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Filip, D., I. Costa, J. L. Figueirinhas, and M. H. Godinho. "Strain-induced matrix and droplets anisotropic deformation in liquid crystalline cellulose dispersed liquid crystal films." Composite Interfaces. 13.4-6 (2006): 477-486. Abstract
Filip, D., I. Costa, J. L. Figueirinhas, and M. H. Godinho. "Anisotropic cellulose‐derived matrix for dispersed liquid crystals." Liquid crystals. 33.1 (2006): 109-114. Abstract
Fonseca, JG, M. H. Godinho, and AC Ribeiro. "Anchoring properties of a nematic liquid crystal on anisotropic hydroxypropylcellulose films." Liquid crystals. 32.7 (2005): 913-919. Abstract
Fortunato, Elvira, Maria Helena Godinho, Hugo Santos, António Marques, Vitor Assunção, Hugo Águas, Isabel Ferreira, and Rodrigo Martins. "Surface modification of a new flexible substrate based on hydroxypropylcellulose for optoelectronic applications." Thin Solid Films. 442.1 (2003): 127-131. Abstract
Fortunato, E., P. Nunes, A. Marques, D. Costa, H. Águas, I. Ferreira, M. E. V. Costa, M. H. Godinho, PL Almeida, and J. P. Borges. "Transparent, conductive ZnO: Al thin film deposited on polymer substrates by RF magnetron sputtering." Surface and coatings technology. 151 (2002): 247-251. Abstract
Fortunato, Elvira, Patricia Nunes, António Marques, Daniel Costa, Hugo Aguas, Isabel Ferreira, M. E. V. Costa, Maria H. Godinho, Pedro L. Almeida, and Joao P. Borges. "Influence of the strain on the electrical resistance of zinc oxide doped thin film deposited on polymer substrates." Advanced Engineering Materials. 4.8 (2002): 610-612. Abstract
Fried, F., C. R. Leal, M. H. Godinho, and AF Martins. "The first normal stress difference and viscosity in shear of liquid crystalline solutions of hydroxypropylcellulose: new experimental data and theory." Polymers for Advanced Technologies. 5.9 (1994): 596-599. Abstract
Gaspar, D., S. N. Fernandes, AG De Oliveira, J. G. Fernandes, P. Grey, R. V. Pontes, L. Pereira, R. Martins, M. H. Godinho, and E. Fortunato. "Nanocrystalline cellulose applied simultaneously as the gate dielectric and the substrate in flexible field effect transistors." Nanotechnology. 25.9 (2014): 094008. Abstract
Geng, Yong, Pedro L. Almeida, João L. Figueirinhas, Eugene M. Terentjev, and Maria H. Godinho. "Liquid crystal beads constrained on thin cellulosic fibers: electric field induced microrotors and N–I transition." Soft Matter. 8.13 (2012): 3634-3640. Abstract
Geng, Yong, Pedro L. Almeida, Gabriel M. Feio, João L. Figueirinhas, and Maria H. Godinho. "Water-based cellulose liquid crystal system investigated by Rheo-NMR." Macromolecules. 46.11 (2013): 4296-4302. Abstract
Geng, Yong, Pedro Brogueira, Joao Luis Figueirinhas, Maria Helena Godinho, and Pedro Lúcio Almeida. "Light shutters from nanocrystalline cellulose rods in a nematic liquid crystal." Liquid Crystals. 40.6 (2013): 769-773. Abstract
Geng, Yong, Pedro Lúcio Almeida, Susete Nogueira Fernandes, Cheng Cheng, Peter Palffy-Muhoray, and Maria Helena Godinho. "A cellulose liquid crystal motor: a steam engine of the second kind." Scientific reports. 3 (2013): 1028. Abstract
Geng, Yong, David Seč, Pedro L. Almeida, Oleg D. Lavrentovich, Slobodan Žumer, and Maria H. Godinho. "Liquid crystal necklaces: cholesteric drops threaded by thin cellulose fibres." Soft Matter. 9.33 (2013): 7928-7933. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., D. Filip, I. Costa, A. - L. Carvalho, J. L. Figueirinhas, and E. M. Terentjev. "Liquid crystalline cellulose derivative elastomer films under uniaxial strain." Cellulose. 16.2 (2009): 199-205. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., AC Trindade, J. L. Figueirinhas, LV Melo, P. Brogueira, AM Deus, and PIC Teixeira. "Tuneable micro-and nano-periodic structures in a free-standing flexible urethane/urea elastomer film." The European Physical Journal E. 21.4 (2006): 319-330. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., João P. Canejo, LFV Pinto, J. P. Borges, and Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira. "How to mimic the shapes of plant tendrils on the nano and microscale: spirals and helices of electrospun liquid crystalline cellulose derivatives." Soft Matter. 5.14 (2009): 2772-2776. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., LV Melo, and P. Brogueira. "Atomic force microscopy evidence of patterning urethane/urea copolymers." Materials Science and Engineering: C. 23.6 (2003): 919-922. Abstract
Godinho, Maria Helena, Assis Farinha Martins, Mohamed Naceur Belgacem, Luís Gil, and Nereida Cordeiro Properties and processing of cork powder filled cellulose derivatives composites. Vol. 169. Macromolecular Symposia, 169.1. WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH, 2001. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., JG Fonseca, AC Ribeiro, LV Melo, and P. Brogueira. "Atomic force microscopy study of hydroxypropylcellulose films prepared from liquid crystalline aqueous solutions." Macromolecules. 35.15 (2002): 5932-5936. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., J. L. Figueirinhas, C. - T. Zhao, and M. N. de Pinho. "Shear-induced order effects in bi-soft segment urethane/urea elastomers." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 365.1 (2001): 447-457. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., P. Pieranski, and P. Sotta. "Hygroscopic study of hydroxypropylcellulose: Structure and strain-induced birefringence of capillary bridges (Regular Article)." The European physical journal. E, Soft matter. 39.9 (2016): 1-14. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., C. Cruz, Paulo Ivo Cortez Teixeira, AJ Ferreira, C. Costa, PS Kulkarni, and CAM Afonso. "Shear‐induced lamellar phase of an ionic liquid crystal at room temperature." Liquid Crystals. 35.2 (2008): 103-107. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., P. Pieranski, and P. Sotta. "Hygroscopic study of hydroxypropylcellulose." The European Physical Journal E. 39.9 (2016): 89. Abstract
Godinho, M. H., AC Trindade, J. L. Figueirinhas, LV Melo, and P. Brogueira. "3D soft microlithography in segmented anisotropic urethane/urea elastomers." Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals. 437.1 (2005): 53/[1297]-61/[1305]. Abstract
Godinho, Maria Helena, Daniela Filip, Figueirinhas L. João, and Inês Costa ELASP-15 Mechanical and optical properties of monodomain cellulose derivatives liquid crystalline elastomers. The 21st International Liquid Crystal Conference., 2006. Abstract