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Cukla, AR, R. S. Peres, J. Barata, RC Izquierdo, EA Perondi, and FJ Lorini. "A systematic approach to trajectory planning applied to modular robots." Mechatronics and its Applications (ISMA), 2015 10th International Symposium on. IEEE, 2015. 1-6. Abstract
Peres, Ricardo Silva, Magno Guedes, Fabio Miranda, and Jose Barata. "Simulation-based Data Augmentation for the Quality Inspection of Structural Adhesive with Deep Learning." {IEEE} Access (2021): 1. AbstractWebsite
{Peres, Ricardo Silva, Mafalda Parreira-Rocha, Andre Dionisio Rocha, José Barbosa, Paulo Leitão, and José Barata. "Selection of a data exchange format for industry 4.0 manufacturing systems." Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE. IEEE, 2016. 5723-5728. Abstract