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Mahiout, A., R. Damann, J. Pera, A. Luonsi, M. Kolari, J. Siivinen, J. F. Santos Oliveira, N. Lapa, G. Pourcelly, and F. Aslan. "Industrial liquid effluents in the pulp and paper industry." Industrial Liquid Effluents - A Guide Book on the Treatment of Effluents from the Mining/Metallurgy, Paper, Plating and Textile Industries. Eds. M. Cox, P. Négré, and L. Yurramendi. Donostia - San Sebastián: INASMET-Tecnalia and European Commission, 2006. 33-73.
Mendes, B. S., M. J. Nascimento, M. I. Pereira, G. Bailey, N. Lapa, J. Morais, and J. F. Santos Oliveira. "Efficiency of removal in stabilization ponds. I - Influence of climate." Water Science and Technology. 31.12 (1995): 219-229. AbstractWebsite

Owing to the existing or predictable water deficiencies in the South of Portugal, it is necessary to carry out the appropriate management of water resources, by reducing and/or minimizing the negative impacts of untreated/treated domestic effluents in the aquatic environment. As Portugal has a great diversity of ecoclimatic areas, five different stabilization pond systems were chosen to carry out a control study during one year (from March 1991 to March 1992). According to Pina Manique & Albuquerque the ecological classification of these stations is different, varying from Ibero-mediterranean (continental) up to mediterranean (maritime). The physical and chemical parameters studied were: temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, BOD, COD, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and total nitrogen, total suspended and volatile solids, total phosphorus and orthophosphates. The microbiological parameters studied were: total and faecal coliforms, faecal Streptococci, Clostridium perfringens and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The correlations between climatic parameters and the efficiency of the removal of organic matter were analysed.

Mendes, B. S., M. J. Nascimento, M. I. Pereira, G. Bailey, N. Lapa, J. Morais, and J. F. Santos Oliveira. "Efficiency of removal in stabilization ponds. II - Statistical analysis of K values." Water Science and Technology. 31.12 (1995): 231-238. AbstractWebsite

The analytical values obtained from five WSP systems located in different ecoclimatic zones in the centre and South of Portugal, were subjected to a statistical analysis of K and K20 values (as used in the van Hoff-Arrhenius equation) utilizing an analysis of variance and a vectorial analysis of principal components. Significant differences between K and K20 values in facultative, maturation ponds and in the whole system were verified. The projection of the first principal components of eigenvectors made possible the classification of the stations, showing the existence of similarities and discrepancies in their removal BOD kinetics behaviour. The K20 value must be estimated and taken into account for the design of waste stabilization ponds.

Mendes, B. S., M. J. Nascimento, M. I. Pereira, G. Bailey, N. Lapa, J. Morais, and J. F. Santos Oliveira. "Ecoclimatic influence on waste stabilization ponds (WSP) efficiencies: the case study of the Sesimbra system." Water Science and Technology. 30.8 (1994): 269-279. AbstractWebsite

Portugal has a great diversity of ecoclimatic areas and Sesimbra was chosen to carry out a study on WSP efficiencies over five years (1989 to 1993). According to Pina Manique & Albuquerque (1954), the climate is classified as Atlantic Mediterranean (AM). Some environmental and climatic parameters have been studied in order to define the area. The treatment system at Sesimbra has three ponds: anaerobic, facultative and maturation. The physical and chemical parameters studied in the WSP system were: Temperature, pH, Dissolved Oxygen, Conductivity, BOD5, COD, nitrates, nitrites, ammonia and total nitrogen, total and volatile suspended solids, total phosphorus and orthophosphates. Algal populations and the following microbiological parameters were studied: total and fecal coliforms, fecal Streptococci, Clostridium perfringens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and some Enterobacteriaceae. The K and K20 kinetic parameters were studied and derived for the three ponds utilizing the seasonal regional characteristics from the surrounding area. These values were then correlated with temperature and the subsequent removal efficiencies for each pond deduced. The data obtained indicate a necessity to determine the seasonal fluctuations of the K and K20 kinetic parameters for the WSP systems.