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Journal Article
Ito, Y., T. Tochio, S. Fukushima, A. Taborda, J. M. Sampaio, J. P. Marques, F. Parente, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Santos. "Experimental and theoretical determination of the Kα2/Kα1 intensity ratio for zinc." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy andRadiative Transfer 151 (2015): 295-299. AbstractWebsite

X-ray intensity ratios, such as the Kα2/Kα1 ratio, are parameters with a large application in atomic physics and related scientific and technological areas. D.

Mayo, R., M. Ortiz, F. Parente, and J. P. Santos. "Experimental and theoretical transition probabilities for lines arising from the 6p configurations of Au II." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (2007): 4651. AbstractWebsite
Experimental relative transition probabilities for the 16 more pro-eminent lines arising from the 6p configurations of Au II were determined from the emission-line intensities in a laser-produced plasma. The experiment was carried out using a Cu-Au alloy with 10% Au content in order to obtain an optically thin plasma. Transition probabilities were placed on an absolute scale by using theoretical lifetimes calculated in this work, line-strength sum rules and Boltzmann plot. A comparison has been conducted between present experimental results, the theoretical data available and new calculations with the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method reported in this work, as well as a study of the plasma conditions.
Mayo, R., M. Ortiz, F. Parente, and J. P. Santos. "Experimental and theoretical transition probabilities for lines arising from the 6p configurations of Au II." Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 40 (2007): 4651. AbstractWebsite

Experimental relative transition probabilities for the 16 more pro-eminent lines arising from the 6p configurations of Au II were determined from the emission-line intensities in a laser-produced plasma. The experiment was carried out using a Cu-Au alloy with 10% Au content in order to obtain an optically thin plasma. Transition probabilities were placed on an absolute scale by using theoretical lifetimes calculated in this work, line-strength sum rules and Boltzmann plot. A comparison has been conducted between present experimental results, the theoretical data available and new calculations with the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method reported in this work, as well as a study of the plasma conditions.

Santos, J. P., Mauro Guerra, Jorge M. Sampaio, Gonçalo R. Vília, César A. Godinho, Daniel Pinheiro, Pedro Amaro, José P. Marques, Jorge Machado, Paul Indelicato, Fernando Parente, and José Paulo Santos. "Fundamental Parameters Related to Selenium K\alpha and K\beta Emission X-ray Spectra." Atoms (2021). AbstractWebsite
Marques, J. P., P. Indelicato, F. Parente, J. M. Sampaio, and J. P. Santos. "Ground-state Landé <span class="aps-inline-formula"><math xmlns=""><mi>g</mi></math></span> factors for selected ions along the boron isoelectronic sequence." Physical Review A 94 (2016): 042504. AbstractWebsite

Land\'e $g$ factors for the fine-structure $1{s}^{2}2{s}^{2}2p\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}^{2}P_{1/2}$ and $^{2}P_{3/2}$ levels in the boron isoelectronic sequence for selected $Z$ values have been calculated using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method with both quantum-electrodynamic and electronic correlation corrections included. All-order Breit and vacuum polarization corrections were included in the calculation, with a fully optimized active set wave function. The results are compared with the available theoretical data, showing a very good agreement.

Marques, J. P., P. Indelicato, F. Parente, J. M. Sampaio, and J. P. Santos. "Ground-state Landé g factors for selected ions along the boron isoelectronic sequence." Physical Review A 94 (2016): 042504. AbstractWebsite

Land\'e $g$ factors for the fine-structure $1{s}^{2}2{s}^{2}2p\phantom{\rule{0.16em}{0ex}}^{2}P_{1/2}$ and $^{2}P_{3/2}$ levels in the boron isoelectronic sequence for selected $Z$ values have been calculated using the multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock method with both quantum-electrodynamic and electronic correlation corrections included. All-order Breit and vacuum polarization corrections were included in the calculation, with a fully optimized active set wave function. The results are compared with the available theoretical data, showing a very good agreement.

Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, A. Banerjee, A. Kumar, D. Misra, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "High-resolution x-ray spectra from highly charged Si, S and Cl ions showing evidence of fluorescence active resonant states." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 488 (2014): 132027-2. AbstractWebsite

We have measured the x-ray spectra from highly charged Si, S and Cl ions in collisions with thin foils using a high-resolution x-ray spectrometer. The observed lines have been assigned to various transitions in H-, He- and Li-like ions. For proper identification of line positions, the theoretical calculations have been carried out using a state-of-the-art MCDF code including QED effects, with which the experimental data is in excellent agreement. We have also observed, for the first time, x-rays arising out of the decay of long-lived resonant states in the He-like ions of each species. Details will be presented.

Diepold, Marc, Luis M. P. Fernandes, Jorge Machado, Pedro Amaro, Marwan Abdou-Ahmed, Fernando D. Amaro, Aldo Antognini, François Biraben, Tzu-Ling Chen, Daniel S. Covita, Andreas J. Dax, Beatrice Franke, Sandrine Galtier, Andrea L. Gouvea, Johannes Götzfried, Thomas Graf, Theodor W. Hänsch, Malte Hildebrandt, Paul Indelicato, Lucile Julien, Klaus Kirch, Andreas Knecht, Franz Kottmann, Julian J. Krauth, Yi-Wei Liu, Cristina M. B. Monteiro, Françoise Mulhauser, Boris Naar, Tobias Nebel, François Nez, Jose Paulo Santos, Joaquim M. F. dos Santos, Karsten Schuhmann, Csilla I. Szabo, David Taqqu, João F. C. A. Veloso, Andreas Voss, Birgit Weichelt, and Randolf Pohl. "Improved x-ray detection and particle identification with avalanche photodiodes." Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (2015): 053102-7. AbstractWebsite
Martins, M. C., A. M. Costa, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "Interpretation of X-ray spectra emitted by Ar ions in an ECR ion source." Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 34 (2001): 533-543. AbstractWebsite

We examine the most important processes leading to the creation of excited states from the ground configurations of Ar8+ to Ar16+ ions in an electron-cyclotron resonance ion source, which lead to the emission of K x-ray lines. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, including double KL ionization, transition probabilities and energies for the de-excitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method. With reasonable assumptions about the electron energy distribution, a theoretical K x-ray spectrum is obtained, which reproduces very closely a recent experimental result.

Kup Aylikci, N., J. M. Sampaio, A. Kahoul, V. Aylikci, İ. H. Karahan, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, J. P. Marques, and E. Tirasoglu. "The investigation of K-shell fluorescence parameters of Zn-Fe alloys with different grain size and microstrain values." X-Ray Spectrometry 406 (2017): 1481-10. AbstractWebsite

It is known that zinc alloys with iron group metals have better corrosion resistance than pure zinc. Owing to the corrosion resistance of these alloys, Zn–Fe coatings are widely used in automotive industry...

Santos, J. P., A. M. Costa, M. C. Martins, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "K X-Ray Energies and Transition Probabilities for He-, Li- and Be-like Praseodymium ions." Journal of Physics: Conference Series Accepted (2011).
Santos, J. P., A. M. Costa, M. C. Martins, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "K X-Ray Energies and Transition Probabilities for He-, Li- and Be-like Praseodymium ions." J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 388 (2012): 152018. AbstractWebsite

Theoretical transition energies and probabilities for He-, Li and Be-like Praseodymium ions are calcu- lated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF), including QED corrections. These calculated values are compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore SuperEBIT electron beam ion trap facility [1].

Santos, J. P., A. M. Costa, M. C. Martins, P. Indelicato, and F. Parente. "K X-Ray Energies and Transition Probabilities for He-, Li- and Be-like Praseodymium ions." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 388 (2012): 152018. AbstractWebsite

Theoretical transition energies and probabilities for He-, Li and Be-like Praseodymium ions are calcu- lated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF), including QED corrections. These calculated values are compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore SuperEBIT electron beam ion trap facility [1].

