadas ao risco tecnológico.

Moniz, António B. "Transformações no mercado de trabalho e robótica." Cadernos de Economia 30 (2017): 30-34.
Moniz, António. Trabalho, formação e inovação: Novos problemas para a Sociedade da Informação[Work, training and innovation: new problems for the information society]. University Library of Munich, Germany, 2000. Abstract

In this paper for a public debate promoted by the Portuguese President of Republic in 2000, we start from the basic definitions of information society and discuss the main measures proposed as targets in the firld of work and employment. Structural changes are analysed related with the economical and social dimensions of the information society, especially those related to the work organisation, education and training, and the labour markets. Finally recommendations are made on the topics of innovation, employment and development of information society.

Moniz, António. Trabalho Operário e Novas Tecnologias de Produção: Alguns resultados de investigações internacionais[Workers labour and new production technologies: some results from international research]. University Library of Munich, Germany, 1993. Abstract

In the last two decades (70 and 80) there took place an intensive controversy in the field of Industrial and Work Sociology. There the topic of the study object of this scientific discipline is again discussed. This controversy, however, has a relatively different sense in comparison with the one that existed in early 60ies. The more recent one followed the increasing number of possibilities of electronical equipment for data processing at the same time its price is decreasing. In this article we try to give knowledge of the main elements that take part in such debate. It is also important to present the international character of the research developed in association with this discussion. It evolves a plurality of research teams that present, compare and synthesize the results of empirical studies that are applied for a wide variety of countries.

Moniz, António B. Trabalho com robôs: um desafio para o movimento sindical In, 2018.
Boavida, Nuno, António Moniz, and Manuel Laranja. "Towards an assessment of the Portuguese e-mobility case; The Mobi-E." In Technology assessment and policy areas of great transitions, edited by T. Michalek, L. Hebakova, L. Hennen, C. Scherz, L. Nierling and J. Hahn, 263-269. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2014.
Brandao Moniz, António. Teletrabalho em tempos de pandemia In, 2020. Abstract

Será que esta pandemia está a dar velocidade à transição digital, nomeadamente com o teletrabalho? Ou será que, apesar do confinamento durante cerca de 3 meses, o recurso ao teletrabalho foi feito sem grande regulamentação, cuidado ou negociação?

Boavida, Nuno, Manuel Baumann, António Brandão Moniz, Jens Schippl, Marcel Weil, and Max Reichenbach. Technology transition towards e-mobility: technology assessment as a tool for policy design In International Colloquium of GERPISA - The International Network of the Automobile. Paris: GERPISA, 2013.
Yazan, Abdurrahman, and António Brandão Moniz. "Technology Assessment of eVTOL Air Transportation System; the Positive Impacts." International journal of advanced research 9 (2021): 171-180. AbstractWebsite

This paper intended to provide a vision on the potential consequences of the introduction of emerging air transportation system which was based on a section of the thesis to contribute to the forming of public and policy opinion.Especially this paper tried to understand whether there were enough positive social and environmental impacts in terms of potential benefits to continue the efforts.The negative impacts are beyond the scope of this paper. Limitations of the current ground and airline transportation systems, increasing congestion, poor block speed, combined with expanding population and demand for affordable on-demand mobility are driving the development of future transportation technology and policy. The third wave of aeronautic,e VTOL (Vertical Takeoff and landing) Air Transportation System, is envisioned as the next logical step in the natural progression and could bring about great new capabilities for society that would bring aviation into a new age of being relevant in daily lives. Considering door to door block time, e VTOL Air Transportation System has the potential to achieve anotherfive-fold increase over the auto today as the auto provided ten-fold increase over the horse, and a daily mobility reach of 125 to 250 miles.The main benefits will be on-demand, point-to-point,safe travel, further and anywhere in less travel time with almost zero environmental impact for general people. Besides, a successful implementation and sustainable transition will depend on overcoming technological hurdles, regulatory frameworks, operational safety, cost competitiveness, and sensibilities of the affected communities.

