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Cipriano, F., and A. B. Cruzeiro. "Flows associated with irregular R-d-vector fields." JOURNAL OF DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. 219 (2005): 183-201. Abstract

{This work consists on the study of flows associated with non-smooth R-d-vector fields, namely concerning existence and uniqueness for almost-every initial condition. It is also proved that the flows avoid some special compact sets. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.}

Cipriano, F., and A. B. Cruzeiro. "Flows associated to tangent processes on the Wiener space." JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS. 166 (1999): 310-331. Abstract

{We prove, under certain regularity assumptions on the coefficients, that tangent processes (namely semimartingales d xi(tau) = a dx(tau) + b d tau where a is an antisymmetric matrix) generate flows on the classical Wiener space. Main applications of the result can be found in the study of the geometry of path spaces. (C) 1999 Academic Press.}