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Book Chapter
Silva, TP, D. P. S. Oliveira, M. J. Batista, JP Veiga, F. Noronha, and J. X. Matos. "Rhenium ocurrence in Portugal: an overview considering the valorisation of mineral resources." Rhenium, Properties, Uses and Occurrences. Ed. Eric James. New York: Nova Science Publishers Inc. New York, 2017. 85-116.
Conference Paper
Figueiredo, MO, JP Veiga, and T. Pereira da Silva. "Ageing of high-lead glazes in XVI - XVII century tiles." Proceedings of the International Conference on Non-Destructive Testing and Micro-Analysis for the Diagnostics and Conservation of the Cultural and Environmental Heritage. 2002. 8. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "Ancient Chinese blue-and-white porcelain glazes: can we measure the oxidation state of cobalt through X-ray absorption spectroscopy?" 1º Encontro Nacional dos Utilizadores da Radiação de Sincrotrão= 1st Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal. 2012. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "Ancient glazed ceramic tiles: a long-term, study from the remediation of environmental impacts to the non-destructive characterization of materials." Proceedings of the International Seminar on Conservation of Glazed Ceramic Tiles: Research and Practice. 2009. Abstract
Silva, Teresa Pereira, Daniel PS Oliveira, João Pedro Veiga, Diogo Rosa, and Ondina M. Figueiredo. "An approach to the binding state of indium in natural chalcogenides through the analysis of In L3 edge XANES spectra." 1º Encontro Nacional dos Utilizadores da Radiação de Sincrotrão= 1st Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal. 2012. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, João Pedro Veiga, Isabel M. Prudêncio, Isabel M. Dias, Maria Antónia Matos, and Alexandre Manuel Pais. "Blue pigments in XVI-XVII century glazes: a comparative study between portuguese faiences and contemporary chinese porcelains manufactured for portuguese market." 18th International Materials Research Congress & 2nd Latin-American Symposium Physics & Chemistry Methods in Archeology, Art and Cultural Heritage Conservation, LASMAC-IMRS2009, August 16-20, 2009. 2009. Abstract
Figueiredo, MO, and JP Veiga. "Characterisation of materials used in the aqueduct of Zaghouan-Carthage." Protection and Conservation of the Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Cities: Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium, Sevilla, Spain, 5-8 April 2000. CRC Press, 2002. 101. Abstract
Dias, MI, Ondina M. Figueiredo, Antónia M. Matos, A. Pais, Maria Isabel Prudêncio, Teresa Pereira Silva, Christopher Ian Burbidge, A. L. Rodrigues, and João Pedro Veiga. "Datação, autenticidade, materiais e pigmentos. Estudos laboratoriais sobre faiança portuguesa e porcelana chinesa produzida para o mercado português, séculos XVI a XVIII." IX Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria (CIA). 2011. Abstract
Lima, Maria Margarida Rolim Augusto, L. F. C. Braz, Regina Monteiro, and JP Veiga. "Effect of Phosphogypsum on the Clinkerization Temperature of Portland Cement Clincker." Materials Science Forum. Vol. 730. Trans Tech Publ, 2013. 94-99. Abstract
Figueiredo, Elin, Beatriz Comendador Rey, João Fonte, Emmanuelle Meunier, Aaron Lackinger, Rui JC Silva, João Pedro Veiga, Carlo Bottaini, José Mirão, and Alexandre Lima. "Estanho antigo no Noroeste Peninsular: uma abordagem multidisciplinar e transfronteiriça para o estabelecimento de uma visão integrada." XI Congresso Ibérico de Arqueometria. 2015. Abstract