Boavida, Nuno, and António Brandão Moniz. "Technology Assessment in Non-PTA Countries: An Overview of Recent Developments in Europe." In Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe, edited by António B. Moniz and Kumi Okuwada, 75-88. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016.
Moniz, António Brandão, and Kumi Okuwada. Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe. Karlsruhe: KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016. AbstractWebsite

The goal of technology assessment (TA) is to lend support to society and policy making by promoting understanding of the problems related to the grand sociotechnical challenges of our time, as well as to assess the available options for managing them. Researchers from Japan and Europe reflected together in this book on country-specific developments to identify the conditions that must be present to anchor TA in science, politics, and society. This book helps us to learn about different cultures.

Brandao Moniz, António, Go Yoshizawa, and Michiel Van Oudheusden. "Technology Assessment in East Asia: Experience and New Approaches." In The Next Horizon of Technology Assessment, 287-293. Prague: Technology Centre ASCR, 2015. Abstract

Technology assessment (TA) and TA-like activities in countries like Japan have a unique history and continue to play a role in contemporary science, technology, and innovation (STI) processes. The aim of the discussion of TA’s experience in East Asia is how STI governance is locally enacted in Asian knowledge-driven economies, as TA activities develop in conjunction with STI policies and programs. To render these processes, policies, and programs visible and to understand their implications for STI governance, a panel at the Berlin conference on TA discussed contributions that described and conceptualized, for example, how TA activities have emerged in Asian knowledge-based economies (KBE), in which particular forms (e.g., academic and parliamentary TA programs), to which technologies and/or actors they are linked, and which methods are used and why. The panel also sought to compare and contrast how TA is (or is not) institutionalized in Asian countries and regions, and to point to prospects for expansion of TA capacity. In doing so, the panellists placed the development of TA in a historical, sociological, and comparative perspective, and opened space for critical reflection on the potential, problems, and limitations associated with initiating TA in Asia and with KBEs overall

Moniz, António B., and Bettina-Johanna Krings. Technology assessment approach to human-robot interactions in work environments In 7th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HIS). Costa de Caparica: IEEE Xplore, 2014.
Dusseldorp, Marc, Richard Beecroft, and António Moniz. Technology Assessment and Education: Introduction. University Library of Munich, Germany, 2009. Abstract

“Theory and Practice” of TA, which is referred to in the title of this journal “TATuP”, is usually addressed as a question of TA research. But science is more than research: the field of teaching requires just as much attention, both practically and theoretically. Therefore, a mere collection of individual teaching experiences and best practice examples does not provide a strong enough basis to discuss questions of TA teaching, these must also be embedded in a theoretical context and discussed in their relation to research. In this special issue, we aim to contribute to a combination of theoretical and practical approaches to the relation of TA and “Bildung”.

Krings, Bettina-Johanna, António B. Moniz, and Philipp Frey. "Technology as enabler of the automation of work? Current societal challenges for a future perspective of work." Revista Brasileira de Sociologia 9 (2021): 206-229. Abstract806-1705-1-pb_revbrassociologia.pdfWebsite

Due to the innovative possibilities of digital technologies, the issue of increasing automation is once again on the agenda – and not only in the industry, but also in other branches and sectors of contemporary societies. Although public and scientific discussions about automation seem to raise relevant questions of the “old” debate, such as the replacement of human labor by introducing new technologies, the authors focus here on the new contextual quality of these questions. The debate should rethink the relationship between technology and work with regard to quantitative and qualitative changes in work. In this article, our example will be the introduction of automation in industry, which has been reflected in the widely recognized study by Frey and Osborne in 2013. They estimated the expected impacts of future computerization on US labor market outcomes as very high, specifically regarding the number of jobs at risk. Surprisingly, this study was the starting point of an intensive international debate on the impact of technologies on the future of work and the role of technological change in working environments. Thus, according to the authors, “old” questions remain important, but they should be reinterpreted for “new” societal demands and expectations of future models of work.

Moniz, António B., Bettina-Johanna Krings, and Philipp Frey. "Technology and work." TATuP - Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis 27 (2018): 69-70.Website