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Pardelha, Filipa, Maria G. E. Albuquerque, Maria A. M. Reis, Rui Oliveira, and Joao M. L. Dias. "{Dynamic metabolic modelling of volatile fatty acids conversion to polyhydroxyalkanoates by a mixed microbial culture}." {NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {31} (Submitted): {335-344}. Abstract
Teixeira, A., A. Cunha, J. Clemente, P. M. Alves, M. J. T. Carrondo, and R. Oliveira. "{Dynamic modelling and optimisation of a mammalian cells process using hybrid grey-box systems}." {Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms}. Eds. B. {Ribeiro, RF Albrecht, A. Dobnikar, DW Pearson, and NC} Steele. {SPRINGER COMPUTER SCIENCE}. Submitted. {296-299}. Abstract
Alves, Vitor D., Filomena Freitas, Nuno Costa, Monica Carvalheira, Rui Oliveira, Maria P. Goncalves, and Maria A. M. Reis. "{Effect of temperature on the dynamic and steady-shear rheology of a new microbial extracellular polysaccharide produced from glycerol byproduct}." {CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS}. {79} (Submitted): {981-988}. Abstract
Freitas, Filomena, Vitor D. Alves, Monica Carvalheira, Nuno Costa, Rui Oliveira, and Maria A. M. Reis. "{Emulsifying behaviour and rheological properties of the extracellular polysaccharide produced by Pseudomonas oleovorans grown on glycerol byproduct}." {CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS}. {78} (Submitted): {549-556}. Abstract
Roldao, Antonio, Rui Oliveira, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, and Paula M. Alves. "{Error assessment in recombinant baculovirus titration: Evaluation of different methods}." {JOURNAL OF VIROLOGICAL METHODS}. {159} (Submitted): {69-80}. Abstract
Ferreira, A. R., J. M. L. Dias, M. von Stosch, J. Clemente, A. E. Cunha, and Rui Oliveira. "{Fast development of Pichia pastoris GS115 Mut(+) cultures employing batch-to-batch control and hybrid semi-parametric modeling}." {BIOPROCESS AND BIOSYSTEMS ENGINEERING}. {37} (Submitted): {629-639}. Abstract
Pardelha, Filipa, Maria G. E. Albuquerque, Maria A. M. Reis, Joao M. L. Dias, and Rui Oliveira. "{Flux balance analysis of mixed microbial cultures: Application to the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from complex mixtures of volatile fatty acids}." {JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {162} (Submitted): {336-345}. Abstract
Teixeira, Ana P., Tiago M. Duarte, Rui Oliveira, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, and Paula M. Alves. "{High-throughput analysis of animal cell cultures using two-dimensional fluorometry}." {JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {151} (Submitted): {255-260}. Abstract
Carrondo, Manuel J. T., Paula M. Alves, Nuno Carinhas, Jarka Glassey, Friedemann Hesse, Otto-Wilhelm Merten, Martina Micheletti, Thomas Noll, Rui Oliveira, Udo Reichl, Arne Staby, Ana P. Teixeira, Henry Weichert, and Carl-Fredrik Mandenius. "{How can measurement, monitoring, modeling and control advance cell culture in industrial biotechnology?}." {BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL}. {7} (Submitted): {1522-1529}. Abstract
Teixeira, Ana P., Carlos Alves, Paula M. Alves, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, and Rui Oliveira. "{Hybrid elementary flux analysis/nonparametric modeling: application for bioprocess control}." {BMC BIOINFORMATICS}. {8} (Submitted). Abstract
Teixeira, A., C. Alves, P. M. Alves, M. J. T. Carrondo, and R. Oliveira. "{Hybrid metabolic flux analysis/artificial neural network modeling of bioprocesses}." {HIS 2005: 5th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Proceedings}. Eds. N. {Nedjah, LM Mourelle, MMB Vellasco, A. Abraham, and M. } Koppen. {Operador Nacl Sistema Eletr; Coordenac Aperfeicoament Pessoal Nivel Super; Brazilian Comp Soc; Brazilian Soc Automat; IEEE Syst Man & Cygernet Soc; Int Fuzzy Syst Assoc; European Neural Network Soc; European Soc Fuzzy Log & Technol; World Federat Soft Co, Submitted. {411-416}. Abstract
Teixeira, A., C. M. L. Alves, P. M. Alves, M. J. T. Carrondo, and R. Oliveira. "{Hybrid metabolic flux analysis/data-driven modelling of bioprocesses}." {16TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING}. Eds. W. {Marquardt, and C. } Pantelides. Vol. {21}. {Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering}, {21}. Submitted. {1667-1672}. Abstract
