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A.P.Duarte, J.F.J.Coelho, M.T.Cidade, and J.C.Bordado. "Biomimetic Adhesives." Focus on Biomimetics Research. New York: Nova Publisher, 2012. 43-66.
Almeida, PL, G. Lavareda, Nunes De C. Carvalho, A. Amaral, M. H. Godinho, M. T. Cidade, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Flexible cellulose derivative PDLC type cells." 29.3 (2002): 475-477. Abstract
Almeida, PL, M. T. Cidade, M. H. Godinho, AC Ribeiro, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Light scattering studies in cellulose derivative based PDLC type cells." 359.1 (2001): 79-88. Abstract
Almeida, PL, M. H. Godinho, M. T. Cidade, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Electro-optical properties of cellulose based PDLC type cells: Dependence on the type of diisocyanate cross-linking agent used." 368.1 (2001): 121-128. Abstract
de Almeida, Pedro Lúcio Maia Marques, João Luís Maia Figueirinhas, Maria Teresa Varanda Cidade, Maria Helena Figueiredo Godinho, and Universidade Nova de Lisboa Estudo e optimização de um novo dispositivo electro-óptico tipo PDLC., 2003. Abstract
Almeida, PL, M. T. Cidade, M. H. Godinho, AC Ribeiro, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Preliminary results on UV and high temperature exposure effects on the electro-optical properties of cellulose derivatives based PDLC type cells." 351.1 (2000): 61-68. Abstract
Almeida, PL, M. H. Godinho, M. T. Cidade, P. Nunes, A. Marques, R. Martins, E. Fortunato, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Composite systems for flexible display applications from cellulose derivatives." 127.1 (2002): 111-114. Abstract
Almeida, PL, S. Tavares, AF Martins, M. H. Godinho, M. T. Cidade, and J. L. Figueirinhas. "Cross-linked hydroxypropylcellulose films: mechanical behaviour and electro-optical properties of PDLC type cells." 20.2 (2002): 97-100. Abstract
Avó, João, M. T. Cidade, Vincent Rodriguez, João C. Lima, and Jorge A. Parola. "Photorheological Ionic Liquids." 119.22 (2015): 6680-6685. Abstract
Baltazar, LG, F. M. A. Henriques, F. Jorne, and M. T. Cidade. "Performance improvement of hydraulic lime based grouts for masonry consolidation: an experimental study." 131 (2013): 417-430. Abstract
Baltazar, LG, F. M. A. Henriques, and M. T. Cidade. "Grouts with improved durability for masonry consolidation: An experimental study with non-standard specimens." Key Engineering Materials. 747 KEM (2017): 480-487. AbstractWebsite
Baltazar, Luís G., Fernando MA Henriques, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "Combined Effect of Silica Fume and Nanosilica on the Performance of Injection Grouts for Consolidation of Heritage Buildings." Advances in Engineering Research. New York: Nova Science Publishers, 2019. 197-239.
Baltazar, LG, F. M. A. Henriques, and M. T. Cidade Rheological characterisation of injection grouts using rotational rheometry. Advances in Rheology Research., 2017. AbstractWebsite
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, Fernando Jorne, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "The use of rheology in the study of the composition effects on the fresh behaviour of hydraulic lime grouts for injection of masonry walls." 52.2 (2013): 127-138. Abstract
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "Effects of Polypropylene Fibers and Measurement Methods on the Yield Stress of Grouts for the Consolidation of Heritage Masonry Walls." Fluids . 5.2 (2020): 53.
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, and Maria Teresa Cidade. " Rheology of Natural Hydraulic Lime Grouts for Conservation of Stone Masonry-Influence of Compositional and Processing Parameters." Fluids. 4.1 (2019): paper 13.
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "Experimental Study and Modeling of Rheological and Mechanical Properties of NHL Grouts." 27.12 (2015): 04015055. Abstract
Baltazar, LG, F. M. A. Henriques, D. Rocha, and M. T. Cidade. "Experimental characterization of injection grouts incorporating hydrophobic silica fume." Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering. 29 (2017). AbstractWebsite
Baltazar, LG, F. M. A. Henriques, F. Jorne, and M. T. Cidade. "Performance improvement of hydraulic lime based grouts for masonry consolidation: An experimental study." Structural Studies, Repairs and Maintenance of Heritage Architecture XIII, WIT Transactions on the Built Environment. Southampton: WIT Press, 2013. 417-430.
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "Contribution to the design of hydraulic lime-based grouts for masonry consolidation." 21.6 (2015): 698-709. Abstract
Baltazar, Luis G., Fernando MA Henriques, Fernando Jorne, and M. T. Cidade. "Combined effect of superplasticizer, silica fume and temperature in the performance of natural hydraulic lime grouts." 50 (2014): 584-597. Abstract
Baptista, Ricardo, Mafalda Guedes, M. F. C. Pereira, A. Maurício, Henrique Nuno Carrêlo, and Maria Teresa Cidade. "On the effect of design and fabrication parameters on mechanical performance of 3D printed PLA scaffolds." Bioprinting . 20. e00096 (2020).
Bras, Ana, Fernando MA Henriques, and M. T. Cidade. "Effect of environmental temperature and fly ash addition in hydraulic lime grout behaviour." 24.8 (2010): 1511-1517. Abstract
Bras, Ana, Fernando MA Henriques, and M. T. Cidade. "Rheological behaviour of hydraulic lime-based grouts. Shear-time and temperature dependence." 17.2 (2013): 223-242. Abstract