Pérez, Aureli Alvarez, Pau Arroyo Casals, Jordi Cerreda Jubert, Rita Estrada Aliberas, Núria Guasch Ferré, Ondina M. Figueiredo, and João P. Veiga. "Estudios técnicos y cient{\'ıficos previos a una propuesta de intervención: el caso del acueducto de Cartago." XIII Congreso de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales: Lleida. Del 18 al 22 de octubre de 2000. Generalitat de Catalunya, 2000. 301-310. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "Inferring the formal oxidation state of 3d metal ions from K-edge XANES spectra: how far can we go for cobalt in ancient chinese porcelain glazes?" 2nd International Workshop Physical and Chemical Analytical echniques in Cultural Heritage. 2012. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., João Pedro Veiga, Teresa Pereira Silva, and José António Paulo Mirão. "Lead in jarosite: an X-ray absorption spectroscopy approach." 37th International Symposium on Environmental Analytical Chemistry, ISEAC-37. 2012. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "Nanophases in the mineral world: the unique case of ferrihydrite." III Annual Meeting I3N. 2011. Abstract
Figueiredo, Maria Ondina, Teresa P. Silva, and Joao P. Veiga. "Natural Nanomaterials: Reappraising the Elusive Structure of the Nano-Sized Mineral Ferrihydrite through X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy at the Iron K-Edge." Materials Science Forum. Vol. 730. Trans Tech Publ, 2013. 931-935. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, João Pedro Veiga, Daniel PS Oliveira, and Maria João Batista. "Rhenium in waste material of the sulphur factory from the S. Domingos abandoned mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt, southern Portugal): an X-ray absorption spectroscopy approach." 9th International Symposium on Environmental Geochemistry, 9th ISEG. 2012. Abstract
Silva, Teresa Pereira, Ondina M. Figueiredo, Daniel PS Oliveira, João Pedro Veiga, and Maria João Batista. "Rhenium incorporation in molybdenite: first results of a XANES study." 2nd Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal and ESRF-Day. 2013. Abstract
Lackinger, Aaron, Cristina Fernández Fernández, Beatriz Comendador Rey, Elin Figueiredo, João P. Veiga, and Rui JC Silva. "Sacar el estaño de las piedras: un procedimiento artesanal para la obtención la obtención de estaño en la Galicia Meridional." Presente y futuro de los paisajes mineros del pasado: Estudios sobre miner{\'ıa, metalurgia y poblamiento. Editorial Universidad de Granada, 2017. 259-267. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, Maria João Batista, Daniel PS Oliveira, and João Pedro Veiga. "Scarce industrial commodities: a glance at the possible rhenium availability in mining residues from the exploitation of Portuguese ore deposits." Materials 2013: International Conference. 2013. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, João Pedro Veiga, and Isabel M. Dias. "Speciation state of cobalt in blue glazes: a XAFS study on XVI cent. chinese blue-&-white porcelains." EMRS 2009 Spring Meeting, Symposium R-X-Ray Techniques for Advanced Materials, Nanostructures and Thin Films from Laboratory Sources to Synchronotron Radiation, June 8-12, 2009. 2009. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, João Pedro Veiga, Maria João Batista, and Daniel PS Oliveira. "X-ray absorption near-edge spectroscopy (XANES) applied to the speciation of tungsten in Panasqueira mine debris." 4th ENURS and ESRF-Day Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal. 2015. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, João Pedro Veiga, Daniel PS Oliveira, and Maria João Batista. "X-ray absorption spectroscopy at Re L3-edge applied to mine waste materials: a possible input to the sustainable recovery of rhenium." 2nd Meeting of Synchrotron Radiation Users from Portugal and ESRF-Day. 2013. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "An X-ray spectrometry and absorption spectroscopy study of blue-and-white glazes from ancient Chinese porcelains." European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry-EXRS2010. 2010. Abstract
Figueiredo, Ondina M., Teresa Pereira Silva, and João Pedro Veiga. "An X-ray spectrometry and absorption spectroscopy study of blue-and-white glazes from ancient Chinese porcelains [Abstract]." European Conference on X-ray Spectrometry-EXRS2010. 2010. Abstract
Journal Article
Figueiredo, MO, TP Silva, and JP Veiga. "Analysis of degradation phenomena in ancient, traditional and improved building materials of historical monuments." Applied Physics a-Materials Science & Processing. 92 (2008): 151-154. Abstract