Carinhas, Nuno, Vicente Bernal, Ana P. Teixeira, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, Paula M. Alves, and Rui Oliveira. "{Hybrid metabolic flux analysis: combining stoichiometric and statistical constraints to model the formation of complex recombinant products}." {BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY}. {5} (Submitted). Abstract
von Stosch, Moritz, Steven Davy, Kjell Francois, Vytautas Galvanauskas, Jan-Martijn Hamelink, Andreas Luebbert, Martin Mayer, Rui Oliveira, Ronan O'Kennedy, Paul Rice, and Jarka Glassey. "{Hybrid modeling for quality by design and PAT - benefits and challenges of applications in biopharmaceutical industry}." {BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL}. {9} (Submitted): {719-726}. Abstract
Ricardo, Ana R., Rui Oliveira, Svetlozar Velizarov, Maria A. M. Reis, and Joao G. Crespo. "{Hybrid modeling of counterion mass transfer in a membrane-supported biofilm reactor}." {BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL}. {62} (Submitted): {22-33}. Abstract
Peres, J., F. Freitas, M. A. M. Reis, S. Feyo de Azevedo, and R. Oliveira. "{Hybrid modular mechanistic/ANN modelling of a wastewater phosphorus removal process}." {16TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING AND 9TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON PROCESS SYSTEMS ENGINEERING}. Eds. W. {Marquardt, and C. } Pantelides. Vol. {21}. {Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering}, {21}. Submitted. {1717-1722}. Abstract
Teixeira, Ana P., Nuno Carinhas, Jodo M. L. Dias, Pedro Cruz, Paula M. Alves, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, and Rui Oliveira. "{Hybrid semi-parametric mathematical systems: Bridging the gap between systems biology and process engineering}." {JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {132} (Submitted): {418-425}. Abstract
von Stosch, Moritz, Rui Oliveira, Joana Peres, and Sebastiao Feyo de Azevedo. "{Hybrid semi-parametric modeling in process systems engineering: Past, present and future}." {COMPUTERS & CHEMICAL ENGINEERING}. {60} (Submitted): {86-101}. Abstract
von Stosch, M., R. Oliveira, J. Peres, and S. Feyo de Azevedo. "{Hybrid semi-parametric modeling of biological systems: Application to spectroscopic data for the estimation of concentrations}." {20TH EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER AIDED PROCESS ENGINEERING}. Eds. S. {Pierucci, and BG} Ferraris. Vol. {28}. {Computer-Aided Chemical Engineering}, {28}. Submitted. {1021-1026}. Abstract
Castanheiro, JE, I. M. Fonseca, A. M. Ramos, R. Oliveira, and J. Vital. "{Hydration of alpha-pinene over molybdophosphoric acid immobilized in hydrophobically modified PVA membranes}." {CATALYSIS TODAY}. {104} (Submitted): {296-304}. Abstract
Carinhas, Nuno, Vicente Bernal, Francisca Monteiro, Manuel J. T. Carrondo, Rui Oliveira, and Paula M. Alves. "{Improving baculovirus production at high cell density through manipulation of energy metabolism}." {METABOLIC ENGINEERING}. {12} (Submitted): {39-52}. Abstract
Teixeira, Ana P., Carla A. M. Portugal, Nuno Carinhas, Joao M. L. Dias, Joao P. Crespo, Paula M. Alves, M. J. T. Carrondo, and Rui Oliveira. "{In Situ 2D Fluorometry and Chemometric Monitoring of Mammalian Cell Cultures}." {BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING}. {102} (Submitted): {1098-1106}. Abstract
Roldao, Antonio, Helena L. A. Vieira, Paula M. Alves, R. Oliveira, and Manuel J. T. Carrondo. "{Intracellular dynamics in rotavirus-like particles production: Evaluation of multigene and monocistronic infection strategies}." {PROCESS BIOCHEMISTRY}. {41} (Submitted): {2188-2199}. Abstract
Torres, Cristiana A. V., Rodolfo Marques, Silvia Antunes, Vitor D. Alves, Isabel Sousa, Ana Maria Ramos, Rui Oliveira, Filomena Freitas, and Maria A. M. Reis. "{Kinetics of production and characterization of the fucose-containing exopolysaccharide from Enterobacter A47}." {JOURNAL OF BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {156} (Submitted): {261-267}. Abstract
Teixeira, A. P., J. M. L. Dias, P. M. Alves, M. J. T. Carrondo, and R. Oliveira. "{Macroscopic control of intracellular fluxes: application to mammalian cell cultures}." {NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY}. {25} (Submitted): {S332}. Abstract