Marques, J. P., M. Guerra, F. Parente, J. P. Santos, P. Indelicato, and J. M. Sampaio. "K-shell width, fluorescence yield, and Kβ/ Kαintensity ratio calculation for Fe in the Dirac-Fock approach." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015): 092094-2. AbstractWebsite
Ito, Y., T. Tochio, H. Ohashi, M. Yamashita, S. Fukushima, M. Polasik, K. Słabkowska, Ł. Syrocki, E. Szymańska, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Indelicato, J. P. Marques, M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, and F. Parente. "Kα1,2x-ray linewidths, asymmetry indices, and [KM]shake probabilities in elements Ca to Ge and comparison with theory for Ca, Ti, and Ge." Physical Review A 94 (2016): 042506-11. AbstractWebsite
Cardoso, P., T. C. Mateus, G. Velu, R. P. Singh, J. P. Santos, M. L. Carvalho, V. M. Louren{\c c}o, F. Lidon, F. Reboredo, and M. Guerra. "Localization and distribution of Zn and Fe in grains of biofortified bread wheat lines through micro- and triaxial-X-ray fluorescence spectrometry." Spectrochim. Acta Part B 141 (2018): 70-79. Abstract


Krauth, Julian J., Karsten Schuhmann, Marwan Abdou Ahmed, Fernando D. Amaro, Pedro Amaro, François Biraben, Tzu-Ling Chen, Daniel S. Covita, Andreas J. Dax, Marc Diepold, Luis M. P. Fernandes, Beatrice Franke, Sandrine Galtier, Andrea L. Gouvea, Johannes Götzfried, Thomas Graf, Theodor W. Hänsch, Jens Hartmann, Malte Hildebrandt, Paul Indelicato, Lucile Julien, Klaus Kirch, Andreas Knecht, Yi-Wei Liu, Jorge Machado, Cristina M. B. Monteiro, Françoise Mulhauser, Boris Naar, Tobias Nebel, François Nez, Joaquim M. F. dos Santos, José Paulo Santos, Csilla I. Szabo, David Taqqu, João F. C. A. Veloso, Jan Vogelsang, Andreas Voss, Birgit Weichelt, Randolf Pohl, Aldo Antognini, and Franz Kottmann. "Measuring the $\upalpha$-particle charge radius with muonic helium-4 ions." Nature 589 (2021): 527-531. AbstractWebsite
Santos, J. P., A. M. Costa, M. C. Martins, F. Parente, and P. Indelicato. "Modeling praseodymium K X-ray lines in an electron beam ion trap." Eur. Phys. J. D 66 (2012): 202. AbstractWebsite

We study the most important processes for the creation of excited states in He-like through C- like praseodymium ions from the ions ground configurations, leading to the emission of K X-ray lines. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, transition probabilities and energies for the deexcitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac- Fock method, including QED corrections. Using these calculated values, a theoretical Kα X-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore Super-EBIT electron beam ion trap facility.

Santos, J. P., A. M. Costa, M. C. Martins, F. Parente, and P. Indelicato. "Modeling praseodymium K X-ray lines in an electron beam ion trap." The European Physical Journal D 66 (2012): 202. AbstractWebsite

We study the most important processes for the creation of excited states in He-like through C- like praseodymium ions from the ions ground configurations, leading to the emission of K X-ray lines. Theoretical values for inner-shell excitation and ionization cross sections, transition probabilities and energies for the deexcitation processes, are calculated in the framework of the multi-configuration Dirac- Fock method, including QED corrections. Using these calculated values, a theoretical Kα X-ray spectrum is obtained, which is compared to recent experimental data obtained in the Livermore Super-EBIT electron beam ion trap facility.

