Maria Teresa Cidade graduated in Chemical Engineering (IST,1983) and obtained a PhD from Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCT-UNL,1994).  In 2006 she was appointed with the Habilitation in Polymer Engineering. Currently, she is Assistant Professor with Habilitation at Materials Science Department (DCM) of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the New University of Lisbon (FCT/UNL). She is the Coordinator of the Polymeric and Mesomorphic Materials Group of DCM, Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Materials Science and Engineering and Coordinator of FCT/UNL in the Doctoral Program in Advanced Materials and Processing, a FCT/MCTES Doctoral Program in Association with six other Portuguese Universities: Lisbon, Coimbra, Beira Interior, Aveiro, Porto and Minho. She is the President of the Portuguese Society of Rheology (SPR), Associate Editor of Physica Scripta (IOP) and member of the Editorial board of Fluids (MDPI). She has published more than 100 publications, among which are around 80 scientific paper indexed in WoS and SCOPUS.

Her main scientific interests are related with the characterization, in particular rheological characterization, of complex fluids: polymers and their composites, hydraulic grouts, hydrogels for tissue repair, electrorheological fluids.


Researcher ID: H-7462-2013
ORCID: 0000-0001-8261-6754

Phone: (+351)  21 294 85 84/extension 10606
Fax: (+351) 212 957 810