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Panigrahi, S., T. Calmeiro, MJ Mendes, H. Águas, E. Fortunato, and R. Martins. "Observation of Grain Boundary Passivation and Charge Distribution in Perovskite Films Improved with Anti-solvent Treatment." Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 126 (2022): 19367-19375. AbstractWebsite
Santos, I. M., M. Alexandre, V. D. Mihailetchi, J. A. Silva, T. Mateus, A. Mouquinho, J. Boane, A. T. Vicente, D. Nunes, U. D. Menda, H. Águas, E. Fortunato, R. Martins, and MJ Mendes. "Optically-Boosted Planar IBC Solar Cells with Electrically-Harmless Photonic Nanocoatings." Advanced Optical Materials. 11 (2023). AbstractWebsite