Guerra, M., P. Amaro, J. Machado, and J. P. Santos. "Modified Binary-Encounter-Bethe Model for Electron Impact Ionization Cross Sections of Highly Charged Ions ." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 635 (2015): 052067. AbstractWebsite
Santos, J. P., J. P. Marques, F. Parente, E. Lindroth, S. Boucard, and P. Indelicato. "Multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock calculation of 2s1/2-2p3/2 transition energies in highly ionized bismuth, thorium, and uranium." The European Physical Journal D 1 (1998): 149-163. Abstract

Structure and QED effects for 2s1/2 and 2p3/2 levels are calculated for lithiumlike U89+ trough neonlike U82+, lithiumlike Th87+ trough neonlike Th80+ and lithiumlike Bi80+ trough neonlike Bi73+. The results of the first two sets are compared with recent measurements of the 2s1/2-2p3/2 transition energy in 3 to 10-electron ions. Good agreement with experiment is found for most of the observed lines. Forty-one possible transitions are calculated for each ion in the eight ionization states, in the experimental energy range. Twenty-eight of these transitions have not been observed, nor calculated previously. We also calculate transition rates, branching ratios, excitation and ionization cross sections and confirm that the thirteen experimental observed transitions correspond to the ones with highest relative intensities. However, we find nineteen more transitions that could be measured in a more sensitive experiment.X

Morrison, J. C., S. Boyd, L. Marsano, B. Bialecki, T. Ericsson, and J. P. Santos. "Numerical methods for solving the Hartree-Fock equations of diatomic molecules I." Communications in Computational Physics 5 (2008): 959-985. AbstractWebsite
The theory of domain decomposition is described and used to divide the variable domain of a diatomic molecule into separate regions which are solved independently. This approach makes it possible to use fast Krylov methods in the broad interior of the region while using explicit methods such as Gaussian elimination on the boundaries. As is demonstrated by solving a number of model problems, these methods enable one to obtain solutions of the relevant partial differential equations and eigenvalue equations accurate to six significant figures with a small amount of computational time. Since the numerical approach described in this article decomposes the variable space into separate regions where the equations are solved independently, our approach is very well-suited to parallel computing and offers the long term possibility of studying complex molecules by dividing them into smaller fragments that are calculated separately.
Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Misra, A. Kumar, P. K. Mukherjee, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "Observation of 2p3 d (1Po)→ 1s3d (1De) Radiative Transition in He-like Si, S, and Cl Ions." Physical Review Letters 111 (2013): 243201. AbstractWebsite
Kasthurirangan, S., J. K. Saha, A. N. Agnihotri, S. Bhattacharyya, D. Misra, A. Kumar, P. K. Mukherjee, J. P. Santos, A. M. Costa, P. Indelicato, T. K. Mukherjee, and L. C. Tribedi. "Observation of 2p3 d (1Po)→ 1s3d (1De) Radiative Transition in He-like Si, S, and Cl Ions." Physical Review Letters 111 (2013): 243201. AbstractWebsite
Ménesguen, Y., {M. C. } Lépy, Y. Ito, M. Yamashita, S. Fukushima, M. Polasik, K. Słabkowska, Syrocki, E. Wȩder, P. Indelicato, {J. P. } Marques, {J. M. } Sampaio, M. Guerra, F. Parente, and {J. P. } Santos. "Precise x-ray energies of gadolinium determined by a combined experimental and theoretical approach." Journal Of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 236 (2019). Abstract

We combined different experimental techniques with a theoretical approach to determine a consistent set of diagram lines energies and binding energies. We propose an original approach consisting in determining the mass attenuation coefficients in an energy range covering the L-, M- and N- absorption edges, including a detailed evaluation of the associated uncertainties, to derive precisely the binding energies. We investigated the Lα, Lβ and M spectra of Gd with an independantly calibrated high-resolution anti-parallel double-crystal x-ray spectrometer. All the lines were identified and found in excellent agreement with the binding energies previously derived. Morever, we identified for the first time M5−O2, M4−O2,3 and M4−N2,3 diagram lines.