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Indelicato, P., J. P. Santos, S. Boucard, and J. P. Descalux. "QED and relativistic corrections in superheavy elements." The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 45 (2007): 155-170. AbstractWebsite
In this paper we review the different relativistic and QED contributions to energies, ionic radii, transition probabilities and Landé g-factors in super-heavy elements, with the help of the MultiConfiguration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF). The effects of taking into account the Breit interaction to all orders by including it in the self-consistent field process are demonstrated. State of the art radiative corrections are included in the calculation and discussed. We also study the non-relativistic limit of MCDF calculation and find that the non-relativistic offset can be unexpectedly large.
Indelicato, P., E. Lindroth, T. Beier, J. Bieron, A. M. Costa, I. Lindgren, J. P. Marques, A. M. Martenson-Pendrill, M. C. Martins, M. A. Ourdane, F. Parente, P. Patté, G. C. Rodrigues, S. Salomonson, and J. P. Santos. "Relativistic Calculations for Trapped Ions." Hyperfine Interactions 132 (2001): 347-361. AbstractWebsite

We present recent results in the field of total binding energy calculations, Landщ factors, quantum electrodynamics corrections and lifetime that are of interest for ion traps and ion sources. We describe in detail MCDF and RMBPT calculation of ionic binding energies, which are needed for the determination of atomic masses from highly charged ion measurements. We also show new results concerning Landщ factor in 3-electron ions. Finally we describe how relativistic calculations can help understand the physics of heavy ion production ion sources.

Indelicato, P., J. P. Santos, S. Boucard, and J. P. Descalux. "QED and relativistic corrections in superheavy elements." The European Physical Journal D - Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics 45 (2007): 155-170. AbstractWebsite

In this paper we review the different relativistic and QED contributions to energies, ionic radii, transition probabilities and Landé g-factors in super-heavy elements, with the help of the MultiConfiguration Dirac-Fock method (MCDF). The effects of taking into account the Breit interaction to all orders by including it in the self-consistent field process are demonstrated. State of the art radiative corrections are included in the calculation and discussed. We also study the non-relativistic limit of MCDF calculation and find that the non-relativistic offset can be unexpectedly large.Topical Issue on the Atomic Properties of the Heaviest Elements

Indelicato, P., G. C. Rodrigues, E. Lindroth, M. A. Ourdane, F. Parente, J. P. Santos, P. Patté, and J. Bieron. "Relativistic and many-body effects on total binding energies of Cesium and other highly-charged ion." Physica Scripta T92 (2001): 327. Abstract

The determination of atomic masses from highly ionized atoms using Penning Traps requires precise values for electronic binding energies. In the present work, binding energies of several ions (from several elements) are calculated in the framework of two relativistic many-body methods: Relativistic Many-Body Perturbation Theory (RMBPT) and Multi-Configuration Dirac– Fock (MCDF). The ions studied in this work are: Cl (He and Li-like), Se (F and Ne-like), Cs (He, Be, Ne, Al, Cl, Ar, K, Kr, Xe-like and neutral Cs), Hg, Pb and U (Br and Kr-like). Some of them are presented in this paper. Cesium has been treated in more details, allowing for a systematic comparison between MCDF and RMBPT methods. The Cs ions binding energies allow for the determination of atomic Cs mass, which can be used in a QED-independent fine structure constant determination.

Indelicato, P., G. C. Rodrigues, J. P. Santos, P. Patté, J. P. Marques, and F. Parente. "Systematic calculation of Total Atomic Binding Energies." Hyperfine Interactions 146-147 (2003): 115-119. Abstract
Ito, Y., T. Tochio, M. Yamashita, S. Fukushima, A. M. Vlaicu, Ł. Syrocki, K. Słabkowska, E. Weder, M. Polasik, K. Sawicka, P. Indelicato, J. P. Marques, J. M. Sampaio, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, and F. Parente. "Structure of high-resolution K$\beta$1,3 x-ray emission spectra for the elements from Ca to Ge." Phys. Rev. A 97 (2018): 052505. Abstract


Ito, Y., T. Tochio, S. Fukushima, A. Taborda, J. M. Sampaio, J. P. Marques, F. Parente, P. Indelicato, and J. P. Santos. "Experimental and theoretical determination of the Kα2/Kα1 intensity ratio for zinc." Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy andRadiative Transfer 151 (2015): 295-299. AbstractWebsite

X-ray intensity ratios, such as the Kα2/Kα1 ratio, are parameters with a large application in atomic physics and related scientific and technological areas. D.

Ito, Y., T. Tochio, M. Yamashita, S. Fukushima, A. M. Vlaicu, J. P. Marques, J. M. Sampaio, M. Guerra, J. P. Santos, Ł. Syrocki, K. Słabkowska, E. WÈ©der, M. Polasik, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Indelicato, Y. Ménesguen, M.-Ch. Lépy, and F. Parente. "Structure of K$\upalpha$1,2- and K$\upbeta$1,3-emission x-ray spectra for Se, Y, and Zr." Physical Review A 102 (2020). AbstractWebsite
Ito, Y., T. Tochio, H. Ohashi, M. Yamashita, S. Fukushima, M. Polasik, K. Słabkowska, Ł. Syrocki, E. Szymańska, J. Rzadkiewicz, P. Indelicato, J. P. Marques, M. C. Martins, J. P. Santos, and F. Parente. "Kα1,2x-ray linewidths, asymmetry indices, and [KM]shake probabilities in elements Ca to Ge and comparison with theory for Ca, Ti, and Ge." Physical Review A 94 (2016): 042506-11. AbstractWebsite