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Amaral, Paula, and Pedro Barahona. "K-Best Feasible Clusters- Ranking optimal solutions from an infeasible LP." under revision (2017). Abstract
Amaral, Paula A., and Immanuel M. Bomze. "Copositivity-based approximations for mixed-integer fractional quadratic optimization." Pacific Journal of Optimization. 11 (2015): 225-238. Abstract
Gomes, Isabel, Jorge Santos, Luís Cavique, Nelson C. Martins, Manuel Vieira, Paula Amaral, Raquel Barreira, and Vitor H. Fernandes AMT (airline maintenance technicians) timetabling optimization- ESGI101 - Relatório Final- TAP-AMT. ESGI 101, FCT, UNL, 2014, 2014. Abstract
Amaral, Paula, Immanuel M. Bomze, and Joaquim Júdice. "Copositivity and constrained fractional quadratic problems." Mathematical Programming. 146 (2014): 325-350. Abstract
Amaral, P., and P. Barahona. "A Framework for Optimal Correction of Inconsistent Linear Constraints." Constraints. 10:1 (2005): 67-86. Abstract

The problem of inconsistency between constraints often arises in practice as the result, among others, of the complexity of real models or due to unrealistic requirements and preferences. To overcome such inconsistency two major actions may be taken: removal of constraints or changes in the coefficients of the model. This last approach, that can be generically described as ``model corre\-ction" is the problem we address in this paper in the context of linear constraints over the reals. The correction of the right hand side alone, which is very close to a fuzzy constraints approach, was one of the first proposals to deal with inconsistency, as it may be mapped into a linear problem. The correction of both the matrix of coefficients and the right hand side introduces non linearity in the constraints. The degree of difficulty in solving the problem of the optimal correction depends on the objective function, whose purpose is to measure the closeness between the original and corrected model. Contrary to other norms, that provide corrections with quite rigid patterns, the optimization of the important Frobenius norm was still an open problem. We have analyzed the problem using the KKT conditions and derived necessary and sufficient conditions which enabled us to unequivocally characterize local optima, in terms of the solution of the Total Least Squares and the set of active constraints. These conditions justify a set of pruning rules, which proved, in preliminary experimental results, quite successful in a tree search procedure for determining the global minimizer.

Amaral, Paula, and Pedro Barahona. "Connections between the total least squares and the correction of an infeasible system of linear inequalities." Linear algebra and its applications. 395 (2005): 191-210. Abstract
Amaral, P., and P. Barahona. "On Optimal Correction of Inconsistent Linear Constraints." Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP'2002. Ed. Pascal Van Hentenryck. Vol. 2470. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2470. Springer, 2002. 33-46. Abstract

In practice one has often to deal with the problem of inconsistency between constraints, as the result, among others, of the comple\-xi\-ty of real models. To overcome these conflicts we can outline two major \mbox{actions}: removal of constraints or changes in the coefficients of the model. This last approach, that can be generically described as ``model corre\-ction" is the problem we address in this paper. The correction of the right hand side alone was one of the first approaches. The correction of both the matrix of coefficients and the right hand side introduces non linearity in the constraints. The degree of difficulty in solving the problem of the optimal correction depends on the objective function, whose purpose is to measure the closeness between the original and corrected model. Contrary to other norms, the optimization of the important Frobenius was still an open problem. We have analyzed the problem using the KKT conditions and derived necessary and sufficient conditions which enabled us to unequivocally characterize local optima, in terms of the solution of the Total Least Squares and the set of active constraints. These conditions justify a set of pruning rules, which proved, in preliminary experimental results, quite successful in a tree search procedure for determining the global minimizer.

Amaral, P., M. W. Trosset, and P. Barahona Correcting an inconsistent system of linear inequalities by nonlinear programming. Houston, TX 77005: Department of Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 2000. Abstract
Amaral, P., M. W. Trosset, and P. Barahona Correcting an Inconsistent System of Linear Inequalities by Nonlinear Programming. TX 77005, Houston: Department of Computational & Applied Mathematics, Rice University, 2000. Abstract
Amaral, Paula, and Pedro Barahona. "About infeasibility in the constraints of a linear model." Ricerca Operativa. 92 (1999): 49-67. Abstract
Amaral, P., and P. Barahona. "After infeasibility in linear programming." Proceedings of CP-AI-OR99 workshop on integration of AI and OR techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization problems. Vol. 1. Universit, 1999. Abstract

This work is focused on the correction of Infeasible Linear problems. Its motivation is not difficult to understand if one thinks on the complexity of model building in large real problems. The inconsistency can arise in the definition of the model due, for instance, to structural or data type errors. The identification of conflict sets of constraints is very useful but might not be enough to overcome the problem, since the implementation of a solution may require the definition of a new feasible model. We present a short review on known procedures for the diagnosis of these problems. The approach we propose is based on the correction of (potentially) all the parameters of the model restrictions. We present a pure algebraic methodology based on the Singular Value Decomposition of a matrix. This method is quite rigid in the changes of the matrix coefficients changes, so we give insights on a heuristic based approach in order to attain more flexibility.