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Hammami, Imen, Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça, Sílvia Rodrigues Gavinho, Suresh Kumar Jakka, João Paulo Borges, Jorge Carvalho Silva, and Luís Cadillon Costa. "Exploring the Impact of Copper Oxide Substitution on Structure, Morphology, Bioactivity, and Electrical Properties of 45S5 Bioglass®." 9.4 (2024): 213. Abstract
Hammami, Imen, Sílvia Rodrigues Gavinho, Ana Sofia Pádua, Maria Carmo do Lança, João Paulo Borges, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Suresh Kumar Jakka, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Extensive investigation on the effect of niobium insertion on the physical and biological properties of 45S5 bioactive glass for dental implant." 24.6 (2023): 5244. Abstract
Hammami, Imen, Sílvia Rodrigues Gavinho, Ana Sofia Pádua, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, Jorge Carvalho Silva, João Paulo Borges, Manuel Almeida Valente, and Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça. "Bioactive Glass Modified with Zirconium Incorporation for Dental Implant Applications: Fabrication, Structural, Electrical, and Biological Analysis." 24.13 (2023): 10571. Abstract
Hammami, Imen, Sílvia Rodrigues Gavinho, Suresh Kumar Jakka, Manuel Almeida Valente, Manuel Pedro Fernandes Graça, Ana Sofia Pádua, Jorge Carvalho Silva, Isabel Sá-Nogueira, and João Paulo Borges. "Antibacterial Biomaterial Based on Bioglass Modified with Copper for Implants Coating." 14.7 (2023): 369. Abstract